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This is a transcript for dialogue with Whitechapel Charlie.


1AO_Companion_Bar_WhitechapelmyActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?Miss Cait. I thought you were fighting at the Combat Zone. Whatcha doing here, love?myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A1a
2myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?{With attitude, but not overly rude. / Defiant} Couldn't be better. And what's with the insult? You talk to everyone you meet that way?myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A2a
3myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?This here is a bar. And I'm a bartender. What do you think?myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A3a
4myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?Listen, mate, I don't know you. And the menu's been set for years.myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A4a
5myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?{Very apologetic.} Mayor Hancock. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you'd be coming in today. We're out of your usual.myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A5a
6myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?As I live and beep... MacCready. You here to finally settle your tab?myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A6a
7myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?{Chastising someone for their informality.} What? No one ever teach you your "please" and "thank you's."myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A7a
8myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?Before this conversation takes a turn, let me make sure you're talking about a drink?myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A8a
9myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?We make the most congenial bartenders. Plus we are never tempted to sample the merchandise.myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A9a
10myActor: Oi, Whitechapel. How's it hangin'?Valentine. You actually gonna buy something this time?myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.A10a
11myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.I wouldn't take it too hard. I know Tommy, and I'm betting he's got your best interests at heart.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A1a
12myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.{Telling Codsworth how it is. Not meant to be rude, just stating a harsh truth. / Stern} Until I know you, I'm not one of your fellows. The people here are who I belong to.A2a
13{Telling Codsworth how it is. Not meant to be rude, just stating a harsh truth. / Stern} Maybe someday you prove me wrong, but for now, just tellin' you how it is.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A2b
14myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.My job ain't talking internal specs. If you ain't buying, shove off.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A3a
15myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.Mister Deacon. Changed your face again. I can accommodate your usual, if the payment is right.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A4a
16myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.{The owner of the bar just attempted to pay you, which you politely refuse.} Please, Mayor Hancock. I can't take your money.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A5a
17myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.Oh no, MacCready. I told you... a hundred caps covered the finders fee, but you still owed me for the disposal.A6a
18But I'll tell you what. For old time's sake, I'll let the debt go. But you owe me a favor.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A6b
19myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.They sure as hell don't pay me to clean the place.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A7a
20myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.I've definitely got that.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A8a
21myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.{wounded pride} No need to get huffy. I'll just go back to tidying up.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A9a
22myActor: Well, to make a long story short, Tommy cut me loose. I think he was tired of me beatin' everyone all the time.None that didn't want it or have it coming.myActor: Well, I'll tell you, if he does, he's got a funny way of showin' it.A10a


23WhitechapelGreetScene{generic "getting back to business" line} Now, you need one for the road?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
24{generic "getting back to business" line} Anyway, seeing as my primary function is the sale and distribution of intoxicating substances, I gotta ask: you buyin' or what?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
25{tough, no-nonsense} Oi. We got beer. And if you ain't buyin' beer, you ain't buyin'.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
26{player cleared out the warehouses of mobsters earlier} My client appreciates the work you did with his rat problem. Now, if you're buyin', let's hear what you want.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
27{tough, no-nonsense} Payin' customers only.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
28{tough, no-nonsense} You're becomin' quite a regular. Well, the beer still tastes the same. Like shit.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
29{tough, no-nonsense} Ah, so you're back. Drinks and my pleasant company, still available.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
30{tough, no-nonsense} What'll it be?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
31{tough, no-nonsense} Order up, or forever hold your damn mouth shut.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
32Player Default: Do you take this charge card?{player is trying to buy items with something called a "charge card" which is worthless} What are you, an idiot? No. Caps only. Now what'll it be?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y1a
33Player Default: Who's the singer?That is Magnolia. The flower of the Third Rail. Anything you want to know about her other than that is her business.Y2a
34Now, you gonna order?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y2b
35Player Default: The Third Rail... Is this your place?What? Nah, gov'. This place is Hancock's. Old Charlie just keeps the floor clean and the drinks dirty.Y3a
36So you buyin' or what?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y3b
37Player Default: So Hancock's the owner?That's right. Owner and mayor of this whole bloody town. Trust me, never get on his bad side. Oh... and stay clear of his bodyguard.Y4a
38So what's your poison?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y4b
39Player Default: Hancock has a bodyguard?Yeah. The redhead with the condescending stare. Trust me, guv, something about her ain't right. Not that I'd ever admit sayin' that.Y5a
40But I'm trying to sell drinks here. You in?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y5b
41Player Default: What's the word around town?They say there's a newcomer around here who doesn't understand that I'm a bartender, not a damn newsbot.Y6a
42Now are you gonna drink?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y6b
43Player Default: Let's see what you have.Nothin' watered down...Whitechapel: Now that you're liquored up, got a proposition for ya...A1a
44Player Default: Let's see what you have.Don't bother tippin'. I'm already overchargin' ya...Whitechapel: Now that you're liquored up, got a proposition for ya...A2a
45Player Default: Let's see what you have.Don't have more than you can handle...Whitechapel: Now that you're liquored up, got a proposition for ya...A3a
46Player Default: Let's see what you have.Here's to drownin' sorrows...Whitechapel: Now that you're liquored up, got a proposition for ya...A4a
47Player Default: Let's see what you have.Cash up front. No tabs...Whitechapel: Now that you're liquored up, got a proposition for ya...A5a
48Player Default: Not now.Then stop crowdin' up my bar...B1a
49Player Default: Not now.{short, gruff grunt of dissaproval} Hmph.B2a
50Player Default: Not now.Come back when you're payin'.B3a
51Player Default: Not now.Eh, not like you could handle it...B4a
52Player Default: Not now.{muttering "asshole" under your breathe} Suit yourself. Asshole...B5a
53Player Default: Just browsing for now.Bottle's meant for drinkin', not lookin'.X1a
54Player Default: Just browsing for now.Bloody hell... a window shopper...X2a
55Player Default: Just browsing for now.Yeah yeah...X3a
56Player Default: Just browsing for now.Well fuckin' make up your mind...X4a
57Player Default: Just browsing for now.Fine...X5a
58Player Default: Nothin' watered down...Now that you're liquored up, got a proposition for ya...A1a
59I need a dirty boy to do some dirty, dirty work. Blood on the pavement. Bodies in the ground. That kind of thing. Interested?Player Default: Sounds up my alley...A1b
60Player Default: Nothin' watered down...Now that you're liquored up, got a proposition for ya...A2a
61I need a dirty girl to do some dirty, dirty work. Blood on the pavement. Bodies in the ground. That kind of thing. Interested?Player Default: Sounds up my alley...A2b
62Player Default: Nothin' watered down...You ready to hear about the job? Or you turnin' up your nose to a bit of violence?Player Default: Sounds up my alley...A3a
63WhitechapelQuestScenePlayer Default: Not my kind of work.Oh, I think it is... but all right, mate. I ain't gonna stop you if you wanna walk away from all these caps I'm offerin'.Whitechapel: I got a certain anonymous client who's payin' top dollar for a cleanup job. Three locations. Everyone inside. No witnesses.B1a
64Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...{player already killed everyone in the warehouses / Surprised} What? You always in the habit of shootin' up random locations? And here I was just gettin' to my favorite bit...A1a
65Fine, fine. At least it's done. Here's your scratch.A1b
66Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...{player agrees to do the job} You betta'. Now go out there and bust some heads.A2a
67Player Default: It's random murder. I'm out...Think you're too good for this town, mate? You're not. Shove off, then...B1a
68Player Default: Three locations? That's a lot of time... A lot of bullets...I guess we could sweeten the pot a bit. 250.Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...X1a
69Player Default: Three locations? That's a lot of time... A lot of bullets...{negotiating over price} All right, 'guv, 300.Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...X2a
70Player Default: Three locations? That's a lot of time... A lot of bullets...{alberts is short for "albert halls" which is the Cockney rhyming slang for "balls"} Givin' me a right kick in the Alberts... We'll make it 400, but that's as high as I'm goin'.Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...X3a
71Player Default: Three locations? That's a lot of time... A lot of bullets...{player failed to persuade} Listen here you. I ain't playin' ring-around-the-Rosie with no hired gun. Now the client's offerin' 200 for the job, and 200 is what you'll get.Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...X4a
72Player Default: I don't do work unless I know who's paying the bills.{Hancock is with the player and admits to being the client} Well, looks like the man himself will be helpin' ya. So you want this job or what?Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...Y1a
73Player Default: I don't do work unless I know who's paying the bills.All right, 'guv. Not like it's a big secret who I represent.Y2a
74Mayor Hancock is frontin' the caps. Internal political struggle. You know how it is.Y2b
75Look, it's nothing you need to be concerned about. Just clear out the warehouses, and get paid. Simple.Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...Y2c
76Player Default: I don't do work unless I know who's paying the bills.Not. Your. Concern. Now you takin' the job, or what?Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...Y3a
77Player Default: Oh, I think it is... but all right, mate. I ain't gonna stop you if you wanna walk away from all these caps I'm offerin'.I got a certain anonymous client who's payin' top dollar for a cleanup job. Three locations. Everyone inside. No witnesses.A1a
78Only catch? It's all in town, in the old warehouses, so I can't use my regulars. Too noticeable. That's where you come in.A1b
79The job's 200 caps. Payment after it's done. And don't worry... I'll know when it is.Player Default: Actually, I already cleaned those places out...A1c
80-Oh, great. 'Nother damn body to clean up...
81Maybe you've had one too many...
82Oi. I'm talking to you, guv...
83Oi. I'm talking to you...
84Hey. You payin' attention, or what?
85MagnoliaSongEndsMagnolia: That's right Goodneighbor. I'm the one you're looking for. *chuckle* We'll be right back after a short break.{talking to Magnolia after her song is over. you call her "Mags" for short / Impressed} Beautiful as always, Mags...Magnolia: Thanks, Charlie. Can I get some water?A1a
86Magnolia: Thanks, Charlie. Can I get some water?{Friendly} No need to even ask. I always set aside a stash of the good stuff just for you.Magnolia: You're such a sweetheart, Charlie. Thank you.A1a
87DialogueGoodneighborRufusJobOfferRufus: Dunno if you've had a beer here yet, but I swear Charlie must've found it in a sewer with how bad it tastes.{Charlie and Stanley are friends, so he wouldn't actually break his knees. Probably. Unless he didn't pay his tab. / Irritated} Oi! I heard that! Don't make me break yer knees, lad.Rufus: Yeah? And what would you know about knees?A1a


88FFGoodneighbor04RewardSceneI've heard some exterminator cleaned out the rats in the old warehouses. Wouldn't know anything about that, would ya?Player Default: Just doing my job.A
89Heard the old warehouses are clear of their rat problem. Wouldn't have anything to do with that, would ya?Player Default: Just doing my job.A
90Player Default: Just doing my job.Always appreciate doin' business with a professional.A1a
91Player Default: I don't know what you're talking about.{criminal activity, pretending you don't know} That's right. And I don't know why I'm handing you all these caps. Funny world, ain't it?B1a
92Player Default: I might. Depends on what you have for me.Here you are. Every single cap, as agreed.X1a
93Player Default: Rats? What are you talking about?{criminal activity, pretending you don't know} Oh, me? I'm just shootin' the breeze, 'guv. Don't pay me no mind.Y1a
94By the way, you left some caps behind last time you were here. Big amount, too. Lucky old Charlie is watching out for ya.Y1b


95MS04_0500_3a_CharlieOnKendra{All business} If you want to know about Kendra, you have to pay up.Player Default: Here's your money. Where is she?A
96{Business} Make way for paying customers.WhitechapelCharlie: Want a pint, mate? If you're here for Magnolia better drink up. Got no tolerance for free loaders here.A
97Player Default: Good man.{Disapproving} Kendra is not one to be trifled with. People associated with her have a habit of being found face down in a ditch.A1a
98{Thinks this is a bad idea, but will help} If you're set on meeting her, for a fee it can be arranged.Player Default: Here's your money. Where is she?A1b
99Player Default: You still going through with this? She's got a flat outside the 'Neighborhood.{Warning} Look out for the blighters she's got with her. Nasty piece of business, that. Good luck.A1a
100Player Default: Here's your money. Where is she?{Thinks its a bad idea} You still going through with this? She's got a flat outside the 'Neighborhood.WhitechapelCharlie: Look out for the blighters she's got with her. Nasty piece of business, that. Good luck.A1a
101Player Default: Here's your money. Where is she?{Irritated} You're short my fee, mate. Come back when you have the full amount.WhitechapelCharlie: Look out for the blighters she's got with her. Nasty piece of business, that. Good luck.A2a
102Player Default: It is not wise to stand between the Silver Shroud and righteous justice.{Considering, then decides} *chuckle* Justice? You mean to end her? In that case, her flat's just south of Goodneighbor. Water Street Apartments.WhitechapelCharlie: Look out for the blighters she's got with her. Nasty piece of business, that. Good luck.B1a
103Player Default: It is not wise to stand between the Silver Shroud and righteous justice.You serious? Sarcasm sometimes bungs up me processors. In that case... She's got a flat just south of Goodneighbor. Water Street Apartments.WhitechapelCharlie: Look out for the blighters she's got with her. Nasty piece of business, that. Good luck.B2a
104Player Default: It is not wise to stand between the Silver Shroud and righteous justice.{Wants to stay out of it} Not my affair, mate. Information is a commodity. So pay up.Player Default: Here's your money. Where is she?B3a
105Player Default: I don't have time for this.Come back when you've got the caps.WhitechapelCharlie: Look out for the blighters she's got with her. Nasty piece of business, that. Good luck.X1a
106Player Default: Can you spare a few details on her, at least? On the house?{Disapproves of Cato, but a little leery} You got to have finesse to be an assassin. Kendra's a murderer. A very skilled murderer.Y1a
107{Friendly advice} Listen, mate, the combat scan shows you know what you're about. Save your caps buy a lager instead.Player Default: Here's your money. Where is she?Y1b
108Player Default: Can you spare a few details on her, at least? On the house?{Leery, disapproving} As murderers go, she's positively prolific. No percentage in saying more.Player Default: Here's your money. Where is she?Y2a
109RobotWhitechapelCharlie: Make way for paying customers.{Suspicious of the PC} Want a pint, mate? If you're here for Magnolia better drink up. Got no tolerance for free loaders here.Player Default: Sure, I'll buy a drink.A1a
110RobotWhitechapelCharlie: Make way for paying customers.{ Business} Want a pint, mate?Player Default: Sure, I'll buy a drink.A2a
111Player Default: Sure, I'll buy a drink.{PC scores a point in his book} Good man.WhitechapelCharlie: You look like one of them wankers from the posters. Whatcha wearing that for?A1a
112Player Default: Sure, I'll buy a drink.{PC scores a point in his book} Good on ya.WhitechapelCharlie: You look like one of them wankers from the posters. Whatcha wearing that for?A2a
113Player Default: I want answers, not alcohol. Tell me about Kendra.{Annoyed} No one learned you your Ps and Qs? Bloody yanks.WhitechapelCharlie: You look like one of them wankers from the posters. Whatcha wearing that for?B1a
114Player Default: What's on tap?{Giving his spiel, confident} It ain't no Mandolin Lager. But it's cold, it's wet, and guaranteed rad free. It'll give you a jolt in all the right circuits.Player Default: Sure, I'll buy a drink.Y1a
115Player Default: Good man.{Curious} You look like one of them wankers from the posters. Whatcha wearing that for?Player Default: I'd like to see what's on tap.A1a
116Player Default: Good man.{Dismissive} You still wearing that get up, then?Player Default: I'd like to see what's on tap.A2a
117Player Default: I'd like to see what's on tap.{PC scores a point in his book} Good man.WhitechapelCharlie: Kendra is not one to be trifled with. People associated with her have a habit of being found face down in a ditch.A1a
118Player Default: I'd like to see what's on tap.{PC scores a point in his book} Good on ya.WhitechapelCharlie: Kendra is not one to be trifled with. People associated with her have a habit of being found face down in a ditch.A2a
119Player Default: You look upon... the Silver Shroud. I seek a miscreant named Kendra.{Amused} The Shroud, then? More like a nutter.WhitechapelCharlie: Kendra is not one to be trifled with. People associated with her have a habit of being found face down in a ditch.X1a
120Player Default: What posters?{Dismissive, thinks its foolish} Those old timey posters from back in the day. My mate Kent puts them up every damned place.Player Default: I'd like to see what's on tap.Y1a
121-{Warning} Kendra's a real nasty piece of work. Have a care, mate.
122{Warning} Not too late to reconsider tangling with Kendra.


123MS09Mission2WhitechapelCharlieSceneWhitechapelCharlie: Try Magnolia. She likes to make friends with people, she might know more about this missing bird.Magnolia! This gal wants a word!A1a
124WhitechapelCharlie: Try Magnolia. She likes to make friends with people, she might know more about this missing bird.Magnolia! This guy wants a word!A2a
125Name rings a bell. Kind of barmy? Haven't seen her in a while, though.A1a
126Try Magnolia. She likes to make friends with people, she might know more about this missing bird.WhitechapelCharlie: Magnolia! This gal wants a word!A1b