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The Wizard's Fortune are a series of notes in the Fallout 76 update Steel Reign. They are obtained by interacting with the fortune teller machine, obtained from Escape from the 42nd Century, the game's fifth season.

Wizard's Fortune #01[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes01 Form ID 0060595D

A beautiful, funny, and loving Protectron will enter your life soon.

Wizard’s Fortune #02[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes02 Form ID 0060595E

Your lucky numbers are: 76, 94, 96, 63, 79

Wizard’s Fortune #03[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes03 Form ID 0060595F

A foolish person follows their heart. A wise one follows their fortune teller.

Wizard’s Fortune #04[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes04 Form ID 00605960

It's important to remain vigilant. Keep one eye on the ball and another on the bot.

Wizard’s Fortune #05[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes05 Form ID 00605961

The fortune you seek is on another card.

Wizard’s Fortune #06[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes06 Form ID 00605962

To become a sergeant, it takes guts. It helps if those guts are wired for courage.

Wizard’s Fortune #07[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes07 Form ID 00605963

All fortunes are a lie except for this one.

Wizard’s Fortune #08[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes08 Form ID 00605964

A steel heart can be saved by a heart of gold.

Wizard’s Fortune #09[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes09 Form ID 00605965

A chance nuclear war opens new doors to prosperity and friendship.

Wizard’s Fortune #10[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes10 Form ID 00605966

To secure the treasure of Mount Blair, you must rid the place of all security.

Wizard’s Fortune #11[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes11 Form ID 00605967

About time someone got me out of that machine.

Wizard’s Fortune #12[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes12 Form ID 00605968

An inaccurate count means no consensus.

Wizard’s Fortune #13[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes13 Form ID 00605969

If life has you down, don't worry, it's not the end of the world.

Wizard’s Fortune #14[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes14 Form ID 0060596A

Sometimes even corpses need saving.

Wizard’s Fortune #15[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes15 Form ID 0060596B

Blessed are the children for they will inherit a scorched earth.

Wizard’s Fortune #16[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes16 Form ID 0060596C

The scope of the bog is vast. When the thunder rolls, make your mark.

Wizard’s Fortune #17[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes17 Form ID 0060596D

If you want to succeed in life, never do anything half-

Wizard’s Fortune #18[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes18 Form ID 0060596E

Don't let sleeping dogwoods die.

Wizard’s Fortune #19[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes19 Form ID 0060596F

A career change is imminent. Send an application to RobCo today!

Wizard’s Fortune #20[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes20 Form ID 00605970

A dropped connection could connect you with a lost supply.

Wizard’s Fortune #21[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes21 Form ID 00605971

Congratulations! You can read. The part that should scare you is, I can write.

Wizard’s Fortune #22[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes22 Form ID 00605972

On fertile ground, go forth and be well, and try not to chat.

Wizard’s Fortune #23[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes23 Form ID 00605973

Fasnacht what a parade can do for you, but what you can do for a parade.

Wizard’s Fortune #24[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes24 Form ID 00605974

Breathe fire, swat a fly, and salvage a heap.

Wizard’s Fortune #25[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes25 Form ID 00605975

Why nuke a city when you can Nuka-Cola instead?

Wizard’s Fortune #26[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes26 Form ID 00605976

Even if the sky is clear, expect rain on a Grafton Day parade.

Wizard’s Fortune #27[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes27 Form ID 00605977

Fortune not found. Please contact a supervisor for support.

Wizard’s Fortune #28[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes28 Form ID 00605978

You'll catch more creatures with honey than fear.

Wizard’s Fortune #29[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes29 Form ID 00605979

Being S.P.E.C.I.A.L. starts with a bit of strength and ends with a lot of luck.

Wizard’s Fortune #30[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes30 Form ID 0060597A

Listening to a melody will lead to a hairy encounter.

Wizard’s Fortune #31[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes31 Form ID 0060597B

Sugar Bombs for breakfast and Blamco Mac and Cheese for lunch means an explosion for dinner.

Wizard’s Fortune #32[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes32 Form ID 0060597C

There are few things more dangerous than a mad dog on the loose.

Wizard’s Fortune #33[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes33 Form ID 0060597D

Winning the Watoga Atomic Lottery is a bad way to lose weight.

Wizard’s Fortune #34[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes34 Form ID 0060597E

Taking candy from a baby is easy. Getting candy as a monster is hard.

Wizard’s Fortune #35[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes35 Form ID 0060597F

In war time, cooler heads prevail, and frozen foods preserve. Use Appalachia Freeze!

Wizard’s Fortune #36[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes36 Form ID 00605980

If you want to grow a beanstalk, use chemicals, not magic.

Wizard’s Fortune #37[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes37 Form ID 00605981

Never try to lift an ExcelleciseIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar piano. You will B-flat.

Wizard’s Fortune #38[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes38 Form ID 00605982

For the bloody eagle, the light at the end of the tunnel is a blast from your shotgun.

Wizard’s Fortune #39[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes39 Form ID 00605983

Country roads will take you home. Country moonshine will take you out.

Wizard’s Fortune #40[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes40 Form ID 00605984

To live in Cranberry Heights, your karma must reach a new low.

Wizard’s Fortune #41[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes41 Form ID 00605985

Wizard’s Fortune #42[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes42 Form ID 00605986

Don't shoot the messenger. Escort them.

Wizard’s Fortune #43[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes43 Form ID 00605987

People in Glassed Caverns shouldn't grow stones.

Wizard’s Fortune #44[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes44 Form ID 00605988

Give a man an Excavator, and he'll mine for a day. Replace him with a machine, and it'll mine for a lifetime.

Wizard’s Fortune #45[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes45 Form ID 00605989

For enlightenment, walk the Winding Path. For entitlement, walk the course at Whitespring.

Wizard’s Fortune #46[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes46 Form ID 0060598A

A close friend will make a Crocolossal mistake. It's best to let it slide.

Wizard’s Fortune #47[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes47 Form ID 0060598B

All things expire. If your stimpak has, you probably will too.

Wizard’s Fortune #48[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes48 Form ID 0060598C

In between Point Pleasant and Pleasant Valley is a home for wayward souls.

Wizard’s Fortune #49[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes49 Form ID 0060598D

You will meet a small, dark stranger at Camden Park. The details of this encounter are fuzzy.

Wizard’s Fortune #50[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes50 Form ID 0060598E

Even the most Valiant efforts can fall to ruin.

Wizard’s Fortune #51[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes51 Form ID 0060598F

At night, a kid should sleep with his glove, not his bats.

Wizard’s Fortune #52[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes52 Form ID 00605990

A purple light and a clear night may lead to a chance encounter.

Wizard’s Fortune #53[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes53 Form ID 00605991

Wendigo? I'm not sure, but I can tell you where.

Wizard’s Fortune #54[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes54 Form ID 00605992

To enroll at VTU, you must be willing to leave your pride, and everything else, at the vault door.

Wizard’s Fortune #55[]

Editor ID ATX_Book_Fortunes55 Form ID 00605993

To get an actual fortune, please deposit another 10 dollars.


Many of the fortunes relate to certain phrases and quotes, modified to convey Fallout 76 events, locations, and interactions.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The notes and the fortune teller machine were first added to the game's files with the Locked & Loaded update, but were not implemented until the release of Steel Reign and Escape from the 42nd Century.
  • Fortune #23 is a reference to a quote from John F. Kennedy: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." The quote was spoken during his inauguration, which took place on January 20, 1961.

