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The Carleton Mine terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in Carleton Mine in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.


FO76WL Carleton Mine (Engine Room Terminal)

Note: This console terminal is located in the engine room, down the cavern accessed after blowing a hole in the rock wall, and in a side room with a sleeping bag.


Engine Room Maintenance Terminal


[Staff Notice]

We can't wait much longer for the fuel pump to be repaired. I'll be visiting corporate next week to push on this issue. If Dwayne's guy can't fit us in before November, we may need to hire a local contractor in Grafton or Morgantown.

If there's a complete failure while I'm away, talk to Jonah. He worked maintenance in Gauley mine, and knows how to contact their technician.

- Martin

Lou's engineering notes[]

FO76WL Carleton Mine (Lou’s Engineering Notes)

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the office niche in the large room with the turrets.


Engineering Notes:



I've found a store of military-grade turrets in an old observatory to the South. No idea why they needed this firepower. It's mine now.

These turrets are in good shape. I've tested a few, and they all seem to work. I still can't bring myself to walk in front of one, but I have a new plan to work around that...

Trial Run #2[]


The turrets are all set up, but those giant, hideous rats keep running through the room and setting 'em off. Their corpses are...liquidy. Makes my stomach churn, thinking that that will be me.

Tremors have also been a problem. Yeah, tremors. Yesterday I replaced all the turret wiring, and then a small quake set them off. Somehow, they ended up targeting each other. Now I need new turrets.

I'm starting to sour on this whole damned plan.



OK, I'm done here.

Everything was setup perfectly today. Perfectly! I was eating another "last meal" over by the excavator, when a damned rock fell on the button and activated the turrets.

They targeted me, but the excavator blocked most of the fire. Two of the rounds grazed my arm, and god this hurts worse than I thought it would! What the hell was I thinking?

I hate this place. I don't want to die, but I can't let myself become one of those "things". I know what I have to do, even if my heart ain't in it. Dammit, back to the drawing board.


FO76WL Carleton Mine (Terminal 01)

Note: This googie terminal is located standing next to the door in the large room with the turrets, near a bright red light.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Remote Door Control[]

Vehicle inventory terminal[]

Note: This googie terminal is standing at the maintenance area just past Lucky Lou's camp.


Carleton Mine Maintenance Terminal
Vehicle Inventory Records

Forklift Operation Records[]


Forklift Operation Records:

J. Riviera: 7:02am - 10/1/77 - SPJ5506P-31
T. Mickelwhite: 10:38am - 10/3/77 - SPJ3900-A5
J. Riviera: 3:40pm - 10/3/77 - SPJ5506P-31
F. LeSeur: 8:10am - 10/14/77 - PMJ-0383-5P2
F. LeSeur: 2:30pm - 10/15/77 - PMJ-0383-5P2
J. Riviera: 7:00am - 10/22/77 - SPJ3900-A5

Maintenance Requests[]

SPJ5506P-31 - Wheel Replacement[]


10/3/77: Left rear wheel deformed. Needs replacement.

PMJ-0383-5P2 - Steering[]


10/15/77: Sticks to the left. Noticed this over the past two days.


Note: This wall-mounted terminal is on the wall in the hallway accessed by using the elevator in Lou's camp. It is connected to a set of blue double doors, which require the terminal to be unlocked.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Remote Door Control[]


Note: This wall-mounted terminal is on the wall behind the garage door near the entrance to the mine, the one that is locked during Cheating Death. It is accessed by using the elevator in Lou's camp and heading south.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) TermLink

Garage Door Control[]


Garage Door Control Interface
STATUS: Closed

Note: This is displayed once the door has been opened.


Garage Door Control Interface

Open Door[]

Note: Accessing this command opens the door.


Opening garage door... done.


> Accessing Door...
