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The last will and testament of Jeremiah Ward is a paper note in Fallout 76.


It can be found on a kitchen table inside of a small trailer at the northeastern end of Flatwoods.


Will and Testament

I, Jeremiah Ward, resident in the town of Flatwoods, county of... not sure.
Being of sound mind, and not acting under... duress. Mostly.
Hereby declare this letter to be my last will and testament.

Mia gets the house, and everything in it.

It ain't much but that's all I got to give and... she's all I got.
I know she's still alive.

The Responders say the dogs got her, but I know it ain't true.
They been real good to us. Teaching an old geezer like me how to really cook is something. I'll give em that.

But I know they lyin In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar about those dogs. I seen em in the hills. There's some bad folks scoping us out. They took my granddaughter, I just know it.

I'll get you back, Mia. I promise.

