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Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is a post-apocalyptic computer role-playing game that was developed and published by Interplay in 1997 and is the first game in the Fallout series. The game takes place in the year 2161 on the West Coast of what used to be the United States, particularly in California.






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Tycho was a Desert Ranger from east of California, in the Nevada area. His family comes from people who survived the devastation when Great War happened, likely living among the badlands of Nevada. Tycho learned a lot about desert survival and whatnot from his small community, which kept a strong survivalist contingent -- so they still had some small arms and books. They probably had something like the cliff-dwelling Indians going on for their town. Tycho took off to wandering the desert with traders and explorers for several years, returning from time to time with goods or maps. Most likely he started with small trips and went further abroad as he became more experienced. He went as far as the Gulf of Mexico in Texas and then headed back west. Eventually he wound up on the west coast as a long-range explorer from a loose group of desert rangers whose actual origins, scope and purpose weren't defined.
