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This is a transcript for dialogue with Veracio Cruz.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006FAA6A 006FAA79 I have no business with you. That is... not yet. Enticing/mysterious. Sensing potential in this stranger
2 006FAA7A You have a certain look about you. Like you may yet surprise me.
3 006FAA7B Fortune favors the bold. Take that into your heart, stranger. Find your chance for glory.
4 006FAA7D I thought I sensed something. Like a wave waiting to break.
5 006FAA7E Sensation! I know not your purpose here, but your presence is welcome.
6 006FAA7F Is it the Sensation who approaches, with no apology? Or do you hide behind the mask of civilized humanity? Implying that people only show their true selves during the Game
7 006FAA81 A crown forged of sweat, of blood, of turbulence and triumph! Wear it proudly, Sensation.
8 006FAA82 For being reborn, I congratulate you. Now see the world through new eyes. No more barriers or half-truths.
9 006FAA83 I see the change in you. Through the trials of the Game, your heart beats anew.
10 0072EBEC You return freely to our domain. This means we still have something to offer each other, yes?
11 0072EBED Do you come seeking more? The Game is set, but our potential is not limited to the Game.
12 006FAA6B 006DEF9D Next time, you must grant me the privilege of an encore.
13 006DEF9E Your performance was thrilling. I only wish I could have taken part in it.
14 006DEF9F The pain you delivered today was exquisite to witness.
15 006FAA85 So we meet again on a separate stage. Here, we are almost strangers.
16 006FAA86 Your next performance. Tell me, when does the curtain rise? Asking when the player is going to compete again
17 006FAA87 Do not tempt me, Sensation. Tonight I am, ah... restless. Restless for action/bloodshed
18 006FAA6C 006FAA77 Let us meet again, to write another chapter together.
19 006FAA6E 006FAA75 Pain is merely a tool in an arsenal. With so many ways to prod the human spirit, one can never predict what may emerge from the other side.
20 Those who crumble at the first test are of no interest to me.
21 But those who endure, adapt, transform... those such as you. Through conflict and inspiration, we benefit each other mutually.
22 006FAA70 006FAA74 Once upon a time I clawed at rusted cage bars, begging for scraps from my raider masters. Their overconfidence left me an opportunity.
23 I turned the whip upon them. Broke their bodies, then their spirits. Held their hands and guided them each to death's comforting embrace.
24 In this city of vice, depravity reigns in another form: a slow and desperate decline.
25 Amidst it all, a troupe of thespians - we Showmen - keep life's spirit alive to be broken!
26 Here, there is an endless stream of desperados clawing for one more fix. Willing to give anything. What could be more tantalizing to play with?
27 006FAA72 006FAA76 Perhaps it would be more accurate to say the Game possessed my vision. An unmet need to be answered - a decadent playground upon which to answer it.
28 I simply provided the backdrop, the guardian voice granting permission. It is the players who create the Game.
29 0072D3C3 0072D3D1 Finally! We live!
30 0072D3D2 Let us dance!
31 0072D3D3 This is true passion!
32 0072D3C4 0072D3E4 Come now! Awaken!
33 0072D3E5 Let us find our true selves!
34 0072D3E6 Show me what waits beneath!
35 0072D3C5 0072D3C9 Agh!
36 0072D3CA Ugh!
37 0072D3CB Once more!
38 0072D3C6 0072D3CD The kiss of death... Mi amor.
39 0072D3CE Is this... fear?
40 0072D3CF Simply... magnificent...
41 0072D3C7 0072D3D9 These moments between are torturous. Where is the action, the triumph, the bloodshed? Why must we wait to live? Feeling restless
42 0072D3DA Fear... If only I could remember the taste of it. The zest of a shiver... The building heat of a beating heart. He hasn't felt real fear in a long time, and misses it
43 0072D3DB How rare it is to witness true metamorphosis.
44 0072D3DC Are they not heavy? The shackles worn willingly by the populace... They prefer safety to freedom. They choose ignorance over enlightenment! Increasingly enraged by this thought
45 0072D3DD How keenly they wear their masks. Airs of civility, contentment, graciousness... Revolting! I wish to see your true nature! Increasingly enraged and passionate
46 0072D3DE Humanity rots in the dust of its own complacency. I reject this decay. We are born to live! Passionate
47 0072D3DF Too long have I held dominion over my own mortality. I run the risk of becoming... stagnant. Wishing someone would challenge him
48 0072D3E0 Agency, identity, mortality... Illusions to make shape of a formless reality. To quell the anxiety of that which cannot be known. Philosophical, somewhat condescending
49 0072D3E1 What do I blind myself to? What trial would shape my spirit in its true form? Passionately considering what his next challenge should be
50 0072D3E2 The idleness of life... How it pales in the passion of imminent death. Deliciously
51 0072EBD4 0072EBFB Yes, enough drivel. Show me in action.
52 0072EBD5 0072EBFA Such judgments are meaningless to me. The Game is open to all. If you have no further wish to compete, do not waste my time with colorless insults.
53 It sounds to my ears like the oblivious cries of an infant.
54 0072EBD6 0072EBFC A desire to uncover the true limits of humanity, the greatest capacity of strength and willpower that can be found in the heart of an individual.
55 How many heroes lived and died without ever knowing their worth?
56 How many warriors succumbed to defeat because no one told them it was possible to fight?
57 I have pushed many past their limits. But without... something to fight for, they wither and crumble.
58 The title of Sensation grants focus to dormant ambition. In an arena with true freedom, it is possible to test just how far that ambition will reach.
59 0072EBD8 0072EBF9 I am not the one to be congratulated, Sensation. You have emerged transformed from every challenge. Embodying my greatest hopes for the Game.
60 0072EBDD 0072EBE0 Inspiration! A departure from the tedium of the social contract!
61 How does one wake the thrall who sleepwalks through daily life? A jolt of the unusual, the fantastic!
62 It is our charge as Showmen to remind people of the impossible!
63 0072EBDE 0072EBDF So much of it is but a dream to me now. I lived in a haze driven by hunger and instinct. Little more than an animal.
64 There was a wild dog my masters took an interest in. How vicious he was when they captured him. A hunter! Master of his territory!
65 Yet after they starved this predator and dangled food before his slavering maw, he learned to respond obediently to their slightest gesture.
66 It was like looking into a mirror. My eyes opened. I became... fascinated, with how changeable we are. How readily one's spirit could be manipulated.
67 There is so much more to us than we know. For years - I know not how many - I thought myself a powerless slave. What do you see now?
68 0073AF34 0072D3D5 So short... Such is what makes it precious.
69 0072D3D6 If only I could have basked awhile longer.
70 0072D3D7 I am reborn in blood.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006B231D 006B2322 Don't speak. You need not tell me you're a kindred spirit. I can smell it on you... the spirit of ambition, of reckless abandon.
2 You have come to star in the Game. To end the Twins' tedious reign!
3 006B2324 Your arrival thrills me. Your upcoming performance, even more so.
9 006DEAE2 Each new entrance is a new beginning. And each test, a chance to be reborn.
10 006DEAE3 It is an honor to offer you entrance once again. To follow your growth... your rebirth.
11 006DEAE5 Second thoughts? There's no place for those here.
12 006DEAE6 Hesitance is a shortcut to a disappointing death.
13 006DEAE7 If you turn tail, others will replace you. But perhaps none so exciting.
31 006B231E 006B2320 Magnificent. Then allow me to set the stage for you.
33 006B3870 006B3875 At sunset, the Moonflowers bloom. A particularly pungent species of Overgrown which must be pruned, lest it lay waste to our marvelous shores.
34 This first act, you sharpen your blade with a service to the Showmen and the city. Mow down these malignant weeds and clear the way.
35 006CC23E Many unfortunate souls are not equipped to challenge the Game. But they can still serve our ambition.
36 They awaken now trapped, alone, threatened by nature overgrown. They require a savior!
37 I planted the key to their prisons. By this time it has been possessed by the Overgrown. Retrieve it, and save these infants from their helplessness.
38 006CC23F You will embark on a race against the clock. A path laid by fireworks. Set them off in sequence. Light the sky with their art, and you shall survive.
39 Take too long, and a bullet from our showrunners shall find you. This is a race for your life. Let that fear propel you to victory!
40 006B3871 006B3874 On select evenings such as tonight, we, the Showmen, host The Most Sensational Game!
41 No rules, no limits. A simple race to the finish that puts every skill and instinct to the test.
42 The Game is composed of three acts. The first takes place here on the Boardwalk, where yours truly shall provide your initial challenge.
43 Call it a test, a warm-up, a taste of what's to come. For your dance with death truly begins in Act Two.
44 Beneath the gaping shadows of the ocean, the Batsuuri Twins and other competitors will fight you tooth-and-nail for their role in the final act.
45 A battle between the remaining victors, to determine one ultimate champion: our crowned Sensation!
46 Tell me. Will you answer the call? Will you achieve a victory of your own, and free us from the Twins' monotonous win streak?
53 006B3873 006B3877 Say goodbye to the quaint comforts of the Appalachians, and welcome to Atlantic City. A new world of pleasure, opportunity, and challenge.
54 You have accepted an invitation to star in a Game like no other. A Game where you will be pushed to your limits... and beyond.
55 006B3879 Our crowned Sensation returns! You must prepare yourself, for the cunning Twins wish to reclaim their throne. Only you guard the gates to immortality.
56 006B387A So you've returned. Running back to the Game like a bull to the red... Horns bared, fur glistening. Magnificent.
57 006B387B Welcome back, my brave competitors. Is that the smell of victory on the horizon? Or just an oasis on the breeze, much too sweet to be real?
58 006E6018 The Game awaits! And with it, new challenges, new insights, new potential. Our sublime Sensation... What will you reveal for us today?
59 006E6019 Your time emerges once more! An opportunity like none other. Compete in the Game, and meet your true self. Unveil your deepest capabilities.
79 006B3C91 006B3C98 A stunning debut! And still only the beginning. You're awaited for the second act, through Showman's Pier and down to the Aquarium.
80 There, you will be granted another challenge by the Mother of all Showmen, our devoted, dazzling Charlotte!
81 Now, set your sights on the finish. Conquer your rivals. At any cost, the worthy shall have victory!
82 006D6213 Act One draws the curtain. Act Two awaits. Beneath the depths, dear Mother will direct the show. Never to be defied... or disappointed.
83 006DEADF And now, for the second act, we delve beneath the ocean waves! Through the Pier, down the chute, and into... the depths of your souls.
84 006DEAE0 To the worthy who remain: head down to the second act, where beneath the shadows of the waves... your true selves are revealed.
101 006DE70F 006DE725 And how will philosophizing serve you when a competitor's knife is poised at your throat? When it is you or them, and that's the simple truth of it?
102 006DE710 006DE720 Hm. I can relate to your enthusiasm, your... hunger. Perhaps we have both seen too much of the darker side of humanity.
103 Or perhaps that had nothing to do with it, and instead... we were born hungry.
104 006DE711 006DE726 Pitted against? No. I am not some handler whipping you to bare your fangs. All those who compete do so of their own volition.
105 They choose to seek victory at any cost. Just as you will.
106 006DE712 006DE722 It is a trial like none other. There are no rules. Competitors snap at each other's throats in pursuit of a singular objective: the finish line.
107 The perils of the Game demand you to empty your mind and seek victory at all costs. Is it not beautiful in its simplicity?
108 006DE713 006DE729 Veracio Cruz, at your service.
109 It was not so long ago I crawled along as but an overgrown infant, parading the mindless violence of pit brawls as entertainment.
110 Mother challenged me to create something truly... aspirational. And in designing this Game, I was reborn.
111 It is my growing child, my working canvas... Ah, but will it ever be finished?
112 006DE714 006DE72B The Batsuuri Twins... How I tired of them, before you brought them to heel.
113 The Game must be for everyone! An outlet... An opportunity for the lost and lowest. With every win they stole the ambition from other participants.
114 But you have come to challenge them, and how that's inspired the masses once more! Proving that none are infallible.
115 There is always an opportunity to seize your own greatness. Others have, in your absence. It is just as I hoped.
116 But I urge you to continue competing. Showcase your distinct spark... Keep the Game churning with great aspirations.
117 006DE715 006DE724 The Batsuuri Twins... How I tire of their name. The Game used to be for everyone. An outlet... An opportunity for the lost and the lowest.
118 With every win, the Twins stole the ambition from other participants. If another could challenge them, how that would inspire the masses once more!
119 Proving that none are infallible. There is always an opportunity to seize your own greatness.
120 I have sought talent from far and wide to break us free from this stagnant cycle. You have the potential. I can see it in you.
121 006DE716 006DE72D The Game awaits you.
122 006DE72E A warm and bloody welcome, challenger.
123 006DE72F Would you like to test your limits?
124 006DE730 Do you seek to be born anew?
125 006DE731 Do you seek the innermost depths of your potential?
141 00732274 I await your performance, challenger.
142 00732275 Do not dally. Your time is imminent!
143 00732276 Your rivals will not wait for you. They surpass you each moment you linger.
157 006DE717 006DE728 Perhaps not. Some lack the... instincts to compete in the Game. But are they not worth putting to the test? You count yourself out too early.
159 006DE71B 006DE721 Beautiful! Such certainty will serve you well in matters of life and death.
160 006DE71D 006DE71F Before you begin, see how the Twins disrespect the Game!
161 Rather than begin their own endeavor to the finish, nearby they await the arrival of their challenger: you.
162 Greet them if you will. Light a fire under them! Let them fear their imminent defeat!
215 006DEA94 006DEAB5 The Twins still compete, and others as well, thanks to the precedent you have set.
216 Compete again today, and keep their spirits aflame! Show us the performance of a champion!
293 006E600D 006E6017 They say it was not our enemies that irradiated these waters, but ourselves.
294 That a transport aircraft suffered an engine failure, and was forced to jettison its precious cargo into the waiting depths off this very coast.
295 The cargo was two nuclear bombs. Did they detonate far below, where no human would ever feel it? Or perhaps they lie dormant. First sentence is a big reveal, should be dramatic
296 Perhaps the pressure created a leak, poisoning this water over the course of decades...
297 Or perhaps the myth never happened at all, and the truth of this lethal ocean remains buried. The mystery entices, does it not?
298 006E600F 006E6014 The innocent tourist gazes upon an old postcard. Vacationers frolicking in the waves beneath the summer sun, blissful smiles on their unmarred faces.
299 For a moment, the tourist is transported to a visage of the old world. They doff their apparel and frolic, as their privileged predecessors did.
300 The water produces a warm sensation. In their gleefulness, the tourist believes it is the shine of the sun. But the clouds overhead cast a shadow.
301 The warmth begins to burn. Skin peels, organs rupture, bone cracks and crumbles! All within seconds of this optimistic charade!
302 Who now would believe this world is the same? This city rose tints their weary eyes! And they accept it willingly!