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There's supposed to be a vault somewhere out here... a place called Vault 95. I've heard that Vault-Tec used it for some kinda social experiment... stuck a bunch of junkies inside to poke and prod. Well, they supposedly had some special method to clean up those blokes in there... some kind of a machine or somethin'. If we could get inside, maybe that machine could help me.Cait during Benign Intervention

Vault 95 is a Vault-Tec Vault in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Vault-Tec created Vault 95 as a rehabilitation facility for people suffering from chem addiction. The overseer position was elected by residents of the Vault, changing yearly on October 30.[1] The elected overseer in 2082 was Jane Myers, who was tasked with facilitating daily support meetings and ensuring other residents adhered to the rules of the Vault-Tec Rehabilitation Program.[1] Residency in the Vault required compliance with the program, regardless of whether chem dependency was considered to no longer be an issue, and the residents were generally cooperative.[2]

The Vault residents progressed through the program for five years, after which a planted Vault-Tec agent masquerading as a fellow resident was to open a hidden stash of drugs.[3] The agent would thoroughly document the response of the community thereafter.[4] Before doing so, the agent noted that the results of the experiment were thus far successful, writing that although some residents still struggled with chem withdrawal, the program helped them deal with the symptoms and cope with their new life in the Vault. He continued to record that Vault-Tec's hypothesis was correct, in that when there is no other alternative, an individual can recover from addiction.[4]

On October 23, 2082, five years after the Vault had been sealed, the agent recorded his plans to wait until the populace was asleep and open the stash. He records his thoughts on how isolation and the removal of addictive substances had been positive for the residents, and the next stage of the research would reveal the impact the same substances might have on the community.[4]

The revelation of the stash quickly destroyed the residents' family-like bonds and resulted in violence. Some residents immediately succumbed to their urges, others resisted longer, only to succumb anyway to cope with the unfolding violence.[5] At least one resident realized that the situation was intentionally engineered, and recorded their anger at being deceived and exploited by Vault-Tec.[6]

In 2287, the Vault is located at the northeast edge of the Glowing Sea, and serves as a base of operations for the Gunners.


In a blueprint behind the overseer's desk, the entire layout of the Vault can be seen, as well as notes indicating its planned capacity of 72 individuals. The entrance is heavily guarded by Gunners and their robots, with two Assaultrons and a turret outside, and one Assaultron, a Mister Gutsy, and six more turrets inside. A cooking station is outside on the roof.

An elevator takes one down to the Vault itself. An Advanced-locked door in the laser tripwire-trapped entry corridor reveals a small room with a terminal controlling the two turrets in the nearby atrium. Connected to the atrium are three separate sections: the facilities wing to the south including the cafeteria on the lower level and the research room, clinic, and classroom/detox facility/clean room on the upper level, the residential wing to the north including the living quarters beyond a heavily trapped corridor, and the atrium in the center including the Gunner's bunkhouse and reactor room below and the overseer's office and a second clinic serving as a hair salon above. The atrium door sealed with the Master-locked facilities wing terminal leading to the facilities wing can be opened using the overseer's terminal upstairs in the overseer's office. Among other loot, a trunk is found in the detox facility, and an armor workbench is in the living quarters. A cooking station and eleven beds are in the Gunner's bunkhouse below the atrium, and an Advanced-locked door at the base of the stairs from the bunkhouse to the reactor room leads to a small storage room containing an Advanced-locked floor safe.

The hidden stash of drugs may be found in the living quarters, through the broken wall to the right of the restrooms at the western end. Despite the fate of the Vault, the stash still contains chems and alcohol. Multiple skeletons wearing Vault jumpsuits are found in and around the stash as well as throughout the rest of the Vault. In one of the closed stalls in the restroom just west of the stash is a skeleton with two doses of Psycho. In the western room of the living quarters just east of the stash are two skeletons splayed across the furniture and surrounded by what appears to be a tea party, complete with a mannequin attendee, Psycho, and Jet. In the northwestern room of the living quarters behind a Novice-locked door, a skeleton is slumped against the foot of a bed, Psycho at their feet and two Jet on an upturned wastebasket next to them.

Notable loot[]

  • Big guns bobblehead - In the northeastern room of the living quarters on the radio.
  • Two bottlecap mines - Unarmed, one is in the detox facility (east) on the desk, and the other is in the northeastern room of the living quarters on the desk with the private terminal (room with the bobblehead).
  • Nuka-Cherry - In the western room of the living quarters on the unusable bed near the two skeletons.
  • Stealth Boy - In the storage room behind the Advanced-locked door near the reactor room.
  • Approximately 115 aluminum - Obtained from scrapping the aluminum cans, surgical trays, and TV dinner trays found inside the Vault.
  • Vodka - On the floor of the hole in the wall, in the residential area. This is not the consumable item; rather, it is a junk item which uses the same item model and name as regular vodka.

Related quests[]

  • Benign Intervention: Cait has confided in the player character that her dependence on Psycho is taking a toll on her health. There may be a device in Vault 95 that can help.
  • Cleansing the Commonwealth: Knight Rhys gives the Sole Survivor an assignment to clear the location of what he calls "abominations" to further the aims of the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Quartermastery: Scribe Haylen has identified the location of a piece of technology she wishes to retrieve and catalog. She asks the Sole Survivor for help in bringing back the technology in one piece.
  • Randolph Safehouse: The Railroad agent Mister Tims will leave dead drops in the form of six holotapes for the Sole Survivor, containing information about possible hazards to the Railroad's escort and escape of synths out of the Commonwealth. They can assist in these efforts by clearing out the location of hostiles.
  • Treasure Hunt: The Sole Survivor finds a note that suggests a large number of caps or chems may be stashed nearby.


  • While the enemies within the Vault periodically respawn, the items do not.
  • If Cait is wearing power armor, she will automatically exit it when she enters the detox facility.
  • According to the Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide, there were still residents living in the Vault when the Gunners took over.[Non-game 1]
  • Vault 95 and Vault 75 are the only two Vaults in the game that do not have a corresponding obtainable jumpsuit, although an unobtainable Vault 95 jumpsuit exists in the game files.
  • The Vault's number was first seen on an unused inventory icon in Fallout 3.
  • In a concept map for Fallout 4, Vault 95 was instead numbered 121.

Companion comments[]

  • When at this location, companions make comments, which are activated at two locations: the overseer's office and the reactor room.
Location comments
Character Specific location Comment
Cait Overseer's office "You wouldn't catch me dead at one of these support meetings. Ugh."
Reactor room "I think we should be stayin' as far from that reactor as possible."
Codsworth Overseer's office "I've the most incredible urge to rearrange those chairs in a more perfect circle."
Reactor room "Ah, this must be the heart of the vault."
Curie Overseer's office "Support meetings are very important for those dealing with addiction."
Danse Overseer's office "I'm not certain, but this could have been a military briefing area."
Reactor room "This reactor appears to be defunct. We should be safe."
Deacon Overseer's office "Hi, I'm Deacon." "Hi Deacon."
John Hancock Overseer's office "Looks like someone interrupted their meeting."
Reactor room "Place sure used a lot of juice."
Robert MacCready Overseer's office "What was this place for... storytime or something?"
Reactor room "You'll let me know if your Geiger starts clicking, right?"
Nick Valentine Overseer's office "Bet meetings like this sure made life down here easier."
Reactor room "The heart of the beast."
Piper Wright Overseer's office "A real shame. They still had a lot more rounds of musical chairs left."
Reactor room "Wow. How much fission can one Vault need?"
Preston Garvey Overseer's office "What's going on here?"
Reactor room "I guess this was their main power source."
X6-88 Overseer's office "The Overseer's office has been repurposed into a briefing room of some kind."
Reactor room "These must be the Vault's primary power systems."


Vault 95 appears in Fallout 4 and the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, as well as its sourcebook Winter of Atom.

Behind the scenes[]

The overseer's terminal includes an entry regarding one of the group support meetings, during which residents question the frequency of the meetings and make other spontaneous off-topic comments. During this discussion, a resident by the name of Randall makes several comments about fellow Vault dwellers and the detox program. Randall and many of the details regarding the support meeting allude to the character Randle McMurphy in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, the book and film.


  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One As with many elevators in the game, sometimes, when one enters the elevator to the Vault and presses the elevator button, the elevator will close but then run forever. [verified]
    • This may be related to the positioning of the player character and/or their companion when starting the elevator. Having your companion get in first and move to the back of the elevator, then issuing the stay command, may prevent the bug from occurring. Jumping around inside the elevator may also cause it to become "unstuck."
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One The player character may become permanently stuck while searching behind the broken generators in the reactor room, and be forced to load a previous save or use the console command tcl on PC to resolve the issue. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 The player character may become permanently stuck if stunned by the Gunner wielding the shock baton while performing a VATS strike. [verified]
  • Xbox OneXbox One A hole in the floor near the hidden stash reveals a zoomed-in random image from somewhere in the Vault, e.g. a door, an ammo box, etc. [verified]




  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition pp. 358-359: "[5.15] VAULT 95
    Gunners have overwhelmed the vault dwellers here and are utilizing this location for purposes other than those originally intended. You are encouraged to remove these threats. Beware of Assaultrons. Battle your way through the open vault door and reach the elevator to enter the vault’s interior."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)