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Fallout Wiki

Charleston Herald: Mystery Disappearance is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.


Can be found Vault 63 atrium, upper level.



Mystery Disappearance

There have been growing concerns in the Shenandoah community after the unexplained disappearance of a senior advisor to the acclaimed multi-millionaire, Hugo Stolz.
The advisor in question, Quentin Hake, was last seen on his visit to a local research facility, where he was to meet with leading scientists involved in the newly completed ATLAS Observatory. Whilst any specifics about this highly secretive facility are unknown, there have been unconfirmed reports that the pioneering technology being worked on may have something to do with altering weather patterns in the local area.
Cassidy Stolz, Hugo's wife and business partner, had this to say about the disappearance: "We are extremely concerned to hear the news that Quentin has gone missing. He is a highly valued member of our workforce and we pride ourselves on putting employee wellbeing first. We hope and pray that Quentin will be found safe and sound as soon as possible."
Local law enforcement officials have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Hake's disappearance and ask that any individuals with pertinent information report to the nearest station as soon as possible.
