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The C.I.T. ruins is a location in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.

The Commonwealth Institute of Technology (C.I.T.) was a pre-War institute of higher education. Its ruins are the primary insertion point for the Institute's coursers.[1] In fact, the Institute's headquarters are located deep underground beneath the ruins.


This location served as the campus for the pre-War Commonwealth Institute of Technology, a prestigious university in Cambridge that served as a center of technological research and study.


The courtyard and outside areas of C.I.T. are littered with debris. There is a large flatbed truck carrying some radiation barrels in the courtyard, as well as a trailer with a first aid box. Some of the buildings on the side of the courtyard are partially collapsed, and have scaffolding flanking them. Some parts of these side buildings can be accessed by climbing either the rubble or the scaffolding, but provide nothing of note. On the western side of the main building, there are two Pulowski Preservation shelters. The only accessible interior in the ruins is the main C.I.T. rotunda, a landmark of the school before the Great War.

Upon entering the rotunda, the Sole Survivor will encounter super mutants and synths fighting on the upper levels. When coming in through the main entrance, the player character is faced with a small open lobby with two art deco sculptures standing back-to-back. Four more art deco faces loom over the room. Chairs surround the lobby. When going to the east of the lobby, right of the main entrance, there are two sets of stairs. The candle-lit wooden stairs, farther to the back of the hallway, lead to the roof access of the rotunda.

The closer blue and white staircase, meanwhile, leads to the upper levels and walkways looping above the lobby. This is where the super mutants and synths are fighting. The rooms in this upper area, along the winding upper hallways, include a dining area, a room with some couches and bookshelves, as well as a classroom at the end of the halls, where there is a red steamer trunk with leveled loot, in addition to an Advanced-locked wall safe.

Back on the first floor, if one heads west from the main entrance, there is no access to the upper levels, but there are many side exits. The western area includes much wider and taller hallways, including some lounge areas along the walls. The western section ends at another exit, though to the right (facing north), there is another classroom that appears to have been used for a science demonstration, with a bottlecap mine and an industrial oil canister. Across from this classroom are a chalkboard and the skeleton of a janitor.

Notable loot[]

  • Mini nuke - On the floor in a pile of dirt in the rotunda lobby.
  • Vault-Tec lunchbox - In the Pulowski Preservation shelter closest to the shoreline.
  • Bottlecap mine - Unarmed, can be found in the classroom of the lowest level at the ruins.


  • If the Sole Survivor chooses to destroy the Institute in the quest The Nuclear Option, the C.I.T. ruins are destroyed with it. The destruction levels the entire area, creating a crater that floods with water from Charles River. When in the immediate area, the sky will turn green and lightning will streak across the sky like in the Glowing Sea.
  • Scattered throughout the rotunda are small stacks of perfectly clean, undamaged pre-War books. They cannot be interacted with.
  • Though the flatbed truck in the courtyard only contains empty, open-topped radiation barrels, they still produce a moderate amount of rads.
  • Although the Institute is located directly below the ruins, it is impossible to reach the Institute in any way via the ruins, except in the quest Ad Victoriam. Under normal circumstances, one has to use the molecular relay to access the Institute.


The C.I.T. ruins appear only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Commonwealth Institute of Technology is a reference to the real-world Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
    • The C.I.T. rotunda is based on the real-world Great Dome at M.I.T.
  • At one of the entrances, there is a reference to the film Good Will Hunting, where a skeleton of a janitor is found lying in front of a chalkboard where a difficult math problem has been posted, similar to the plot of the film. The story of Good Will Hunting also occurs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • There are three cut holotapes associated with the C.I.T. ruins: CITStudent01's dialogue, CITStudent02's dialogue and CITAdmin01's dialogue. No items for the holotapes exist in the game's files, but the dialogue for them can still be recovered. They appear to have placeholder voice lines recorded, likely by developers. The CITStudent01 holotape, in particular, would have mentioned a location known as the Cline building at C.I.T. The Cline building is not mentioned anywhere else in-game.


  • Playstation 4Playstation 4 On occasion, there may be an invisible super mutant on the second floor. This is not a Stealth Boy effect since the super mutant is completely invisible even in V.A.T.S. However, it can still be killed and looted. Companions seem to have no trouble targeting the threat.[verified]
  • Playstation 4Playstation 4 Between the C.I.T. ruins and Cambridge Polymer Labs, there could be two clean white[clarification needed] cars seen. A white Corvega Blitz on top of a white Chryslus Cherry Bomb.[verification overdue]



  1. The Sole Survivor: "Okay, let's get to work."
    Brian Virgil: "Right. The primary insertion point for Coursers is in the ruins of CIT, directly above the Institute. So you'll want to head there. Now, the Relay causes some pretty heavy interference all across the EM spectrum. You've got a radio on that Pip-Boy, right? When you get to the ruins, tune it to the lower end of the band and listen in. You'll be able to hear the interference. Follow the signal, and it'll lead you to a Courser. Then you just have to... not get killed. Not gonna lie; the odds aren't in your favor here. But if you do make it, remember what I said about the serum. I need it, badly. I... I really do hope you find what you're looking for."
    (Virgil's dialogue)
Institute flag
Fo4 Institute Seal