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Investigate the secret of Vault-Tec University...

Lockdown is a cut quest in Fallout 76.


After finding Hayley's corpse on Vault-Tec University grounds and listening to her holotape, the player would be directed to investigate her terminal inside of the school's training room.[1][2] Her goal to uncover the secret behind a laser grid within the school is left to the player, who would obtain three security access holotapes held by the overseers of Vault 63, Vault 94 and Vault 96. After disabling each of the security safeguard terminals, the laser grid would be deactivated and the classified Vault-Tec data archive would become accessible.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
DescriptionLog Entry
Investigate the CorpseWhile on the Vault-Tec University grounds, I found a woman's corpse. I should examine it.
Listen to Hayley's HolotapeWhile on the Vault-Tec University grounds, I found a woman's corpse. When I searched it, I found a holotape that might contain some clue about the woman's fate.
Learn About the VTU Students' PlanWhile on the Vault-Tec University grounds, I found the corpse of a woman named Hayley Porter. She recorded a holotape referring to a secret in the school... and a terminal holding more information.
Retrieve Overseer keysI learned about a plan devised by a group of former VTU students to gain access to a secret room in the school. To disable the laser grid blocking this area, I need to collect Overseer Security Access holotapes from the Vaults in the region and use them on specific terminals.
Collect the Alpha-Level Security Access holotape from Vault 63Obtained Vault 63 key
Collect the Beta-Level Security Access holotape from Vault 94Obtained Vault 94 key
Collect the Gamma-Level Security Access holotape from Vault 96Obtained Vault 96 key
Disable Security Safeguard AlphaAlpha disabled
Disable Security Safeguard BetaBeta disabled
Disable Security Safeguard GammaGamma disabled
Investigate the VTU Data ArchiveI learned about a plan devised by a group of former VTU students to gain access to a secret room in the school. I disabled the laser grid blocking access to the room, and now I can explore it.
(Quest completed)I learned about a plan devised by a group of former VTU students to gain access to a secret room in the school. I disabled the laser grid blocking access to the room, and discovered that it was a classified Vault-Tec Data Archive.


The only fragment of the quest to make it into the game is an entry on Shelby O'Rourke's terminal at Hunter's shack. The entry mentions meeting a stranger named Eric who recently broke ties with a woman named Hayley Porter. Previously, they had been investigating a big secret at VTU.[3] The terminal would not have served as an alternative trigger to start the quest.

Behind the scenes[]

Although Hayley Porter and her holotape were cut from the game, the associated voice lines and audio tracks are within the game files.[4] There is no associated item record for the holotape.


  1. Hayley Porter: "My name is Hayley Porter. I'm making this holotape because I don't have much time left. I hope... I pray someone finds this. That someone... that you... can finish what we started. There were four of us once, but now it's just me. The others... Brian, Kamara, Eric... all left for reasons of their own. We were so close to learning the secret... to finding what Vault-Tec was hiding in the school. If you're listening to this, find my terminal in the training room. The password is... "Inevitability". Learn about the plan. Learn about what Vault-Tec was hiding. Maybe it can help you. Maybe it can help everyone. Maybe you can do what we failed to do. Survive..."
    Note: These lines are from a cut holotape. No associated item exists for the holotape, though the voice lines and dialogue can still be found in the game's files.
  2. Hayley Porter: "It's all falling apart. Kamara signed up with the Responders. Brian's fallen in with the anarchists up in the mountains. And Eric... why did he have to complicate things? He didn't take it too well when I told him I don't feel the same way about us. He just walked away. I'll probably never see him again. I used to think it was up to me to make sure our plan didn't fall into the wrong hands. But now... Hell, what difference does it really make? I don't have much time left. I feel so sick. My hair's falling out. Maybe if someone finds this... maybe you can finish what we started. The school... hiding a secret. A secret that might help you survive. Find the training room terminal. Learn about... the plan. So sick, can barely... barely... *gurgling sounds*"
    Note: These lines are from a cut holotape. No associated item exists for the holotape, though the voice lines and dialogue can still be found in the game's files.
  3. "Eric + Hayley:
    Met a stranger today! Said his name was Eric. Looked about my age, but no real way of telling these days.

    He was pretty angry. Kept talking about some girl, Hayley Porter, that broke his heart. He said they met at VTU trying to find some big secret he figured the execs were hiding. I guess Any wasn't the only one with theories. Sounds like Hayley's still out there in Morgantown, but not she's on her own."

    (Hunter's shack terminal entries; Shelby's terminal, Entry 7: Eric + Hayley)
  4. Hayley Porter's dialogue