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Forest Grove marsh is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Forest Grove was once a small, scenic town overlooking the Charles River. Now it's a fetid marsh due to the nonfunctional river lock and the failure of riverside floodwalls, infested by feral ghouls. This combination has driven off all but the most inquisitive or reckless scavengers. The dam is home to a small scavenger camp, where transients occasionally stop for the night.[Non-game 1]

The marsh has since become known as a prime location of a species of mutated ferns which are sought for radiation-resisting medicinal properties.[1] Recently (as of 2287), a two-person team consisting of ghoul Sheila and human Dale set out to collect ferns from the marsh for Solomon, a chem merchant in Diamond City. Sheila set up a system of walkways along the destroyed town's rooftops for easy navigation and to cultivate the ferns, while Dale was supposed to handle deliveries to and from the marsh. However, Dale was attacked by the feral ghouls upon his late arrival, and he and Sheila are both nowhere to be found.[2]


Half of the town is flooded with irradiated water and inhabited by feral ghouls. Walkways have been set up all over the town, connecting many of the rooftops, and many said rooftops contain growths of mutated ferns, as well as assorted supplies from Sheila and Dale. Opening the pub's door near the water on the side of town activates a frag mine.

There is a collapsed, two-story gunshop near the northwest corner of the town. It can be identified by the flashing red light and tall antenna on the roof of the building. On the second floor of the shop are a weapons workbench and duffle bag. On top of the roof are a steamer trunk, two sleeping bags, supplies, and Sheila's holotape.

Notable loot[]

  • Sheila's holotape - On the roof of the gun shop.
  • At least 20 mutated fern flowers as mentioned in Sheila's holotape (most of which are scattered across the rooftops). Two flowers are on the ground, between two houses south of the gunshop.

Related quests[]

  • Botany Class: This location has many mutated ferns, only one of which is needed for the quest. Solomon suggests this location for the search.


Companion comments[]

  • When at this location, companions make comments, which are activated upon entering the location.
Location comments
Character Comment
Codsworth "It won't be long until Mother Nature reclaims this one."
John Hancock
Nick Valentine
Piper Wright
Preston Garvey
Robert MacCready



Forest Grove marsh appears only in Fallout 4.


The water near the higher water lock does not behave like normal bodies of water. It is possible to walk through the water, and jumping into it can cause fall damage.



  1. The Sole Survivor: "Looking for a job, if you got one."
    Solomon: "Yeah, I got something. Looking for a Mutated Fern if you find any. I hear some grows out near Forest Grove Marsh. Natural radiation sucker. Be great for cooking RadX or RadAway."
    (Solomon's dialogue)
  2. Sheila's holotape


  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition pp. 314-315: "[3.17] FOREST GROVE MARSH
    Forest Grove Marsh is a series of residential and other small buildings that have sunken and been flooded by the river. Some radioactive leak below the area has irradiated the water, and though scavengers have tried to put up walkways across the rooftops of the buildings to explore the houses, the numerous Ghouls in the area have stopped all but the most inquisitive or reckless scavengers. Proceed at your own risk. With the river waters rising to the south, the nonfunctioning river lock is at the root of the problems Forest Grove Marsh is experiencing. There’s little you can do about it, save scavenging some health from the moored boat within the lock. The metal shack has an armor workbench to tinker on. A small scavenger camp with a cooking station, this is occasionally used by scavengers and others passing through. The only permanent resident is a large stuffed space monkey."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)