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You can't stop the press. Oh, but they try. They try...

Piper Wright is a resident of Diamond City as well as the owner, publisher, and sole journalist of the Publick Occurrences newspaper in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. She is a potential companion of the Sole Survivor.


Born in a settlement on the outskirts of the Commonwealth with Nat and their father, a member of the local militia, Piper's "career" in journalism started when her father was found dead under suspicious circumstances, and she investigated to learn that he had discovered that raiders were plotting to sack the town. His superior in the militia, Captain Mayburn, was in league with them and arranged to leave the main gate open and unguarded one night in exchange for a cut of the loot; when Piper's father caught onto his scheme, the captain murdered him to prevent word of the plot from getting out.[2] When the local authorities refused to believe or even investigate her claims about Mayburn's corruption, Piper resorted to making and distributing flyers across the entire settlement calling out his crimes. The conspicuously public accusation got the attention of the town's mayor, who accepted Piper's evidence. Outraged by his dereliction of duty, the settlers exiled Mayburn, and when the raiders eventually showed up expecting the gate to be wide open, they instead encountered prepared defenses by alerted townsfolk and were driven away.[2]

With both of their parents gone and Nat too young to work, Piper relied mainly on kindness and charity to survive. Eventually, the sisters were able to save enough money to relocate to Diamond City by paying for passage on a caravan.[3] However, life in the "big city" provided its own share of challenges; at the time of their arrival, Diamond City was plagued by corruption, lax security, and failing infrastructure. Frustrated with this state of affairs and increasingly desperate to enact change, Piper founded and ran the newspaper Publick Occurrences to raise awareness of the city’s problems.[4]

Despite her noble intentions, her career was fraught with danger and intrigue from the outset. Shortly after founding her newspaper, an article she wrote exposing the efforts of a caravan cartel to drive up food prices made her the target of their retribution. The cartel secretly arranged for Piper to be poisoned while drinking at the Dugout Inn; she narrowly survived by immediately chugging Vadim Bobrov's moonshine straight from the still to induce vomiting and remove the poison, in the meantime the assassin was apprehended by Diamond City security and the cartel members were arrested.[5] In a later incident, an investigation into irradiated drinking water at Bunker Hill led her to be kidnapped by the Church of the Children of Atom, who would have killed her as a human sacrifice if not for Piper convincingly faking a vision of Atom and being subsequently initiated into the cult.[1] Piper also regularly fell afoul of DC security herself during her investigations, to the point that their lockup came to be nicknamed "the Piper Suite" for her frequent stays in it.[6]

Piper’s activism and investigative fervor ultimately bore fruit; whether they agreed with her or not, citizens read her newspaper in droves, and many of the issues she brought to light were addressed by DC authority.[7] However, this success came at a cost to Piper’s personal life. Following the release of the paper's first edition, many in the city who Piper had once considered friends and confidants became distant, and she gained a reputation both in Diamond City and across the Commonwealth as a “nosy snoop.”[8] Public opinion of the paper slowly but surely soured, with many citizens writing in to complain about the negative tone of its reporting, and Piper began to feel deeply alienated from the community.

This alienation reached its peak with the publication of an article titled "The Synthetic Truth" in 2287. Though the article largely consisted of a retrospective on the Broken Mask incident of 2229 and an interview with the event’s last surviving eyewitness, Eustace Hawthorne, it also contained thinly-veiled accusations that the city’s mayor, McDonough, was a synth infiltrator acting on behalf of the Institute.[9] Though privately certain in her accusations, Piper lacked any solid evidence for them, and McDonough subsequently had Piper thrown out by security and banned from the city. Despite her temporary exile, Piper remains steadfast in her determination to protect the city and expose the mayor’s wrongdoings.


MTG Piper art crop 2

Piper is a rather lonely woman who feels isolated in Diamond City. She has a strong drive to better the world and does not want to be complacent, causing her to become a writer and journalist in order to try to reduce the corruption within the town. As such, Piper has a rapport with Nick Valentine, both serving as investigators in their own capacities. Her tendency to find the latest scoop and the truth can cause others to find her nosy and annoying, however, resulting in her having few friends. She tends to enjoy sarcasm.

Despite multiple death threats and at least one assassination attempt, finding herself in sticky situations is a point of pride for Piper, who feels getting into trouble is just part of chasing the truth.[6] Adding to her reckless nature, she may also be seen smoking occasionally. She is shown to not be above lying and manipulating others in order to get what she wants, such as when she tried to use the Sole Survivor to regain access to Diamond City after being banned from the town, though she generally dislikes it when the Sole Survivor lies.

While distrustful of the Institute, Piper is still sympathetic to the plight of synths, especially runaway synths, due to her interactions with Nick, even mentioning that Nick is the only synth she has met that did not seem to have a "screw loose" and at one point, says that Nick sat down to talk to her about why synths are different than typical robots.

She also has an open dislike for the Brotherhood of Steel due to their self-serving nature, technology hoarding, anti-synth policies, and in her eyes, lousy fashion sense.[10][11] Thus she will react negatively to any pro-Brotherhood choices.

Interactions with the player character[]

The player character may find copies of Publick Occurrences written by Piper throughout the Commonwealth. They will first find Piper locked outside Diamond City by Mayor McDonough, extremely frustrated. She will then try to loop the player in to a scheme to open the gate pretending they are a merchant caravan. The player has the option of playing along or not. Either way the ruse works, and the gate is opened. Alternatively, starting a fight also causes the gate to open, skipping Piper's dialogue.

At the entrance Mayor McDonough confronts Piper over her latest article, with the players opinion on newspapers is brought up. Noticing someone new, Mayor McDonough changes topics and tries to put a friendly face. Piper decides that the player represents a fresh set of eyes on Diamond City and requests an interview. In exchange she offers to help follow the player around in the Commonwealth.

When showing up at her home/office for the interview, Piper reveals she intuited the player is a Vault Dweller, and over the course of the interview discovers that they are from the pre-war era. The interview is later published in Publick Occurrences, and Piper is available as a companion.

In the main quest, Piper can be seen arguing with Geneva demanding access to the mayor as the player visits the office to obtain the key to Kellog's house. After having dealt with Kellog at Fort Hagen, the next stage of the main quest starts with Nick Valentine and Piper meeting in Publick Occurrences and discussing what to do next, where they decide to try talking to Dr. Amari in Goodneighbor.

As Piper travels with the player through the Commonwealth, she'll reveal the troubles she's had running her newspaper, how she was inspired following the death of her father by a corrupt town guard, and her adventures in investigation and reporting, but also how her reporting has alienated her within Diamond City. However her primary concern is how her little sister Nat seems to be taking after her, and with the dangerous lifestyle that Piper leads, what that entails for her.

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
Paving the Way
This character is a permanent companion. They grant the Gift of Gab perk.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Sexpert color
This character can be slept with.

Requires romance


  • Jewel of the Commonwealth: Piper is encountered stuck outside Diamond City after Danny Sullivan closed the gate by order of the mayor. She makes up a story about the Sole Survivor being a trader in order to be let back in.
  • Story of the Century: Piper asks the Sole Survivor to join her in her office after meeting them at the gate, as she wants to interview them for an article in Publick Occurrences. Their responses shape her subsequent publication, a three-part story about the Sole Survivor, View from the Vault.
  • Reunions: Piper and Nick Valentine have a conversation with the Sole Survivor about what to do next in the search for Shaun after Kellogg is killed at Fort Hagen.
  • In Sheep's Clothing: If not an active companion, Piper can be found attempting to kick open McDonough's door after the mayor was discovered as a synth by Danny and shot him.
  • The Enemy of My Enemy Cut content

Effects of player's actions[]

  • When the Sole Survivor first encounters Piper, she is on the verge of exile from Diamond City for writing an article suggesting that Mayor McDonough is a synth. While arguing with the gate guard to be let back in, she asks for the Sole Survivor's assistance in bluffing past security.[12] ultimately succeeding by convincing him that the Sole Survivor is a trader from Quincy carrying enough supplies to stock Diamond City Surplus for a month.[13] Once inside, Piper gets into an argument with the mayor who accuses her of spreading lies. When the dialogue is complete Piper asks the Sole Survivor to stop by her office. Completing an interview with her leads to Piper offering to travel with the player character and watch their back as they adjust to life in the wasteland.
  • Piper becomes available as a companion once Reunions is completed by returning to her office from Fort Hagen, even if one has not completed Story of the Century beforehand.
  • Upon reaching maximum affinity with Piper, one will gain the Gift of Gab perk, which offers 2x the XP from persuasion successes and discovering new locations.
  • Piper is a potential candidate for romance.
  • Piper can be caught talking to Nick Valentine about "one of his clients", meaning the Sole Survivor, as after hearing this conversation, Piper will say, "Well, well. Speak of the devil...'
  • If Piper is an active companion at the time, she does not react to attacking and killing the Children of Atom in the Crater of Atom. She is still negative on taking any items from their settlement after killing them, though.
Range of interests[]
Approvals Disapprovals

Other interactions[]

  • If one completed Unlikely Valentine by rescuing Nick from Vault 114 before going to Diamond City, when going there during Getting a Clue, the gate will already be open and the mayor will be interacting with Piper inside.
  • Diamond City security will tell the player character to be careful about having her as a companion because of the trouble between her and the mayor.
  • If the Sole Survivor hasn't done her interview yet, then exits Diamond City and enters again later, Piper can be found in Mayor McDonough's office accusing his secretary, Geneva, of sleeping with him.
  • As the Sole Survivor's companion, she will often offer aid in the form of "sweet" food and drink (bubblegum, gum drops, Nuka-Cola, Sugar Bombs or sweet rolls). This is similar to Strong who offers food as well, but in the form of meats.
  • Going to Diamond City for the first time with Paladin Danse as an active companion is normally impossible due to him not becoming available later in the main quest. However, he still has unique dialogue during Piper and McDonough's conversation if the Sole Survivor responds positively to Piper asking their opinion about her newspaper.[14]
  • When Piper first comes back to Diamond City, her sister Nat runs up to her and relates a story about being given detention at school. Piper tells her she is grounded, much to Nat's chagrin; however, another conversation has Piper congratulate Nat on getting detention (due to punching a boy who was annoying her), telling her never to change.
  • At higher affinity, Piper can tell the Sole Survivor about how she believes Nat idolizes her too much, hoping that time apart will prevent Nat from growing up to be like her. The Sole Survivor can choose to offer advice on how to deal with the situation.
  • Occasionally, when passing Takahashi in the Diamond City market, Piper will tell the Sole Survivor she wants to introduce them to her informant. She will jokingly interrogate Takahashi, finishing by saying that Takahashi "spilled the beans, I bet your name isn't even really Blue."
  • Visiting the Upper Stands with Piper will cause Wellingham to pretend to loudly throw her out, while secretly sharing a bit of gossip and intrigue with her.
  • If one finishes Nuclear Family and sides with the Institute, when later talking to Piper, she might be distraught and angry at them for putting the Institute in power, though will still remain a companion option. If their affinity will her is already at, or eventually reaches the maximum, she later writes an article titled Fear the Future? revealing her optimistic, albeit wary, hopes for the future.
  • If ones finishes The Nuclear Option and sides with the Railroad, the Brotherhood of Steel or the Minutemen, when later talking to Piper, she expresses relief that the Institute is gone, later writing an article titled The Boogeyman banished?.
  • If Piper is an active companion when meeting Old Man Stockton during Boston After Dark, she will chastise the Sole Survivor if they ask what a dead drop is.[15]


Piper Wright's location comments
Location/Requirement Comment
Fallon's department store (West Roxbury township) "I'd take Diamond City Market over this place any day."
Diamond City, entrance "It's big, loud, full of corrupt officials and brown-nosing citizens. But it's home."
Goodneighbor, entrance "Goodneighbor, huh? You lookin' to get stoned or stabbed?"
Combat Zone, exterior "Ah, the Combat Zone. No finer place to get murdered in all the Commonwealth."
Boston Airport, before the barricades "The mystery. The intrigue. The airport."
Boston Airport, before the barricades after the Brotherhood of Steel arrive "Cold steel, angry scowls, lousy hair cuts. All the touches I've come to expect from the Brotherhood."
Cabot House, exterior by the shrubbery "Place gives me the creeps."
Parsons State Insane Asylum, entrance foyer on the rug just past the front door; during the quest The Secret of Cabot House. "Parsons. Even the name sounds vaguely macabre."
Jamaica Plain, northwest road entrance, by the diner "Jamaica Plain, huh? We gonna look for the treasure? Personally, I always worried it was some metaphorical crap. "The real treasure is you." Pfft."
Vault 81, entrance walkway "Vault 81. Have I got some questions for the folks down here..."
Covenant, gate exterior "Always thought something was a bit... off, about Covenant. I mean, what good's an entry exam against Raiders?"
Bunker Hill, base of stairs to the monument - before the gate "All routes and rumors lead to Bunker Hill."
Parking garage, after entering the parking garage "No sign of Ghouls in here. We must be getting close."
Public Works maintenance area "God. Looks like no one's been in here for years."
Sentinel site, bomb storage room entrance "They destroyed the world and still had all this left over?"
Sentinel site, gantry just inside the main entrance "Oh my god. Are those... nukes?"
Sentinel site, exterior entrance "Is, is that a tomb?"
Ticonderoga, penthouse foyer "I always pictured the Railroad slinking through sewers. This I could get used to."
Old North Church, catacombs "How far down you think these go?"
Old North Church, nave "Real shame to see a place like this neglected."
Hubris Comics, shop floor "You see any back issues of "Grognak the Barbarian?" I could use them for, uh, research purposes."
Hubris Comics, top floor studio "Looks like we've uncovered the secret lair of the Silver Shroud."
Yangtze, bridge "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Just one second. Need to get this all down."
Starlight Drive In, in the projection room "Wonder how long he was living up here."
Starlight Drive In, at the screen "No one even tried to get away. Must've been a good flick."
Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ, Arlen Glass' office "It's like something out of a museum."
Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ, foyer display "You gotta be kidding me. I thought these were all gone. Might come back and get you later."
Wildwood Cemetery "Reminds me of Diamond City. Rich folks up top, everyone else down below."
West Everett Estates, backyard bunker "Well, isn't this clever."
Walden Pond, just in front of said cabin. "You know the guy who owned this place wrote the book "On Civil Disobedience." Like, literally."
Milton General Hospital, basement morgue "Oh, lovely. The morgue."
Milton General Hospital, waiting foyer "I find the quality of care at this facility to be lacking. At best."
Vault 95, Overseer's office "A real shame. They still had a lot more rounds of musical chairs left."
Museum of Witchcraft "Blue."
Museum of Witchcraft "Blue. What the hell's up there?"
Vault 75, combat training room "This is just creepy."
Vault 75, entrance "Is that what I think it is?"
Vault 114, entrance construction "It's like where old excavators go to die."
Vault 111, cryonic stasis room "Is, is that who I think it is? You okay?"
Vault 114, exterior tunnel construction "Isn't this where Nick was trapped? I can imagine worse places to be holed up."
Trinity Church, theatrical rigging "Fancy set up for a house of worship."
Trinity Church, nursery "Goodness."
Thicket Excavations, near the waters edge; before the conclusion of the quest Pull the Plug. "Goodness. That could be hiding a lot of Mirelurks."
Gwinnett Brewery, brewing floor "Do you know where your suds have been?"
Combat Zone, front row "Animals on either side of this cage."
Boston Common, just in front of the infantry fighting vehicle "Blue, we're walking right into Boston Common. People don't come back from here."
South Boston military checkpoint "Yes, yes, we hear you."
Skylanes Flight 1981 "Can't believe the shape this thing is in."
Sandy Coves Convalescent Home, captain's room "You think these folks died in the blasts?"
Rocky Narrows Park, at the playground "Kids didn't have to worry about much back then, did they?"
Robotics disposal ground, in front of the sentry bot "Huh. Now why hasn't anyone scavenged you?"
Revere Beach station, end tunnel raider encampment "Damn. Raiders. So, around? Or through?"
Reeb Marina "Guess these folks just couldn't get along."
Ranger cabin, inside, next to the skeleton "How long do you think she's been here?"
Quincy ruins, Freeway stronghold bridge to roof catwalks "Oh, it's nicer from up here... I think."
Quincy ruins, southeast entrance "See scenic Quincy, home to... uh... gimme a minute..."
Boston Police rationing site, in front of the trailer kiosk "Desperate times."
Pickman's Gallery "Oh, are these abstra... Oh god."
Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates, entrance "All the dangers of the wilderness, all the privacy of downtown."
Neponset Park "I mean the area's nice, but I'm not sure about the neighbors."
Natick power station "Hope none of this is still live."
Nahant Oceanological Society, second floor "Can't believe someone hasn't put that thing out of its misery."
Nahant Oceanological Society, research laboratory "Someone was not a fan of the aquarium."
Gorski Cabin, root cellar workshop "Please tell me that's not what I think it is."
University Point, just inside the gate "All this destruction. All the work of the Institute."
Mass Fusion disposal site "Well, would you look that. Such majesty."
Mahkra Fishpacking, basement store room "How can someplace smell this bad two hundred years after the fact?"
Vault 81, observation room "Now this is creepy."
Libertalia "Blue, that's Libertalia. They're not exactly known for their hospitality."
Libertalia, at the top of the main structure "Place is nicer without the Raiders. Not much, but nicer."
Kingsport Lighthouse, at the top beacon "What a view."
WRVR broadcast station, control room "Oh, this is where the Charles River Trio "performs." Come on, let's get out of here before they ask us to watch."
Jamaica Plain, treasure room "And now the story of a lifetime, the fabled treasure of Jamaica... Oh."
Jamaica Plain, security room "You getting the feeling we're on the right trail?"
Jalbert Brothers Disposal, at the barn with the barrels "Radiation sure did a number on these folks. Probably best if we didn't linger."
Super-Duper Mart, front counters "And now it's time for every Commonwealther's favorite game: is it still structurally sound?"
Irish Pride Industries shipyard, at the corpse of Rory Rigwell "Nasty way to go."
Cambridge crater, edge "Goodness, Blue. Do you have a deathwish? Let's get out of here."
Hub City Auto Wreckers, while on the crane "Where'd the Gunners get the brains to build something like this?"
Hester's Consumer Robotics, entrance: showroom floor "So, are these beyond repair or just lying in wait?"
College Square, the square "To have been in this place in its prime."
Fort Hagen, command center – outside the gated main room, next to the door "Place is in surprisingly good shape, considering."
Greater Mass blood clinic, basement storage "Warm, two-century-old bags of blood. Lovely."
Bugged Atom Cats garage, unable to determine due to bugged content. Bugged "It's certainly the most benign use of Power Armor I've come across, that's for sure."
Gunners plaza, cafeteria – before the staircase "Spared no expense it would seem."
Gunners plaza, main entrance of the atrium writer's room "So many people dedicated to finding out the truth."
When walking on a mirelurk infested beach, between Reeb Marina and Gibson Point Pier. "Uh, Blue. If you're looking to commune with the Mirelurks, next time, count me out."
General Atomics factory, quality assurance test chamber "Huh. They actually tried to train Mister Handy's. Could've fooled me."
Back Alley Bowling, at the lanes "My god. They were teaching the robots to bowl? So, these were the men who doomed the world."
General Atomics Galleria, at the gate "Can, can we get inside that thing?"
Fort Strong, sublevel in the room before the main mini nuke storage room. "That is a lot of death."
West Roxbury station, platform "Hello. Who got the train running?"
Federal Surveillance Center K-21B, gantry overlook "How far down does this place go?"
Faneuil Hall, the hall "Blech. You could nuke this place a second time and you'd still never get that smell out."
Concord Civic Access, main pipe room "You think we're under Concord proper yet?"
Fairline Hill Estates, at the fortified house "A silent neighborhood. A fortified homestead. This is how you start a good story... or a horror novel."
Fairline Hill Estates, at the entrance to the cul-de-sac "Something's not right. Where are the people?"
Easy City Downs "Inside Easy City Downs."
Easy City Downs, northern corner fence hole to the racetrack, next to the stands "Now this, this is funny."
East Boston Preparatory School, third floor torture chamber "Oh my god."
USS Constitution, after quest the completion of the quest Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution "So, that's progress. Not a lot."
Weatherby Savings & Loan, before the completion of the quest Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution "I'm confused. This didn't sail up here, right?"
D.B. Technical High School, basement – after killing Bosco or at the throne "Well, there goes any restful sleep I was planning for in the near future."
Croup Manor, basement "Basement full of Ghouls. And just when I thought I'd smelled everything."
Crater House, edge of crater "What kind of nuts would want to live in a blast crater? This kind, I guess."
Corvega assembly plant, entrance of the assembly line room "I've seen birds land on Corvegas and go up in flames. Can't believe people used to drive these things."
Bugged Coast Guard Pier, either at the corner of the pier by the tower, or the center of the building. The super mutants were supposed to be wearing Coast Guard hats. Bugged "God, I hope they don't start singing."
Chestnut Hillock Reservoir "Be a nice view, if it weren't for that wreck out there."
Shaw High School, cafeteria "And I've lost my appetite."
Charles View Amphitheater "Might be a while till the next show."
Cabot House, laboratory "No, this doesn't feel like a trap at all..."
Cabot House, living room "The stuff in here's older than you, Blue."
Bunker Hill, base of the monument "Worst part of being lookout in the Obelisk? Forgetting your lunch."
Breakheart Banks, at the building "Hope these folks didn't suffer. Course, knowing Super Mutants..."
Boston Public Library, hall where defenses are "So many books. I'd live in this place if it weren't for all the Mutants."
Boston Public Library, main entrance "You think there might still be real lions out there somewhere?"
Boston mayoral shelter, at the basketball court "I'll never understand the games of the past. Give me Red Menace any day of the week."
Beantown Brewery, bottling room floor "Hell of a set-up to just get people sauced."
Fallon's Department Store (West Roxbury township), by the fountain "Was there a ban on depicting anything other than an old general, a lion, or an angry-looking naked lady back then?"
Fallon's Department Store (West Roxbury township), by the escalators "Bet this was where all the fashionable folks of Boston came in its day."
Joe's Spuckies sandwich shop, speakeasy stairway "You know, if you're looking to get a drink, I can think of worse places."
The Switchboard, the foyer of the agency "Could probably spend a lifetime sorting through all this old intel."
BADTFL regional office, evidence lockup "Looks like Raider heaven in here."

Fallout: The Board Game[]

  • Piper can be found randomly when taking a card from the loot deck. While Piper is the active companion, the player character can exhaust her to explore an adjacent tile.
  • When the player character performs the camp action, she will become unexhausted. However, if the player character does not have the Vilified trait, she must be discarded.


Fallout 4
Fallout Shelter


  • During Story of the Century and from then onwards, Piper will call the player character "Blue," referring to their Vault jumpsuit. She still uses the nickname even if one is not wearing the jumpsuit when meeting her, responding, "I know you're not wearing the jumpsuit right now but the Pip-Boy and the 'fish out of water' look? Dead giveaways."
  • If Piper is an active companion when first talking to Magnolia in the Third Rail in Goodneighbor, she will clumsily compliment her, saying "Nice set this evening, ma'am... of songs that is. Is it warm in here?"
  • Raising one's affinity with Piper will necessitate dismissing her before choosing the outcome of Lorenzo Cabot during The Secret of Cabot House as she dislikes both choices of killing and freeing Lorenzo. This can be avoided by choosing neither and instead letting Lorenzo break free due to inaction. Successfully siding with the family through passing Charisma checks later in the quest also prevents her affinity from dropping.
  • If taken to Nate/Nora's corpse in Vault 111, she will say "Is, is that who I think it is? You okay?"
  • Upon being killed, she will utter either "Blue..." or “Take care... of Nat...”
  • Piper may become hostile if the player character assaults a traveling doctor or their brahmin, even when romanced.
    • She will become instantly hostile toward the player character if one has killed a Diamond City security officer.
    • She will also become hostile should they kill a settler.
  • When asked about her thoughts directly after starting Blind Betrayal, Piper will react as if the quest has already been completed, thus delivering a massive spoiler.
  • If one swaps Strong for Piper as a companion, Strong will comment, "This human weak, soft, not live long," to which Piper retorts, "Not so fast big boy, I know a few of your brothers that would disagree."
  • Piper can occasionally approach and interview other NPCs about various subjects, such as life in the Commonwealth, their opinions about the Institute and hope for the future. She is often rudely dismissed and backs off.
  • If Piper is an active companion when near the South Boston military checkpoint, as the pre-recorded message repeats, she will sarcastically comment to it, "Ugh! Yes, we hear you!"
  • Piper's terminal in the Publick Occurrences building contains every available article depending on how far one is into the main questline. It also contains reader complaints on how her articles are always negative and just trying to drum up fear for increased sales or how the Wall doesn't contribute anything to Diamond City's safety. To every complaint, there is a published response for the public and a more acerbic personal response which she keeps to herself. There are also anonymous messages that are sent to Publick Occurrences for advice on a certain situation. Every one of these messages is responded to by Piper herself. Some of these situations include letting their children go and live their own life, talking to girls, and how to handle stress. One of the message's writers says that they are lonely and even asks Piper out on a date, but she declined.
  • If dismissed as a companion without ever specifying a destination, Piper will go to the Publick Occurrences building in Diamond City.
  • After completing Story of the Century, all items and containers within the Publick Occurrences building, including Piper's terminal, will no longer be marked as owned, and can be freely used or taken. The only exception to this is the two beds (bed and sleeping bag). Available items may include a fusion core in the suitcase under Piper's bed.
  • Piper will mention knowing a trader named Roger who dealt in clothes, weapons and jewelry crafted from deathclaws, and who she suspects to be dead.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Now, now. Don't start what you can't finish."
  • "Nice to be on the move again. Fewer paper cuts than back home"
  • "Watch your digits, Blue! Ferals!" – when engaging feral ghouls
  • "Catch!" – when throwing a grenade
  • "You really do have a talent for finding trouble, don't you."
  • "Come on, Nicky. I'm just asking for your opinion. It'd be a great quote." to Nick Valentine, to which he replies with "S/he's my client Piper. Why don't you learn not to snoop on a woman's/man's private affairs?"
  • "I've heard crazier plans to do this." – When Sole Survivor tells Kent Connolly "Good for you" during The Silver Shroud.
  • "I guess everyone deserves a chance at life. Even if it is life as a walking meat grinder." – If the pristine deathclaw egg is returned to the nest during The Devil's Due.
  • "Oh, angry robot lady!" – When combating an Assaultron
  • "Real great set this evening, ma'am. Of songs, that is. Is it warm in here?" – When talking to Magnolia and complimenting her music at the Third Rail
  • "I am Handy, Destroyer of Worlds!" – While fighting the Mr. Handies at the General Atomics Galleria
  • "Whose bright idea was it to arm the gardener?" – While fighting a Mr. Handy or Mr. Gutsy
  • "Doing the right thing rarely makes you popular... But I don't think I could live with myself otherwise."
  • "Hoo boy, that’s a lot of metal…" – When encountering a sentry bot
  • "Is, is that who I think it is? You okay?" – If taken to Nate/Nora's corpse in Vault 111.
  • After romancing her:
    • "I'm with the person I love, helping those in need. I couldn't imagine a better life."
    • "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
    • "Nat always said I was the lucky one. Seems Sis was right."
    • "Hey doll." – Female Sole Survivor
    • "Hey handsome." – Male Sole Survivor
  • When Lover's Embrace is activated:
    • "Hey."
    • "Lovely night."
    • "Can't believe we slept this late."
    • "We really have to get up?"
    • "Wakey wakey, Blue. Come on. Time to move."
  • When being radiated:
    • "You wanna get out of here? I don't think we'd make pretty Ghouls."
    • "Ugh. You feel that too? Rads."
    • "Sooner we get out of this radiation, the better."
    • "We're not going to stay smoothskins much longer if we don't get a move on."
    • "Gonna have a lot more limbs and a lot less hair if we stick around here too much longer."
  • Dying words:
    • "Blue..."
    • "Take care... of Nat"
  • Comments on locations:
    • "A real shame. They still had a lot more rounds of musical chairs left." – When seeing what's left of the support group meeting in Vault 95.
    • "Looks like we have found the secret lair of the Silver Shroud." – On the top floor of Hubris Comics.
    • "Goodneighbor, huh? You lookin' to get stoned or stabbed?" – When Piper arrives for the first time in Goodneighbor.
    • "Ah, the Combat Zone. No finer place to get murdered in all Commonwealth." – When arrive at the Combat Zone
    • "I'm so confused. This didn't sail up here... right?" – Upon seeing the USS Constitution.
    • "Place reminds me of Diamond City. Rich folks up top, everyone else down below." – Upon entering the Wildwood Cemetery.
    • "Goodness, Blue, do you have a death wish? Let's get out of here!" – When approaching the Cambridge crater.
    • "Blue. Something's not right here." – When arriving at Croup Manor.
  • When the Brotherhood of Steel arrives in the Commonwealth:
    • "I don't believe it." – When witnessing the Prydwen's arrival.
    • "Have you ever seen anything like that? The airship? God, they must have an entire army on that thing." – When commenting on the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • When swapping Piper with:
    • Danse: "You two play nice out there.", to which Danse replies: "Only if it "plays nice" back, citizen."
    • Hancock: "If it isn't my second least favorite Mayor in the Commonwealth".
    • "If it isn't my second least...I guess now least favorite Mayor in the Commonwealth" – After Mayor McDonough is killed In Sheep's Clothing.
    • Codsworth: "Hey Codsworth. You sure you're up for this?", to which Codsworth replies: "Ms. Piper, I can think of no greater honor."
    • Preston Garvey: "Well, if it ain't the pride of the Minutemen. Be safe, you two.", to which Preston replies: "We'll do our best, Piper."
    • Curie: "Have fun you two. Don't pick any fights I wouldn't.", to which Curie replies: "Well I hope to not pick any at all."
    • Cait: "So, no one's managed to put you in the ground yet, Cait?", to which Cait replies: "Not yet, though it isn't for a lack of tryin'."
    • Deacon: "You two are heading out together? Not sure the Commonwealth's ready for that.", to which Deacon replies: "What's there to worry about? How much trouble could two people really get into?"
    • Strong: "Jeez, you Mutants are not much prettier up close.", to which Strong replies: "Strong say same about little lady."
    • Valentine: "So, any stories you two come across out there, I get the exclusive, right?", to which Valentine replies: "Piper, I wouldn't know who else to tell."
    • MacCready: "Maybe just try not to get each other killed out there?", to which MacCready replies: "Getting us killed is the farthest thing from my mind, angel."
  • When someone else is the current companion and Piper is chosen:


Piper Wright appears in Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter, Fallout Shelter Online and in Fallout: The Board Game.

Behind the scenes[]

FO76 Not Piper Wright

A Piper lookalike in Fallout 76

  • In localized versions of the game, Piper's voice is dubbed by Danai Querol (Spanish), Saori Seto (Japanese) and Chiara Francese (Italian).
  • In the Creation Kit, the road goggles have the editor ID "ClothesPiperGoggles," along with concept art of Piper depicting her wearing them pushed up on her forehead.
  • In her concept art, it appears Piper would have had shorter hair. She also would have worn a fedora rather than a flat cap. One other concept design shows her with what appears to be an aviator's cap and camera equipment worn around the neck.
  • In Fallout 76, players can purchase Piper's press cap, Piper's road goggles and Piper's trench coat in the Atomic Shop.
  • Piper's interactions with Mayor McDonough seem to be inspired by those of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein who famously reported on the Watergate scandal which eventually led to the resignation of Richard Nixon as US President. This is supported by Mayor McDonough's "I Am Not a Synth" speech, which paraphrases Nixon's infamous "I Am Not a Crook" speech.
  • Piper's design was visualized by Ray Lederer. He states that the green scarf he included in her design, in his own mental backstory, was knitted for Piper by Mama Murphy,[Non-game 1] though in the final game, the two characters have no notable interactions together.
  • According to some fan theories, Piper's name might've been chosen as a pun on a Boston pronunciation of the word "Newspaper" (News-piper), due to her status as the owner of Publick Occurrances.


  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One Piper will not move even if she is standing, near an enemy, shot at or interacted with at all. She can still be spoken to. She may be locked in a single position and just slide around. Fast traveling fixes this.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One Piper cannot be romanced after idolizing the player character (max affinity), even if their Charisma is maxed. The key/button to select is there, but the option to romance is blank. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One Piper will mysteriously disappear from the game completely. However, starting the quest In Sheep's Clothing will seemingly fix this.[verified] Also, she may reappear at the end of the quest Reunions, trying to get an interview from Nick Valentine.[verified]
  • Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One Piper will randomly dislike something out of nowhere, such as fast traveling, killing hostile enemies, picking unowned locks, and simply exploring. It is quite rare, but frequency increases after fast traveling to an area populated with enemies, and especially when the player character is in power armor (specifically the X-01 power armor), although these messages take an unusually long time to appear.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Sometimes when heavily injured, Piper will remain in the downed position indefinitely. She can still be spoken to, and will teleport with the Sole Survivor when traveling, via a loading zone or fast travel, but will not get up or walk. (Possibly caused by fall damage outside of combat, encountered at the Garden Terrace) Depleting her health (tested using the PC Kill command) then stimpaking her seems to fix the problem. Alternatively, loading a save prior to her injury solves this.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 If Piper is your romantic partner and is your companion and is wearing power armor when you are sleeping, her power armor sometimes has disappeared when you wake up. This seems to happen when you sleep in a narrow location where there is not enough space for her to step out of the armor. If you make her leave the armor before you sleep, the problem will not occur. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One If Piper is not made a romantic partner prior to the finishing conversation with her and Nick Valentine at the end of Reunions, she sometimes cannot become a romantic partner because the conversation assumes you have not already met her. It is best to make her a romantic partner before starting Reunions.[verified]


Fallout 4[]

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare[]

Fallout Shelter series[]

Magic: The Gathering[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Sole Survivor: "Seems that execution didn't quite take, huh?"
    Piper Wright: "Thank god. I'd been working on this story about irradiated drinking water in Bunker Hill. I traced the water back to its source, through these old sewer tunnels, and what do I find? The Children of Atom, setting up like they own the place. Unfortunately, they found me just as quick. Turns out they were not fond of reporters. So to atone for my trespassing, they decided to make a sacrifice to Atom - me. I'm kneeling there, about to get the boot into this huge sewer pipe... ...when I suddenly blurt out: "Atom! He reveals himself!" And they buy it. They pulled me back from the ledge... and then gave me their induction ceremony. You are looking at an official acolyte of Atom. Took me a couple more days before I managed to sneak away, get Bunker Hill security to finally clean the place up."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Piper Wright: "Always on good behavior, aren't ya?"
    The Sole Survivor: "I try to be."
    Piper Wright: "Seems like you're doing better than "trying." I appreciate it. Too few folks can be bothered. Course, in my experience, if you want to do real good, playing nice only gets ya so far. I mean, look at Diamond City, a place I've been trying to warn of real danger. But every issue I publish, all I hear is: "Oh, Piper, why don't you ever publish anything happy? Piper, why can't you write something nice for a change?" It's enough to make me wanna to hang up my hat some days."
    The Sole Survivor: "Is Diamond City really in danger? It's not like there's Raiders pounding on the gate."
    Piper Wright: "Are you kidding me? There is a very real chance that the city leadership has been infiltrated by an Institute Synth. A synth under the control of an organization widely known to kidnap or murder anyone that stands up to them. I'd take Raiders at the gate any day of the week over that. Course, making sure folks are actually listening... that's a battle in itself..."
    The Sole Survivor: "Sounds like it must be exhausting."
    Piper Wright: "Heh, no kidding. But people, they deserve to know the truth. Sure, it can be scary, knowing what's really out there. A night doesn't go by I'm not afraid some Institute drone'll decide today's the day to pay 'ol Piper and family a visit. But it's worth it. Because I know the truth, that's what protects us."
    The Sole Survivor: "Scared, huh? Could've fooled me."
    Piper Wright: "I'm pushy, not crazy. Honestly, these days, I'm more scared for my sister. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her. But I'm not the only one with something to lose. That's why people deserve to know what's out there, good or bad."
    The Sole Survivor: "Couldn't agree more. How can you protect you and yours if you don't know what you're facing?"
    Piper Wright: "Exactly. Most folks, though, they'd prefer a comforting lie. Not me. I've seen firsthand what the truth can do. My sister and I, we grew up way out in the Commonwealth. Tiny little settlement. Our Dad, he was part of the local militia. "Keeping the Raiders off our backs and the Mirelurks out of our latrines," as he'd describe it. Well one day, our Dad turns up dead. His captain, asshole named Mayburn, claims Raiders must've gotten him on watch. Well, I didn't buy it. I start making inquiries. Turns out, the captain, he'd sold out. Thought he wasn't getting paid enough to babysit the town. He was going to leave the gates open one night, let a group of Raiders sack the place, and take a cut of the profits. My dad found out and was going to turn Mayburn in, but Mayburn got to him first. And I wasn't about to let that bastard get away with murder. I tried talking to the Mayor but he wouldn't listen. So I papered the entire town in posters, "Wanted for Gross Dereliction of Duty. Captain Mayburn." The Mayor sure wanted to talk after that. The town threw Mayburn out on his ass and were dug-in when a very surprised group of Raiders finally showed."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  3. The Sole Survivor: "What happened after that?"
    Piper Wright: "We made due. Sis was still pretty young at the time and mom was... out of the picture, so we got by on the kindness of others for a while. Eventually I saved up enough to book us both passage with a caravan and then we moved on up to the big city. Called it home ever since."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  4. Piper Wright: "I just wanted to right the things I thought were wrong. And when Nat and I first got to Diamond City, there was a lot of wrong. Crooked guards, lousy infrastructure. Heh. There was a hole in the exterior wall that was patched over with a bookcase. One bookcase. That's it. I started the paper more as an act of desperation than anything else. It turned out, I wasn't the only one who wanted things to change. After the first couple of editions, people may not have agreed with what I said, but everyone was listening."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  5. The Sole Survivor: "Someone poisoned you?"
    Piper Wright: "You kidding me? I barely had the paper going before I got poisoned. First time, I'd just published an article about this cartel of caravans that had been driving up food prices in the city. Article went over well, even got a boycott of their goods started in town, so I figured I'd pop over to the Dugout Inn for a victory drink. I'd already taken a swig by the time I realized something was... wrong. Vadim, he wasn't at the bar. The beer tasted off... even so more than usual. And I start feeling real woozy. I don't know what he slipped me, but I knew I had to get it out. I'm looking around for something... And there it is. The still. And I just start chugging moonshine. Honestly, I'm still not totally convinced it was better than just dying from the poison. But it worked. And while I was passed out on the floor, security managed to grab the bartender. He eventually ratted on his bosses and they all got to share some time in the pen."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Piper Wright: "You really do have a talent for finding trouble, don't you?"
    The Sole Survivor: "I suppose so."
    Piper Wright: "Hey, I'm not one to judge. Honestly, it's just nice to not be doing it alone for a change. In my line of work, things tend to get pretty hairy. I've been shot at, poisoned, nearly executed. Heck, until recently, they called the lock-up in Diamond City the "Piper Suite." Anything for a story, I suppose."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  7. The Sole Survivor: "Seriously? One bookcase? Not even some tape?"
    Piper Wright: "No! But now, now you can't even tell where the hole was. Brick, real mortar, the works. All because of the paper."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  8. Piper Wright: "When that first edition hit the stands, I felt like I'd finally done something worth doing, but afterwards, things, things changed. People didn't want to talk the way they used to. Seemed that overnight, I'd gone from being Piper, friend and confidant, to Piper, the nosy snoop. A lot of folks, they haven't treated me the same since. It started to feel like the only person I could count on was my little sis."
    The Sole Survivor: "That was a long time ago. People can't still treat you that way."
    Piper Wright: "You'd think, but if anything, it's gotten worse. Sure, I've earned some friends back in town, but now I've even got a reputation outside Diamond City."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  9. Text of The Synthetic Truth
  10. The Sole Survivor: "That Brotherhood airship is hard to miss."
    Piper Wright: "The Brotherhood of Steel doesn't do subtle. From what I've heard, they take whatever they want. Especially if it's high-tech. They just might have the muscle to give the Institute a run for their money, but they're... let's just say they have their own agenda."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  11. Piper Wright: "Brotherhood sure knows how to take all the fun out of dressing in rivets and leather."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  12. Danny Sullivan: "I got orders not to let you in, Ms. Piper. I'm sorry. I'm just doing my job."
    Piper Wright: "Just doing your job? Protecting Diamond City means keeping me out, is that it? "Oh look, it's the scary reporter!" Boo!"
    Danny Sullivan: "I'm sorry, but Mayor McDonough's really steamed, Piper. Sayin' that article you wrote was all lies. The whole city's in a tizzy."
    Piper Wright: "Agh... You open this gate right now, Danny Sullivan! I live here. You can't just lock me out!"
    (Danny Sullivan and Piper Wright's dialogue)
  13. Piper Wright: "Shh. Play along. What was that? You said you're a trader up from Quincy? You have enough supplies to keep the general store stocked for a whole month? Huh. You hear that, Danny? You gonna open the gate and let us in? Or are you going to be the one talking to crazy Myrna about losing out on all this supply?"
    Danny Sullivan: "Geez, all right. No need to make it personal, Piper. Give me a minute."
    Piper Wright: "Better head inside quick before ole' Danny catches on to the bluff."
    (Danny Sullivan and Piper Wright's dialogue)
  14. The Sole Survivor: "Always believed in freedom of the press."
    Danse: "I find that the press often manipulates the truth in order to deliver their agenda."
    (Danse's dialogue)
  15. Piper Wright: "Come on, Blue. This isn't amateur hour."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)

