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This is a transcript for dialogue with Tinker Joe.


You have anything for sale?
What are you selling? Happy 50 Various things. You never know what might come in handy. 1
What are you selling? Happy 50 You might be surprised at what you can use to keep a robot working. 2
What are you selling? Happy 50 Have a look and see for yourself. 3
What are you selling? Happy 50 Various things. You never know what might come in handy. 4
What are you selling? Happy 50 You might be surprised at what you can use to keep a robot working. 5
What are you selling? Happy 50 Have a look and see for yourself. 6
FollowerRK5Purchase1 I'd like to buy a robot. Happy 50 Of course you would, of course! Well, it just happens that I've got a beaut of a deal on this customized Gutsy. 7
Happy 65 And it's not just "Mister" Gutsy - he's a full fledged sergeant! "Sergeant RL-3" to be precise, the pride of General Atomics International. 8
Happy 25 Comes complete with a simulated personality unit, so he's good protection and good company, too! And all yours for just 1000 caps. {A little uncertain about how useful the personality unit is, but trying to sell it as a positive.} 9
I'd like to buy a robot. Fear 10 I'm afraid these 'bots are all spoken for, I'm just delivering them now. I've got a custom Gutsy that isn't spoken for but... {Honestly doesn't mean to offend the player.} 10
Neutral 50 Well, RL-3's a bit finicky about the company he keeps. And I don't think he likes the look of you. Nothing personal, of course. 11
FollowerRK5Purchase2B You just don't want to sell to me, is that it? Happy 25 Trust me, friend, Tinker Joe does not turn down the opportunity to make a sale. If that Gutsy would go with you, I'd sell him in a heartbeat. 12
Neutral 50 It's just that his programming's a bit off. He won't travel with anyone he considers "too extreme." 13
Anger 10 And sadly, his version of "too extreme" seems to cover both sides of the coin - slavers and saints alike. Sorry, pal. 14
You just don't want to sell to me, is that it? Happy 25 Trust me, friend, Tinker Joe does not turn down the opportunity to make a sale. If that Gutsy would go with you, I'd sell him in a heartbeat. 15
Neutral 50 It's just that his programming's a bit off. He won't travel with anyone he considers "too extreme." 16
Anger 10 And sadly, his version of "too extreme" seems to cover both sides of the coin - slavers and saints alike. Sorry, pal. 17
You just don't want to sell to me, is that it? Happy 25 Trust me, friend, Tinker Joe does not turn down the opportunity to make a sale. If that Gutsy would go with you, I'd sell him in a heartbeat. 18
Neutral 50 It's just that his programming's a bit off. He won't travel with anyone he considers "too extreme." 19
Anger 10 You're going to have to let your other friend go. Until then, I'll hold on to him for you. 20
"Simulated personality"? Sounds like trouble. Sad 5 To tell the truth, it is a little trouble. But he can't help the way he got built. {A lot of the Mister Gutsy models had... issues} 21
Neutral 50 General Atomics programmed the Mister Gutsy to be a good soldier, but their definitions were a bit vague. So a lot of units had... issues. {General Atomics programmed him to be a good soldier, but some of their definitions were a little vague. } 22
Happy 50 So we got a gung-ho, robotic soldier that's picky about the company he keeps. But he seems to like you, so it'll be fine. 23
FollowerRK5Purchase2a That's a lot of caps, but I guess it's a pretty rare find. Happy 50 Hey, I said it was a beaut of a deal, didn't I? 24
Neutral 50 But to tell the truth, RL-3's a bit picky about the company he keeps, and he won't let himself get sold to just anyone. 25
Happy 50 Makes him a bit of a tough lot to sell, if you know what I mean. But he seems to like you, so I'm not gonna complain! 26
A picky robot? How does that work? Happy 25 General Atomics International programmed him to be a perfect soldier, and his simulated personality is designed to follow strict codes of conduct. 27
Neutral 50 It's just that some of those codes were a little less-defined than others. So he won't travel with anyone he considers "too extreme." 28
Anger 10 And sadly, his version of "too extreme" seems to cover both sides of the coin - slavers and saints alike. Sorry, pal. 29
FollowerRK5Purchase3A How about this: I'll take him off your hands for 500 caps. Surprise 25 That's a hard bargain. But if I wake up with that thing playing revelry at me one more time, I'll go insane. 30
Happy 25 I'll just transfer the codes, and you've got a deal, friend. Here's hoping for the best for you and the Sergeant alike! 31
1,000 caps is a lot, but I'll take him. Happy 25 I'll just transfer the codes, and you've got a deal, friend. Here's hoping for the best for you and the Sergeant alike! 32
Sounds like a good buy, but I haven't got the caps. Happy 25 Well now, that's a problem. But start saving now and maybe I'll run into you again, huh? 33
FollowerRK5Purchase3B I'll pass. I don't need a crazy, robotic soldier following me around. Sad 10 You say that now, but you might end up reconsidering that when you're surrounded by radscorpions. {Mildly chiding} 34
Happy 25 But if you do, and you're still alive to find me again, the offer'll still stand. 35
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Hello, stranger. I'm Tinker Joe, premier supplier of robotic parts and service throughout the DC Wasteland. 36
GREETING Happy 50 Remember me? Tinker Joe, at your service. Robots for sale, robots serviced while you wait. Interested? 37
GREETING Happy 50 Yes? Did you need something else? 38