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I'm simply going to harvest your organs!— Snip-Snip to Lucy

Snip Snip is a character in the Fallout TV series.


Snip Snip is a Mister Handy, General Atomics International Mark 4.[1] He is a medical attendant at a Super Duper Mart located near Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles, and his chassis is marked with a caduceus. His temporal sensors were damaged during the Great War, and he has lost track of how much time has passed since then.

By 2296, the Super Duper Mart has since come under the control of Huey and Squirrel, two wastelanders who sell organs, vials and other medical items, using Snip Snip as a surgical robot to harvest their victims' organs.

Fallout TV series[]

The Ghoul loses his supply of vials when Lucy MacLean uses his bag to fend off an attacking gulper. Realizing he needs to get more, the Ghoul drags Lucy to the Super Duper Mart, where he offers her to Snip Snip in exchange for two months' worth of vials, assuring the Mister Handy that she is in pristine condition (ignoring a finger that he had cut off not long ago).

Snip Snip acts courteously to Lucy, and surgically reattaches a finger (not her original) to replace Lucy's missing digit. Lucy tries to beg him for help, saying that she feared the Ghoul was sending her to become a sex slave, to which Snip Snip reacts with shock and disgust; he simply intends to harvest her organs instead. Snip Snip straps Lucy to a gurney and brings her to Huey and Squirrel, informing them of the transaction. They tell him to go through with it. He brings Lucy into the operating room and prepares to use his buzzsaw to cut her open, saying that it will be painless, with only a "snip-snip" to be done. However, Lucy manages to escape, maneuvering so that Snip Snip cuts the strap holding her to the gurney, and then electrocutes him with a defibrillator, disabling him.

Lucy then reactivates Snip Snip, putting Abraxo draining fluid in his dart gun. She initially holds him hostage, but when Huey and Squirrel show no interest, she then threatens them with Snip Snip's darts. They then free her, as well as the ghouls they were keeping imprisoned (including some who were not yet feral). The feral ghouls attack Snip Snip, Huey, and Squirrel, and the two sides wipe each out, while Lucy is forced to take her first life: Martha, a ghoul in the process of turning feral. Shortly after this, Snip Snip asks Lucy one last time if he can help improve her day; she declines.[2]

Later, Snip Snip's fusion core is removed by Sheriff Troy and Sheriff Rex, who came to investigate the destruction of the business ran at the Super Duper Mart.

Fallout Shelter[]

Snip Snip was added with the 1.16.0 update and is awarded after completing the quest Snipping Coupons.


Snip Snip appears in the Fallout TV series episodes "The Ghouls" and "The Trap" (destroyed), as well as in Fallout Shelter.

Behind the scenes[]

"Journey into Melody" is used as Snip Snip's musical theme in "The Ghouls".



  1. "The Ghouls", ~20:41
  2. "The Ghouls", ~35:00
Fallout TV series characters