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So you came for music, but you don't like jazz? *chuckle* I like you. I think we're going to get along.— Magnolia to the Sole Survivor

Magnolia is a singer performing at the Third Rail, a bar in Goodneighbor in 2287.


Magnolia is a synth vocalist living in Goodneighbor. She was hired by Whitechapel Charlie to perform at the Third Rail as a source of live entertainment for bar patrons sometime before 2287.[1] The songs Magnolia writes hint towards her past life, which she will mention if asked to comment.[2] The drifters around town claim that Magnolia and Whitechapel Charlie's booze are the only reasons to come to the Third Rail.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Emogene Takes a Lover

Sexpert color
This character can be slept with.

Requires 3 Charisma checks

Effects of player's actions[]

  • The player character can flirt with Magnolia and, depending on three progressively harder Charisma checks, she will agree to a date with the player character. The screen fades to black and the Sole Survivor awakens in the rentable room in Hotel Rexford, with Magnolia departing after explaining that she is committed only to her music. If asked for a second date, Magnolia will decline.[4]
  • Her songs can be heard on the Diamond City Radio station after visiting the Third Rail for the first time.



Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Red dress Pipe pistol Bottlecap
.38 round
Synth component


  • The amplified audio for both the music and Magnolia's singing during her performances comes directly from her, not the speaker next to her stage.
  • If Piper is traveling with the Sole Survivor when they meet Magnolia, this will prompt some flustered dialogue from the companion.[5] Cait will make a comment on how the player character is staring at Magnolia.[6]
  • If the player character is in a romantic relationship with their companion, the companion will hate it if the player character follows the flirting option.
  • Hacking KL-E-0's personal terminal in her living space shows that she has contingency plans to kill key members of the Goodneighbor community. Magnolia's entry is last on the list, stating that Magnolia is "a fellow working girl" who "deserves a chance." KL-E-0's plan is to "burn down the Third Rail as a warning," then, if Magnolia still resists, kill her with a "clean shot to the head."[7]

Notable quotes[]

  • The initial dialogue with her will change depending on the highest SPECIAL stat of the player character at the time of the conversation, including modifiers. The dialogue just before this check reads "Now there's something special about you, isn't there. Don't tell me, let me guess." This will be followed by:
    • Strength: "Ahh, of course. It's those powerful muscles of yours. My, I could get used to looking at those."
    • Perception: "It's your eyes. Quick and... intense. I bet you never miss a detail, hm? Like what you see?"
    • Endurance: "You're a survivor, aren't you? I bet the whole world could stand in your way and you'd just keep going."
    • Charisma: "Hmm, I think I know a fellow performer when I see one. Good with your words. Knows the right things to say, at the right time."
    • Intelligence: "Ahh, that's it, you had that "I'm the smartest one here and I know it" posture. There's something so irresistible about intelligence. Don't you think?"
    • Agility: "Ahh it's your hands. They move even when you aren't thinking. Quick on the draw?"
    • Luck: "You got the cocky smirk of a gambler. I can relate. Lady Luck is probably my second favorite lover."

List of songs[]


Magnolia appears in Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter Online.

Behind the scenes[]

Magnolia is voiced by Lynda Carter (of the Wonder Woman TV series). The songs sung by Magnolia were written and performed by Lynda Carter specifically for Fallout 4.



  1. Sole Survivor: "What's your story? How'd you end up singing here?"
    Magnolia: "Oh, I flew into town like any songbird does, on a heavy wind and a wounded wing... This place had a stage. I needed to sing, and Whitechapel Charlie needed customers, so here we are."
    (Magnolia's dialogue)
  2. Sole Survivor: "Come on. Tell me the whole story. Who were you before all this?"
    Magnolia: "You really want to know? It's all in the songs. Everything I am."
    (Magnolia's dialogue)
  3. Difter: "Magnolia can really sing. Only reason I come here. That, and to get wasted."
    (Drifter's dialogue)
  4. Magnolia: "I haven't been out on the town in... too long. Thank you. I'm afraid my first love is always going to be the stage, though. I hope you understand. I just... can't get too attached... When I'm up there singing, I'll be thinking of you."
    (Magnolia's dialogue)
  5. Piper Wright: Real great set this evening, ma'am. Of songs, that is. Is it warm in here?"
    (Piper's dialogue)
  6. Cait: "I think the song wasn't the only thing you were enjoyin'."
    (Cait's dialogue)
  7. Kill or Be Killed terminal entries; Kleo's terminal, Contingency Plan: Magnolia