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Fallout Wiki

Order up or forever hold your damn mouth shut.— Whitechapel Charlie

Whitechapel Charlie is a unique Mister Handy in Fallout 4. He is the bartender of the Third Rail at Goodneighbor in 2287.


A Mister Handy that manages the bar at the Third Rail, Goodneighbor's premier (and perhaps only genuine) watering hole, Whitechapel Charlie can be distinguished from other Handy units by the fact that he sports a few elements that evoke the pre-War United Kingdom. He is programmed to have an alternative Cockney accent, wears a bowler hat, and has the Union Jack, the national flag of the UK, stamped on his chassis. Charlie is employed by John Hancock, who owns the Third Rail, and hired a singer, Magnolia, to perform at the bar.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.

The Cleaner

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Bottle cap 233
Sells: drinks, food, junk, shipments of glass (25)




Whitechapel Charlie has unique interactions with companions if the player character brings them along to the Third Rail.


Whitechapel Charlie appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Charlie's first name is a reference to Whitechapel, a district of the East End of London in England. This is corroborated by the Whitechapel district being within the area that the Cockney accent originates, explaining Charlie's use of it. The region is infamously known for being the origin of the serial killer Jack the Ripper.
  • When Charlie is persuaded via a hard speech check to give 400 caps as the reward for the quest The Cleaner, he quotes, "Givin' me a right kick in the Alberts..." which is a reference to Royal Albert Hall located in London, England, and is an example of what is known as Cockney rhyming slang. In this case, "Alberts" is slang for "testicles," as it suggests "Hall," which rhymes with "ball."


  1. The Sole Survivor: "So Hancock's the owner?"
    Whitechapel Charlie: "That's right. Owner and mayor of this whole bloody town. Trust me, never get on his bad side. Oh... and stay clear of his bodyguard."
    (Whitechapel Charlie's dialogue)