Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Welcome to Nukapedia the Fallout Wiki
The ultimate source for all things Fallout since 2005 and constantly growing!
For the past 19 years, we've been hard at work creating the greatest guide to the Fallout series.
46,262 articles, 429 active editors, by fans, for fans.
Want to get involved? Jump right in!
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Nukapedia the Fallout Wiki is a community of volunteer collaborators that work to provide reliable, accurate, and comprehensive documentation of the Fallout series as well as its media and production. We rely on knowledgeable fans to help reach our goal of providing timely updates from sources our readers can trust.

Community news
Fallout 76 updates
Main page totally honest TVA advertisement
New roadmap for Fallout 76 - Expeditions: The Pitt, and Nuka-World on Tour and more!

The future of Nukapedia: by TheGunny2.0

Gunny has written a blog post about the future of Nukapedia and would like everyone to take a look!
The Future of Nukapedia!
