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The abandoned Bog Town, formerly known as Bog Town,[1] is a location in the Cranberry Bog region of Appalachia. It is a public workshop with claim and defend event quests.


The area consists of the remains of a small unincorporated town on Highway 65 called Bog Town,[1] whose main attraction was a Red Rocket gas station that allowed travelers to refuel before continuing on their journey. Having existed long enough that some residents had been there for five generations,[2] the town went into decline after the completion of Watoga. Many houses inside the town are inaccessible, having been condemned. After the Great War, it briefly rose in size due to a gang of raiders who moved into the village of wood and metal shacks located behind the main string of buildings.

The raiders primarily spent their time raiding the nearby city of Watoga[3] while some experimented with chems[4] and traded. In time, a decline of travelers to steal from, loss of the gangs' trucks, and general chem addiction caused the raider town's prosperity to diminish.[5]


Running through the town is Highway 65. On the west side of the highway, there is a police station, bus station, and an abundance of shacks, broken houses, warehouses, and trailers. On the east side of the highway are the workshop, more shacks, a three story brick building (3rd floor only accessible through roof elevator entrance), and most of the workshop's resource deposits.

Abandoned Bog Town is a claimable workshop. There are lots of notes and holotapes throughout the small town, as well as workbenches, and a stash box inside the south Red Rocket station. The building in the center of town has a floor full of phones, typewriters, and other loot - only accessible through the elevator at the top of the hole in the floor. The office building in this town is a good source for springs and screws, in the form of typewriters, clipboards, and antique globes. It can be entered by climbing the fire escape ladders of the tallest building and going into the open elevator shaft on the roof. A modified laser gun spawns in a barn at the edge of the town.

The town itself stretches along Route 65, which divides it sharply into two halves. The western half is further divided by a road running down the district. Clockwise, from the bus stop in the north, one can search the ruined houses that line the highway, a police station, a trapped, destroyed caravan in the south, and burned-out chem trailers and an old warehouse in the southwestern corner. The most notable location is a small trailer parked inside a garage in the northwestern corner, which was the home of Scott Turner, the Watogan saboteur, who ended up dying from radiation exposure, regretting his actions.

The eastern part of the town is in slightly better repair. From the north, it includes condemned housing, the now derelict Adelaide's Diner, an old office building that, together with the adjacent shantytown, made up a raider stronghold once, and finally, the old Red Rocket station.

The workshop is in the shanty town on the east side behind the red brick building and covers a rectangle area bounded by the northern edge of the brick building, the creek a short walk east, and the tinker's workbench roughly down south. The available resources are: food (7), water (3), concrete (3), silver (1), gold (1), acid (1) and oil (1).

This location is typically inhabited by super mutants and a behemoth.

Notable loot[]

Holotapes and notes[]

  • End of Bog Town - Note, on the counter in the Red Rocket.
  • Enola Walker's story, part 3 - Holotape, in front of Red Rocket on a table with glowing fungus on it.
  • Exploding labs - Note, on a desk at the top of the building north of the Red Rocket station.
  • Free Watoga! - Notes, three copies are found near the Saboteur, Scott Turner, on his desk, stacked on top of each other. 64 copies can be found inside of the desk container itself.
  • Goodbye dad - Holotape, in a mailbox near the bus stop.
  • Herald editorial on Allegheny Asylum - Note, three copies spread around town.
    • One on the front desk of the police station.
    • One on the front desk of the condemned office building opposite the police station.
    • One on a shelf in Scott Turner's hideout.
  • Last words - Holotape, found on a table in Scott Turner's hideout.
  • Letter from Jennica - Note, on Scott Turner's corpse.
  • Letter to Jennica - Note, on Scott Turner's corpse.
  • Letter to Mayor - Note, in a desk near Scott Turner's corpse.
  • Letter to mom - Note, in a desk near Scott Turner's corpse.
  • Letter to Sandy - Note, in a desk near Scott Turner's corpse.
  • Mycology notes - Note, near some planters in a makeshift greenhouse built on the roof of a building to the south of the area (cannot be picked up). Access by dropping through a hole in the greenhouse's roof.
  • New crew - Note, on the counter of the makeshift bar to the north of the Red Rocket (the building contains a cooking stove). It is near a raider corpse slumped on a barstool.
  • Notice of expulsion - Note, three copies spread around town.
    • One in the condemned building with a cooking station, just north of the police station.
    • On a table in a half-destroyed building across the road to the west of the Red Rocket.
    • On a bus to the north of town, across from two unmarked sheds.
  • Operation Free Watoga log 322 - Holotape, can be found on a table in Scott Turner's hideout.
  • Retirement - Holotape, on the front counter of the police station.
  • Rich Taylor's testament - Note, to the east, on a rock near a duffle bag on a wooden stump.
  • Saboteur's work password - Note, in a safe, bottom of the filing cabinet left of the terminal during Mayor for a Day.
  • Villa available - Note, on the second floor scaffolding on the southern entrance to the area.
  • Where now? - Holotape, behind a Picklock 0 door in the condemned house to the north of Adelaide's Diner.

Other loot[]


Power can be supplied to the workshop by completing the Powering Up Thunder Mountain event.


The abandoned Bog Town appears only in Fallout 76.


