Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The lost home is a location in the Cranberry Bog region of Appalachia.


A shantytown built before the Great War, the lost home was used as shelter by Parker and his daughter Kelley. Kelley suffered from radiation sickness following the war, but when Parker went out to find medical supplies for her, the lost home was attacked by wild dogs and Kelley was eaten alive.[1]


There are two shacks here sitting outside of an open-topped area with smaller shanties inside of it. There is an armor workbench, a cooking station, a brewing station and a power armor station on this structure, as well as a non-functioning sniper rifle trap to the left. An unusable bed is on the right and a flight of stairs leads up to the walls protecting the home. The smaller shack to the east, outside of the walls, has little of note besides another cooking station and a first aid. The southern shack has a mattress in it.

Notable loot[]

  • Requiem for Kelley - Holotape, on a blue table in the open-topped area.
  • Power armor chassis with T-series armor pieces - In the largest shack at a power armor station.
  • Two potential Vault-Tec bobbleheads:
    • On the southern corner of the corrugated roof, by the green card table and two deck chairs (sniper's area), in the blue tray container.
    • Inside the southern corner shanty house with the dark red couch and cooking pot, in the small wood box near the paint box and "animal control" chem box.
  • Two potential magazines:
    • Inside the northeast shack with the bear trap on the table, in the northwest corner of the shack, under a dark red sofa.
    • Inside the lone shack in the southern part of the settlement, by the dining table, on the green chair.
  • Potential power armor mod - On the roof with a sleeping bag, in a wine holder.
  • Potential weapon mod - Inside the lone shack in the southern part of the settlement, within an open wooden crate.
  • Mini nuke - On a blue table in the open-topped area.
  • Fusion core - Inside the lone shack in the southern part of the settlement, on the dining table.


The lost home appears only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

Level designer Craig Bernardo worked on this location's design and creation.[2]


