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The Mister Gutsy is a combat model robot in the Capital Wasteland in 2277.


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A dedicated combat variant of their civilian Mister Handy, the Mister Gutsy series was developed by General Atomics International.[1] It was commissioned by the United States Army shortly before the atomic apocalypse of 2077,[2] with the first units seeing service in the liberation of Anchorage in January, at least according to the Anchorage Reclamation simulation.[3] The Mr. Gutsy is a personal protection automaton and comes equipped with heavier armor than most utility robots. It also carries a plasma weapon to be used in defense. The shell was rebuilt with lightweight armor plating, while the usual array of tools was upgraded with a plasma caster on a flexible mount. The key advantage of Mister Gutsies that separates it from other combat robots is its sheer maneuverability and spatial awareness.[4][5] The Mister Gutsy is also upgraded with dedicated military software, including the ability to refuse orders issued by commanders who are incompetent or under court martial,[6][7] remote link-up capability for updating orders in real time,[8] and a brand-new Sergeant Major v.1.0 simulated personality that channeled the stereotypical Marine drill instructor and doubled as a vessel for state propaganda.[9]

However, in its rush to present the Army with a working model, General Atomics cut corners and the resulting personality had issues stemming from vague definitions used in programming its neural network.[10] The most notable of these was the fact that in the absence of orders, units defaulted to a patrol mode and attacked all unauthorized personnel with extreme violence, as per combat protocol Charlie Zulu 4.[11] The military accepted these flaws, pressing them into service. They first bore MGZ-##### serials, before transitioning to the standard ABC-##### nomenclature.[12] To distinguish between different variants of the robot, ranks were used: The baseline version was named Mister, with subsequent variants designated Sergeant, Lieutenant, Major and Colonel.[13] A specialized field medic model was derived from the basic Mister Gutsy, with all combat functionality disabled[14] and an encyclopedic knowledge of medical procedures, particularly surgery.[Non-game 1]



Mister Gutsies are the combat variants of the popular Mister Handy service and maintenance robots. They are fitted with a rocket thruster that allows them to hover across the ground, and have three optical sensors fitted on top of their spherical chassis. They are equipped with three primary appendages fitted with a manipulator pincer, plasma caster (roughly equivalent in power to a plasma pistol discharge) and, like their civilian counterparts, a flamethrower. They are protected with moderately heavy armor, which makes them somewhat difficult to dispatch for the player at lower levels.

Gameplay attributes[]

Mister Gutsy units have several weaknesses: they cannot use both weapons simultaneously and will always switch to their flamer when their target is in range, allowing the player to effectively thwart an attack by continuously entering and exiting flamethrower range, forcing it to constantly switch weapons. Nearby explosions or anything crippling its thruster can temporarily knock it out of the air, giving the player time to strike it down.

The player may also get to point-blank range, as close as possible and move around the Gutsy, as it cannot attack while the player is doing this.

Mister Gutsies are more resistant to bullets than other robots. Their voice is also different from the West Coast variants. The West Coast variants are high pitched while this variant is louder and lower pitched.


Mister Gutsy[]

Mister Gutsy

This Mister Gutsy is a base variant commonly encountered in the Capital Wasteland. They can generally be found in various warehouses, though they are also encountered wandering across the wasteland and are always hostile towards the player.

Name (Form ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Mister Gutsy
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
Melee (23 Damage)
Flamer (6 Damage)
Radiation Resistance Radiation resist. 100%
Poison Resistance Poison resist. 100%

Enclave Mister Gutsy[]

Fo3BS Enclave Mistah Gutsey

The Enclave Gutsies are much rarer than their free roaming wasteland counterparts. They are distinguishable by their paint scheme and optic color. Instead of the normal matte olive green of the U.S. Army Gutsies, these feature a dark metallic color. Their optical sensors also differ from the standard yellow, instead being a menacing deep red. They can be encountered at Raven Rock, Adams Air Force Base and the satellite relay station. Unlike sentry bots, they will not spawn alongside Enclave soldiers dropping from Vertibirds.

Name (Form ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Enclave Mister Gutsy
xx007FED Broken Steel
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
Melee (23 Damage)
Flamer (6 Damage)
Radiation Resistance Radiation resist. 100%
Poison Resistance Poison resist. 100%

Strike team Mister Gutsy[]

Fo3OA Winterized Mister Gutsy

This model of Mister Gutsy is added in the Operation: Anchorage add-on as a possible strike team member. A costly addition to one's team, this winterized Mister Gutsy is armed with a plasma weapon and a flamer. The Mister Gutsy costs 3 recruitment markers.

Name (Form ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Strike team Mister Gutsy
xx002D01 Operation: Anchorage (add-on)
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
Melee (20 Damage)
Flamer (6 Damage)
Radiation Resistance Radiation resist. 100%
Poison Resistance Poison resist. 100%

Notable Mister Gutsies[]


  • Mister Gutsies can float above water.
  • Any explosions, even non-lethal ones, have a high chance of knocking a Mister Gutsy down.
  • Since Mister Gutsies hover above ground instead of actually touching it, they do not trigger mines. Sergeant RL-3 is an exception to this rule.
  • When left alone long enough, Mister Gutsies regenerate health.

Notable quotes[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • 'Hooah' (pronounced /ˈhuːˌɑː/) is an expression meaning "anything and everything except no" and is only used by the U.S. Army. (The Navy, Marines and Air Force have a different variation of their own.)
  • The lines "Box me up and ship me home," "Pin my medals upon my chest..." and "...tell my momma I did my best..." are a reference to a military running cadence that became famous in the movie Full Metal Jacket.
  • The line "There's nothing I like better than making some other poor bastard die for his country." is paraphrasing a line by General Patton in WWII.
  • The "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!" quote references the Incredible Hulk.
  • The quote "You've just made my day." could be a reference to the Dirty Harry movies.
  • The line "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." is an inspirational slogan frequently used by the USMC and U.S. Army.
  • The quote "There's nothing better than the smell of fresh plasma in the morning." is a reference to the quote "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." from Apocalypse Now.
  • The "Kill 'em all, and let God sort 'em out" quote, originally attributed to Arnaud Amaury, is adopted by the Marines and the Green Berets.
  • The quote "Every day is a good day to die!" is a misquote of "Today is a good day to die!", a Navajo battle cry used by the USMC after the use of "code talker" Navajo Marine units during World War II (which is also the source of modern Marine infantry slang, such as "gofasters" and "inksticks").
  • The quote "I'm just gettin' warmed up! Hoo-Ah!" is reference to Al Pacino's character in Scent of a Woman.


  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 After a Mister Gutsy is killed, its thrusters may continue to emit an exhaust flame. This is especially common if they are killed with melee weapons.[verified]
  • PCPC Sometimes, when a Mister Gutsy is killed while using its flamer, the weapon will continue to fire. This can be very dangerous because fire attacks have an after-burn effect. This seems to happen more often when the robot is killed just as it's starting its attack. [verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Mister Gutsies may become stuck in the environment upon spawning. [verified]



  1. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Realizing their robots' enormous military potential, General Atomics International developed the Mister Gutsy as a powerful wartime equivalent to the Mister Handy."
  2. Fallout 3 loading screens: "The Mister Gutsy model of robot was commissioned by the U.S. Army just before the atomic apocalypse of 2077."
  3. Presence of the Strike team Mister Gutsies in the add-on Operation Anchorage.
  4. Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas loading screen: "Mister Gutsy is a combat variant of the popular Mister Handy, and is equipped with a Plasma weapon and flamethrower."
    (Fallout 3 loading screens, Fallout: New Vegas loading screens)
  5. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Mister Gutsy was created by General Atomics International as a combat alternative to its domestic Mister Handy robot."
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "Time to head back into the fight, RL-3."
    Sergeant RL-3: "Sir, I regret to inform you that this unit cannot accept orders from an irresponsible officer!"
    (Sergeant RL-3's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "Time to head back into the fight, RL-3."
    Sergeant RL-3: "Sir, I regret to inform you that this unit cannot accept orders from an officer under a Court Marshall!"
    (Sergeant RL-3's dialogue)
  8. MilitaryRobotTalk: "Sergeant Major reporting for duty... downloading orders from Central... FAILURE."
  9. MilitaryRobotTalk: "Loading Personality: General Atomics International V1.0 "Sergeant Major"..."
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "I'd like to buy a robot."
    Tinker Joe: "Of course you would, of course! Well, it just happens that I've got a beaut of a deal on this customized Gutsy. And it's not just "Mister" Gutsy - he's a full fledged sergeant! "Sergeant RL-3" to be precise, the pride of General Atomics International. Comes complete with a simulated personality unit, so he's good protection and good company, too! And all yours for just 1000 caps."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Simulated personality? Sounds like trouble."
    Tinker Joe: "To tell the truth, it is a little trouble. But he can't help the way he got built. General Atomics programmed the Mister Gutsy to be a good soldier, but their definitions were a bit vague. So a lot of units had... issues. So we got a gung-ho, robotic soldier that's picky about the company he keeps. But he seems to like you, so it'll be fine."
    (Tinker Joe's dialogue)
  11. MilitaryRobotTalk: "Halt, intruder! Unauthorized personnel will be handled with extreme violence. Initiating Combat Protocol: Charlie Zulu 4."
  12. Serial numbers as presented in the games starting with Fallout 3, through Fallout: New Vegas, and into Fallout 4.
  13. The companion Sergeant RL-3 in Fallout 3 and the naming of the variants of Mister Gusties in Fallout 4.
  14. The Lone Wanderer: "Say, could I reprogram you to kill people?"
    Sawbones: "Negative. The Mister Gutsy field medic model is incapable of harming human beings through intentional action."
    (Sawbones' dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 95: "Sawbones
    This is a modified Mister Gutsy with an almost encyclopedic knowledge of surgery, but it lacks the necessary medical subsystem knowledge to carry out operations without causing inadvertent harm to the patient. Recently, Sawbones has been exhibiting some worrying behavior, including having a penchant for poetry."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)