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Fallout Wiki

ā€œThe average depth of the Atlantic Ocean is 3,928 meters.ā€ā€” Oceanological instructor

The Atlantic Ocean is a massive body of water dividing the Americas from Europe and Africa. The ocean is seen in the Commonwealth, Point Lookout and the coastal areas of Atlantic City.


The waters around Atlantic City are horribly irradiated, enough to burn and disintegrate unprotected humans in seconds.[1] The reason for this is not known, but one of the theories includes a pre-War bomber jettisoning two nuclear bombs when it suffered an engine failure, whose casings deteriorated over time and the nuclear material within started to leech into the waters, poisoning them.[2]

Notable locations[]

Point Lookout[]

The Commonwealth[]

Atlantic City[]


In the Commonwealth, the murky filter will lift upon going deep enough; although this is most likely a bug or oversight, as it only occurs while facing down.


The Atlantic Ocean appears in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout, Fallout 4, and its add-on Far Harbor, and the Fallout 76 update Expeditions: Atlantic City.

Behind the scenes[]

The nuclear weapons incident referred to by Veracio Cruz when asked about the ocean's radioactivity parallels an incident on July 28, 1957, in which a C-124 Globemaster was forced to jettison two of its three nuclear weapons to protect its crew. The weapons were never recovered.[Non-game 1]

See also[]


  1. ā†‘ Vault 76 dweller: "Is the ocean safe to swim in?"
    Veracio Cruz: "The innocent tourist gazes upon an old postcard. Vacationers frolicking in the waves beneath the summer sun, blissful smiles on their unmarred faces. For a moment, the tourist is transported to a visage of the old world. They doff their apparel and frolic, as their privileged predecessors did. The water produces a warm sensation. In their gleefulness, the tourist believes it is the shine of the sun. But the clouds overhead cast a shadow. The warmth begins to burn. Skin peels, organs rupture, bone cracks and crumbles! All within seconds of this optimistic charade! Who now would believe this world is the same? This city rose tints their weary eyes! And they accept it willingly!"
    (Veracio Cruz's dialogue)
  2. ā†‘ Vault 76 dweller: "Why is the water so irradiated?"
    Veracio Cruz: "They say it was not our enemies that irradiated these waters, but ourselves. That a transport aircraft suffered an engine failure, and was forced to jettison its precious cargo into the waiting depths off this very coast. The cargo was two nuclear bombs. Did they detonate far below, where no human would ever feel it? Or perhaps they lie dormant. Perhaps the pressure created a leak, poisoning this water over the course of decadesā€¦ Or perhaps the myth never happened at all, and the truth of this lethal ocean remains buried. The mystery entices, does it not?"
    (Veracio Cruz's dialogue)

