Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Vault 63 atrium is a section of Vault 63 in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.


Built underneath Dark Hollow Manor (the family home of Hugo and Cassidy Stolz), the atrium served as the administrative center of all of Vault 63, including the offices of the overseer (Hugo Stolz) and the chief of security (James Oberlin). The residential wing of Vault 63 was also hosted here, as well as a clinic, a nuclear reactor, a garden, and various amenities.

As of 2105, the atrium is home to the last remaining dwellers of Vault 63 who have not gone feral or been turned into Lost.


The Vault 63 atrium is divided into two levels, the upper level and the lower level.

Notable loot[]

Upper level[]

Lower level[]

Related quests[]


The Vault 63 atrium appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.


Atrium upper level[]

Loot and notes[]

Atrium lower level[]
