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Dialogue between Mr. Graff, an ArcJet executive, and a research administrator, Dr. Egan. It would have been included on a holotape, but was cut from Fallout 4.


Player Default: Really, Dr. Egan. I wish you'd reconsider. I understand that, Mr. Graff, but I assure you my position is final. Player Default: Well, I'm disappointed. The latest papers on your test reactor were so promising, and your university has always been more than willing in the past...
Player Default: Well, I'm disappointed. The latest papers on your test reactor were so promising, and your university has always been more than willing in the past... I'll be blunt with you. Ever since the US reclaimed Anchorage at the beginning of the year, we've seen student protests on an increasing scale. Player Default: The last thing this administration needs right now is to hop into bed with yet another military contractor.
Player Default: I'll be blunt with you. Ever since the US reclaimed Anchorage at the beginning of the year, we've seen student protests on an increasing scale. The last thing this administration needs right now is to hop into bed with yet another military contractor. Player Default: I am sure that both ArcJet Systems and our research team would benefit, but the political climate right now would make it a nightmare for us.
Player Default: The last thing this administration needs right now is to hop into bed with yet another military contractor. I am sure that both ArcJet Systems and our research team would benefit, but the political climate right now would make it a nightmare for us. Player Default: I see. Well, like I said... it's disappointing. I'll inform the board, but... It's a standing offer, all right?
Player Default: I see. Well, like I said... it's disappointing. I'll inform the board, but... It's a standing offer, all right? We'll put the reds in their place soon enough, and then maybe you and I can have another go at this. Thanks for your time, Dr. Egan.