Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Sheila was a ghoul scavenger who lived in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Sheila and her human partner Dale were hired by Solomon to gather mutated fern. As planned, Sheila arrived first at the Forest Grove marsh to set up their harvesting operation; she was the one who built all the walkways found around the area. Dale was to arrive later to pick up and deliver the harvested ferns. However, he came three days late, and by that point Sheila was out of supplies and planning to make a supply run, recording instructions for Dale if he came while she was out. When Dale finally came, Sheila was glad to see him, but he was suddenly attacked by the feral ghouls in the marsh, which had ignored her due to her being a ghoul. Sheila shouted for Dale to run before her recording ended.[1]


Sheila is one of several holotape speaker NPCs who has a unique actor model in the game files, as pictured in the infobox. Dale's model is also unique.


Sheila is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

