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ATLAS Observatory was a location in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia, currently known as Fort Atlas.[1] Once the site of an advanced military science project, the observatory lay dormant for years following the Great War, inhabited by hostile robots.


While appearing to be an astronomical research laboratory, ATLAS was a military project on weather modification. The ATLAS Program, or Atmospheric Terraforming Laser Accelerator System, had limited success in its early months. On January 24, 2076, its lead, Major Kirk Bentley was replaced by Lieutenant Colonel James Oberlin, with the project set to have its funding cut unless scalable results were able to be produced by the following April.[2]

Under Oberlin's oversight, the project progressed rapidly. By March 12, the prototype had succeeded in initiating light rainfall across a significant localized area. Funding for the ATLAS Program was extended under the condition that Dr. Hammond, the facility's chief research scientist, invested more research into higher-energy weather conditions.[3] By August 20, the doctor was able to produce a wide variety of weather conditions based on data his team delivered to the lab. The latest prototype was capable of producing near-whiteout blizzard conditions, uncharacteristic weather for mid-August.[4]

By August 2077, the project had been fully approved and funded for military use. Oberlin theorized that the system could diminish the threat of nuclear war by subtly sabotaging the enemy by manipulating the weather.[5] On October 16, the ATLAS program and facility was suddenly ordered to be shut down, despite the project's success and utility.[6] By October 22, Oberlin was instructed to falsify all of the facility's data to make it appear as a failure.[7]

In spite of the facility's cancellation and the ensuing Great War, Dr. Hammond continued to work on the project for another five months, replacing the main lens, completing particle analyzes and stabilizing the accelerator while attempting to use security robots as assistants.[8]


Main article: Fort Atlas

In 2103, Lucky Lou scavenged several automated turrets from the observatory for use in attempting to commit suicide and avoid turning feral.[9] Later that year, Russell Dorsey established a campsite near the facility's entrance and, with the assistance of his utility Protectrons, began constructing a framework around the structure. This included various elevated platforms, a medical tent, a landing pad, and deliberately sealing the observatory's interior.[10] In 2103, Russell Dorsey collaborated with the Vault Dwellers of Vault 76 to construct a base for the incoming Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force, using the observatory as their construction site. Upon arrival, the Brotherhood renamed the facility to Fort Atlas, converting it into its current appearance.


The observatory caps the crest of a hill along Route 63 east of Monongah. The exterior of the building was previously guarded by various robots and automated wall turrets. The three entrances of the building led to a multi-level structure with border rooms encircling a vaulted central room that houses the telescope. It was filled with Protectrons, Mister Gutsies, and a high-level Assaultron. The building was full of loot and junk, including a Vault-Tec bobblehead in the main telescope room.

Notable loot[]



Note that the interior was sealed with The Legendary Run update, from Fortifying ATLAS until the release of Steel Dawn.


The location of ATLAS Observatory was renamed to Fort Atlas in patch 24, the initial release of Steel Dawn.


ATLAS Observatory appeared only in Fallout 76. It was expanded upon in The Legendary Run update, before being fully converted to Fort Atlas with Steel Dawn.


Fortifying ATLAS[]

ATLAS Observatory[]


  1. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.409 "22. OBSERVATORY
    The Atlas Observatory, an atmospheric and astronomic facility, is one of the largest domed telescopes still left standing. It offers loot as well as information on what scientific research was going on before the bombs dropped. Outside, the rocky mountain outcrop upon which the observatory is built offers exceptional views to the west, toward Monongah. There's a small exterior door (2) on the structure's western edge, but the main entrance is on the south side, after navigating an enemy-filled parking lot (or sneaking in via the lower loading dock entrance to the southeast). Inside, the circular structure is somewhat confusing unless you methodically search each chamber, culminating with a check of the giant telescope itself."

    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia)
  2. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [1-24-76]
  3. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [3-12-76]
  4. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [08-20-76]
  5. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [8-17-77]
  6. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [10-18-77]
  7. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [10-22-77]
  8. ATLAS research log 293
  9. Carleton Mine terminal entries; Lou's engineering log, Turrets
  10. Back in a bit