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Fallout Wiki

The man in shadows was a high-ranking person connected with the Vault-Tec Corporation in the Fallout TV series.

Fallout TV series[]

The Beginning[]

He is seen watching the pre-War Vault-Tec landmark meeting with other prominent corporate leaders, such as Robert House, Frederick Sinclair, Julia Masters, and Leon Von Felden, from a dark observation room above. When the participants of the meeting start to argue, Barb Howard receives a message from her Pip-Boy and looks up at the man standing in the shadows.[1]


The unnamed man in shadows appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The Beginning."

Behind the scenes[]

The man in the shadows is portrayed by an uncredited extra.



  1. ↑ At the meeting, Barb checks her Pip-Boy. She looks up towards spectators watching from a dark balcony. Behind them, a man stands in shadows in an observation room.
    ("The Beginning" audio description)
Fallout TV series characters