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This is a transcript for dialogue with Solomon.


1ConvDiamondCityGenericSolomon01SceneHey, you're looking a little sluggish today. You feeling all right?GenericNPC: Yeah, I don't know what it is, but I just can't seem to get going today.A1a
2GenericNPC: Yeah, I don't know what it is, but I just can't seem to get going today.You gotta balance out the chemistry in your life. You work too hard, for example, that causes the whole body to slow down.GenericNPC: Really?A1a
3GenericNPC: Really?Oh yeah. Work's a real downer. You need to add a little pick-me-up in your diet to even it out.A1a
4You mix a little Jet into your meals every day, your whole body will feel lifted right up.GenericNPC: Thanks.A1b
5ConvDiamondCityGenericSolomon02SceneGenericNPC: Hey, Solomon, you got anything to help me, you know, impress someone?Trying your hand at the game of love, maybe? Ah, don't answer that. Your business.A1a
6You crush some Mentats in with your coffee in the morning, it'll help loosen the language centers in your brain. Lower anxiety.A1b
7Whoever you're trying to win over, a good regimen of those little red pills will keep your prepared when the time comes.GenericNPC: Huh. Interesting.A1c


8SolomonGreetScene{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now, I don't mean to be a drag, but I got a business here.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
9{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Anyway, I got a store to run. Let's talk shop.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
10{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Back to the matter at hand, though. Chems.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
11{Happy} Hey, it's the fern collector. Thanks again. You buyin'?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
12{slightly stoned} Got chems, right here for you, sister.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
13{slightly stoned} Got chems right here for you, brother.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
14{slightly stoned} Hey man. Got a lot of chems here if you need something to help you relax.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
15{slightly stoned} Prescriptions filled, right here. Anything you need.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
16{slightly stoned} Got everything you could need. Med-X, Mentats, whatever.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
17{slightly stoned} You look like you need a prescription filled. Something to settle your nerves. Let you chill.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
18{slightly stoned} Got a pick-me-up if you're feeling glum.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
19Player Default: Not interested.No worries.B1a
20Player Default: Not interested.That's cool.B2a
21Player Default: Not interested.You do your thing.B3a
22Player Default: Not interested.Cool cool.B4a
23Player Default: Not interested.Lemme know if that changes.B5a
24Player Default: Can I put this on my charge card?{player is trying to pay with a "charge card" - it looks like a worthless piece of plastic / Puzzled} Hey, I know money's kind of an imaginary thing anyway, but that card is like... way more imaginary than I'm comfortable with.Solomon: Hey, I know money's kind of an imaginary thing anyway, but that card is like... way more imaginary than I'm comfortable with.Y1a
25Player Default: Did you say something about drugs?{slightly stoned} That's right. All the chems you need to fill out your lifestyle. Balance you out.Y2a
26{slightly stoned} Everyone here buys from me. Sometimes security needs a little Psycho, or an engineer needs some Mentats. And heck, Rad-X is plain universal.Solomon: Hey, I know money's kind of an imaginary thing anyway, but that card is like... way more imaginary than I'm comfortable with.Y2b
27Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Got your fix.A1a
28Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Self-served medicine.A2a
29Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Every chem for every need.A3a
30Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Chems for a balanced lifestyle.A4a
31Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Check it out.A5a
32Player Default: Looking for a job, if you got one.{player asks if you have any work} Yeah, I got something. Looking for a Mutated Fern if you find any.X1a
33{slightly stoned} I hear some grows out near Forest Grove Marsh. Natural radiation sucker. Be great for cooking RadX or RadAway.Player Default: Actually, I think I have something already.X1b
34Player Default: Looking for a job, if you got one.You reconsider getting that Mutated Fern for me?Player Default: Actually, I think I have something already.X2a
35Player Default: Looking for a job, if you got one.Sounds good.X3a
36Player Default: Looking for a job, if you got one.That's right. Take it slow.X4a
37Player Default: Looking for a job, if you got one.Cool. I'll be here.X5a
38Player Default: Looking for a job, if you got one.Sure. Hit me up later.X6a
39Player Default: Looking for a job, if you got one.That's fine.X7a
40SolomonQuestScenePlayer Default: Actually, I think I have something already.{Happy} Well, all right! Here's your payment. This plant's gonna be great to cook with.A1a
41Player Default: Actually, I think I have something already.Cool.A2a
42Player Default: Fern collecting? No thanks.Ah... that's too bad. Oh well.B1a
43Player Default: Sweeten the deal with some money, and I might be interested.All right, how about 125 caps?Player Default: Actually, I think I have something already.X1a
44Player Default: Sweeten the deal with some money, and I might be interested.You are one righteous talker. 150 caps.Player Default: Actually, I think I have something already.X2a
45Player Default: Sweeten the deal with some money, and I might be interested.{negotiating price} 200. That's all I can pay. I swear.Player Default: Actually, I think I have something already.X3a
46Player Default: Sweeten the deal with some money, and I might be interested.{Stern} You strong-arming me? That ain't cool. 100 caps. That's all you'll get.Player Default: Actually, I think I have something already.X4a
47Player Default: What did you need again?Mutated Fern. Hear it's dynamite for making radiation meds. You interested?Player Default: Actually, I think I have something already.Y1a
48-Thanks again for the fern. Plants like that are hard to come by. Now, you here to pickup some chems?A
49That's right. Just relax. Chill out.
50Take all the time you need, brother.
51Take all the time you need, sister.
52Yeah. Just breathe in and breathe out...
53{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Prescriptions filled! High-quality chems right here!
54{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Chem-I-Care cares about you! All your medicinal needs.
55{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Mentats, Buffout, Stimpaks, Jet! Everything to even you out.
56{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Don't let the stress of life kill ya! Relax with some chems.
57{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Self-prescribed chems! As recommended by me, myself, and I.
58{off work, hanging out} Everyone in this city's always jumping at shadows. Chill out, is what I say.
59{off work, hanging out} You gotta accept life on its terms, you know? Something bad happens, just say "yes" to it.
60{off work, hanging out} I believe in the Chem lifestyle. We all got problems. Why not balance that out with some prescriptions?
61{off work, hanging out} Stay cool.


62FFDiamondCity03ReturnSceneHey, you find any Mutated Fern for me? Got a lot of plans for that plant.Player Default: Found the plant. Here you go.A
63You find that fern? Should be easy to spot.Player Default: Found the plant. Here you go.A
64Got something green for me, man? And by green, I mean, mutated and glowing.Player Default: Found the plant. Here you go.A
65Player Default: Found the plant. Here you go.{Happy} All right. Here's your payment, plus some samples from the pharmacy. Don't take 'em all at once, now. Moderation.A1a
66Player Default: Haven't gotten to it yet, Solomon.{Depressed} That's too bad. Oh well.B1a
67Player Default: I'll get back to you.All right.X1a
68Player Default: What did you need again?Mutated Fern. Hear it's dynamite for making radiation meds. Did you find some?Player Default: Found the plant. Here you go.Y1a
69-Good luck finding that Mutated Fern, man.


70-{a man has another man at gunpoint, you're in the crowd watching / Nervous} Whoa. Something heavy is going down...A
71{the police just shot a crazed gunman, you're closing your store / Nervous} Can't believe that happened. It's totally ruined the mood out here...A