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The Vault's door rolled open exactly one year after the bombs fell. Those who had been living safely within its confines found the Wasteland, and groups of other survivors on the outside, to be less than welcoming of their arrival. Vault 94 remains, though its inhabitants are long gone, and it has been completely overrun by nature. Yet, something within now threatens its destruction.— Inside The Vault, Fallout 76

Vault 94 is a Vault-Tec Vault located on the border of the Savage Divide and the Mire regions of Appalachia.

Vault 94 was first made accessible as part of Vault raids. Raids were discontinued and the Vault was closed in an minor update between Nuclear Winter and Wastelanders. Vault 94 was brought back as part of the Daily Ops feature in One Wasteland For All. Outside of Daily Ops, the Vault was unlocked in the world and can be explored at will.


Vault 94 was designed to test the adaptability of non-violent ideological groups when presented with post-apocalyptic societies.[2] The Vault's core values consisted of faith, nonviolence, communal life, and ecological harmony. The residents, endorsed by Antonio Salavar, belonged to an agricultural religious community, led by his ex-wife Gabriella Salavar, and were expected to reinforce their values during the shelter period of one year.[3][4] In place of an overseer, the Vault was governed by a council system where all residents could participate in voting for the community.

Living quarters were compact, creating communal residential spaces instead of individual quarters. The Vault was also given an abundance of high-value resources but wasn't provided with any weapons, armor, or other defenses.[4] Residents were encouraged to open the Vault to other survivors who would likely be armed and desperate, with Vault-Tec expecting this would require the community to quickly adapt and modify their belief system to survive.[2]

Tyrone Hayes, the sole Vault-Tec employee, was assigned to report Vault 94's progress as its "special" overseer. To reduce interference with the experiment, Hayes was to avoid contact with the residents and maintain his identity as a Vault-Tec maintenance engineer.[2] As the Vault was self-governing, he had no authority and was instructed to avoid any role in the council's decision-making process.

As multiple mass extinction events were anticipated after the Great War, the primary mission assigned to Vault 94's residents was to monitor and preserve the local ecosystem while assisting other survivors with their needs. The Vault included a complete agricultural facility with a massive seed bank containing all known plants suitable for edible or medicinal use.[5] It was also provided with a Garden of Eden Creation Kit in a secure wing of the Vault, with access requiring a council vote to prevent misuse.[6]

The Vault's G.E.C.K. wing completed construction in March 2077 and, by June, the unit was fully installed.[7] On October 21, two days prior to the Great War, Vault-Tec issued orders for staff to finish their assignments and return to Vault-Tec University, with the exception of Tyrone Hayes being ordered to stay behind.[8][9] On October 23, when the signal came in, Hayes contacted Salavar and the Vault's first residents arrived around noon.[10] As radiation began to intensify, Tyrone attempted to stall the door for the rest of the congregation before the failsafe tripped and automatically sealed around 1:30. The second bus arrived at the Vault at 3:00, but the door was hardwired to prevent opening until the end of the shelter period, locking the residents outside.[11]

While remaining in a state of shock, the residents adjusted to the Vault's environment without conflict or outbursts. Salavar continued to be disdainful toward Hayes, blaming him for the second half of her congregation being locked out.[2] Over time, Tyrone began to integrate into the community against the Vault's directive, attending Community Council meetings, morning services, and even proposing to Angelique, the pastor's daughter.[12][13][14][15]

As the year-long shelter period drew to an end, Salavar proposed an ambassador program to the council, sending residents out to search for survivors and invite them back to the Vault.[16] Knowing the community wasn't capable of adapting to the wasteland, Hayes strongly advised against the motion and eventually revealed his role as overseer, presenting Vault-Tec's original instructions.[17] After the motion passed, Tyrone attempted to prepare the residents, unsuccessfully proposing various security measures to the council.[18]

Vault 94 reopened on October 23, 2078, a year after the Great War. As per the pastor's initiative, ambassadors were given access codes to open the Vault door in place of the standard Pip-Boy interface and were sent into the wasteland to invite survivors back to the Vault.[19][20] One vault dweller, Maria Collins, also established a garden outside the Vault to test the contaminated soil.[21] Many vault ambassadors, however, were tortured or outright killed by raiders and hung as decorations.[22]

In November, a Vault ambassador arrived at Harpers Ferry, claiming that the Vault had enough supplies to establish a farm to feed the town. The mayor of Harpers Ferry, Miranda Vox, sent a group of survivors back to the Vault to investigate the ambassador's claims.[23] On November 20, the group arrived at the Vault and demanded to know who was in charge. Mike Ramirez sent the survivors to the Community Council, with the group failing to stop at the weapons check.[24] At 12:04 PM, suspicious of the community's hospitality and certain they were walking into a trap, the survivor group interrupted the council's meeting. Insisting that the Vault's welcoming nature was a shameless trap to lure in trusting wastelanders, the group massacred the council.[25]

The wastelanders eventually gained access to the G.E.C.K. wing with little resistance from the pacifist vault dwellers.[18] At 5:51 PM, assuming the G.E.C.K. was some sort of mind-control machine, the survivors shot the device with a minigun.[26] This triggered a meltdown of the device's fusion generator, resulting in a massive level-6 nuclear explosion with a radiation surge of 7800 rad/s. Significant mutations were expected for any surviving organisms within the affected area, an estimated 5.5 km.[7] A thick fog poured from the Vault's entrance, rapidly intensifying the area's swampy environment and mutating the region's dense foliage.[23][27][28][29]

In 2102, the Vault 94 door remained sealed. The entrance required a Vault access code, which only ambassadors carried. While the corpses of many Vault ambassadors are found scattered across Appalachia, none still carry their access codes. Dwellers of Vault 76 raided the vault and killed a Strangler Heart living there.

In 2103, the vault was unsealed. It is infested with Mirelurks.


The exterior of the Vault features a small experimental garden that had been set up by Vault 94 resident Maria Collins to test what crops could still grow in the post-War environment. There is a shallow pool of water near the garden, along with some derelict vehicles, shacks, and crates. A cave leads into the Vault 94 entrance. There is a waist-deep pool of water in the cave, which is covered from wall to wall with mutated vegetation endemic to the Mire.

To access the Vault itself, one must interact with the Vault door controls system in the entrance. This opens the Vault door and leads into another interior section. The entire Vault has a plethora of flora to take, and the first room is no exception, including melon and carrot flower. Directly across from the Vault's cog door is a security station, with the reception desk terminal.

Heading down the stairs to the west opens into a large garden area. The left side has two entrances to the agriculture wing (one through a hole in the wall and the other at the end of the room). The rightmost door at the end leads into the atrium.

Taking the route into the atrium does not immediately lead to the atrium; instead, there is a buffer room providing staircase access to the atrium.

Atrium and Council area[]

The atrium has a large, lowered central area where many plants grow. Its southern and northern ends lead to different areas of the Vault - though the western council room overlooks the entire atrium. The southern end of the atrium leads to the agriculture wing, either through the main entrance on the second floor or through the door on the first floor labeled "greenhouses." The northern end of the atrium leads to the reactor wings either through the main entrance on the first floor (labeled "engineering") or through the door on the second floor that leads to Tyrone Hayes' room. In between these two levels of the atrium, in the lowered area, is a desk with the community center terminal.

Both ends of the atrium provide access to the council room, which is similar in design to an overseer's office. It consists of several desks and chairs that were once used by the Community Council of Vault 94 during large meetings. A central desk on the eastern wall holds the Community Council terminal. There is also a locked wall safe in the council room (Picklock 3).


The residential sector is inaccessible. Its entrances are located in the hallway beside the council room.

When Vault raids were active, the residential section could be accessed; however, in the Vault's current layout, there is no way to reach the residential area, as it does not exist in the Vault 94 cell. In the older version of Vault 94, the residential area was a very large wing of the Vault, consisting of three levels. The top level had a workroom (with a tinker's workbench and a weapons workbench) and a depot; behind these rooms was a cave area with a hatch that dropped down into a living suite, which itself was connected to the common room. Other rooms on the top level included maintenance, some unnamed supply rooms, and a stairwell leading down to the aforementioned common room and a network of other suites. The middle level had a child's nursery (containing the nursery terminal), a classroom, a clinic, the cafeteria, as well as lavatories and showers. The lower level had some machinery and a room providing access to the agriculture wing.


The agriculture wing of the Vault consists of two main areas, the greenhouses, and the seed banks. They are connected via a confusing network of hallways that lead to both the entrance and atrium of the Vault. The greenhouse area consists of five overgrown greenhouses, as well as a southeastern research room with little in the way of loot. However, there are two greenhouse control terminals and a chemistry station to use here.

The seed bank consists of several alphabetically-sorted machines that hold a variety of different plants. There are several seed bank override terminals here, as well as a side room with lots of scientific equipment to loot and a seed bank management terminal.


The reactor area can be accessed either through the hallway past the "Engineering" sign in the atrium, or through the door in Operations, far down a flight of stairs. The reactor wing is large and has distinctive, red-colored walls. The first floor has three small, separate rooms: pressurization, voltage regulation, and condenser. The two reactors (primary and secondary) themselves are on the first floor, as well. To the north of this first floor is a decontamination chamber and a related terminal (Hacker 1). There are also doors to the "west" and "east" generators, though they are inaccessible.

The second floor of the reactor wing contains two stations, one for reactor control (southeast) and one for reactor monitoring (northwest). Both overlook the reactors, have two terminals each, and are connected via a long hallway. Reactor monitoring provides access to Tyrone Hayes' room, with his terminal and several workbenches. Another exit here leads back to the atrium, past an inaccessible door to the residential area. Reactor control has a mainframe room with a tinker's workbench and mainframe access terminal.


Operations can be accessed via a door on the northern end of the atrium. There is a weapons workbench immediately after entering. Continuing east, there are three doors that can be accessed: security, reactor, and G.E.C.K. The reactor door leads to the aforementioned staircase that provides an alternative way into the reactor wing.

The G.E.C.K. and security areas are closely connected; the G.E.C.K. door opens to a screening area that must be passed through to access the G.E.C.K. Heading northeast leads to the main operations center, including the operations center terminal and a locked footlocker (Picklock 1). The next hallway, past another G.E.C.K. sign, concludes at a blue door that leads to the G.E.C.K. wing, a separate interior.

G.E.C.K. wing[]

After entering the wing via the operations center, there is a tinker's workbench immediately to the right and a power armor station further along the wall. To the south is a chemistry station and an armor workbench, as well as another weapons workbench opposite of them.

The main part of the wing is through the next door - a square hallway network, surrounding the central room that holds the G.E.C.K. The area is radioactive, especially around the G.E.C.K. itself. It is surrounded by a green, radioactive mist, but cannot be interacted with. The G.E.C.K. monitoring station terminal is also in this central room.

The first door on the northern (left after entering from the room with all of the workbenches) side of the square opens to a room with a collapsed floor, leading into a small, self-contained underground hiding place. The second door goes to a room with some machinery and containers, but little else of note. The other doors connect to a long and winding cave system, with shallow water throughout the network. The southern (right after entering from the workbench room) side of the square also has two storage rooms, one of which holds a locked safe (Picklock 3).


All of Vault 94's residents are deceased by 2103. The corpses of 12 unnamed Vault dwellers wearing Vault 94 jumpsuits can be found scattered throughout Appalachia. These are the corpses of the ambassadors that had been sent out by Gabriella Salavar.

Notable loot[]

Current layout[]

Vault raid items[]


Vault 22 was another Vault that failed due to explosive plant growth which ultimately escaped containment.


Vault 94 appears in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Artist John Valenti summarized the Vault as follows: "Vault 94 was once home to a utopian community of Dwellers. Armed with nothing but a stockpile of seeds and the Vault Suits on their backs, these pacifistic people were charged with restoring the Earth’s natural abundance in the wake of the Great War. Eventually the G.E.C.K was destroyed causing a nuclear explosion and resulted in mass mutations throughout the region. "[1]
  • The concept of a malfunctioning G.E.C.K. creating a Vault full of mutated flora and fauna represented in Vault 94 was first conceptualized in the canceled Fallout Tactics 2.[Non-canon 1]


Current layout[]

Vault raids[]

At release[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 ArtStation
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Vault 94 terminal entries; Tyrone Hayes' terminal, VAULT 94 OVERSEER INSTRUCTIONS
  3. Antonio's holotape
  4. 4.0 4.1 Vault 94 terminal entries; Community Council terminal, Vault 94 overview
  5. Vault 94 terminal entries; Community Council terminal, Vault 94 mission & facilities
  6. Vault 94 terminal entries; Community Council terminal, 1172: G.E.C.K. wing access authorization
  7. 7.0 7.1 Vault 94 terminal entries; G.E.C.K. monitoring station terminal, G.E.C.K. system log
  8. Vault 94 terminal entries; exterior security terminal, security log - 10/21/77
  9. Vault 94 terminal entries; reception desk terminal, security log - 10/21/77
  10. Vault 94 terminal entries; exterior security terminal, security Log - 10/23/77
  11. Vault 94 terminal entries; reception desk terminal, security log - 10/23/77
  12. Vault 94 terminal entries; Tyrone Hayes' terminal, personal log - 1/14/78
  13. Vault 94 terminal entries; Tyrone Hayes' terminal, personal log - 3/6/78
  14. Vault 94 terminal entries; Tyrone Hayes' terminal, personal log - 5/29/78
  15. Vault 94 terminal entries; Tyrone Hayes' terminal, personal log - 8/28/78
  16. Vault 94 terminal entries; Tyrone Hayes' terminal, personal log - 10/5/78
  17. Vault 94 terminal entries; Tyrone Hayes' terminal, personal log - 10/16/78
  18. 18.0 18.1 Vault 94 terminal entries; Community Council terminal, view historical motions
  19. Vault 94 terminal entries; reception desk terminal, vault door control instructions
  20. Vault 94 terminal entries; vault access control terminal, search access code database
  21. Vault 94 terminal entries; exterior security terminal, user log - 10/24/78
  22. The deceased bodies of Vault 94 ambassadors (identifiable by the editor ID) are found in several places across the Savage Divide.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Miranda's terminal, Vault 94
  24. Vault 94 terminal entries; reception log - 11/20/78
  25. Vault 94 Community Council recording
  26. Vault 94 G.E.C.K. recording
  27. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Ella's terminal, Vault 94
  28. Abandon house!
  29. Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Holbrook's terminal, capital mail relay, they've left their bunkers


  1. Gareth Davies: "The basic premise was that a GECK had been irradiated, and so the 'Garden of Eden' it created was full of mutant plants and fungi. Day of the Triffids, Doctor Who and the Seeds of Doom (probably my favorite episode) and the good ol' sci-fi standard of radiation = giant monsters were the big influences. My favorite aspect of the theme was the idea that you essentially have nature doing its thing and rapidly rejuvenating the desert wastes, but those wacky humans feel the need to oppose it because they don't like the idea of becoming fertilizer. There was a lot of moral ambiguity to explore, so all in all, I think it was a pretty strong setting/narrative behind the game, especially compared to the first with its robots."
    (RPG Codex forum)