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The Filly townspeople are inhabitants of Filly in the Fallout TV series.


These people are the inhabitants of the town of Filly. They include the father of Sheriff Troy.

Fallout TV series[]

The Target[]

Entering the outskirts of Filly, Lucy passes by several Filly townspeople, two of whom she tries to introduce herself to but is coldly ignored by them. She then circumnavigated through the crowd of people and, after interacting with a Filly vendor, entered the downtown area of Filly.

In the downtown area, Lucy briefly watches as the Filly townspeople assume their daily lives in the town, one of whom was pulling a Brahmin.

Entering Filly, Wilzig and his Dog companion passed by various the Filly townspeople. Right after talking with Lucy and Ma June, the Ghoul calls out Wilzig as various Filly townspeople are alerted by the Ghoul's presence.

Moments after, Ma June puts a thousand bottle caps bounty on the Ghoul's head after he used his revolver to blow off Wilzig's leg. Most of the townspeople try and collect the bounty only to die by the Ghoul using his revolver against them.

As Lucy and Wilzig exit the downtown area of Filly, most of the townspeople are seen either fleeing or being consoled by the vendors. Maximus in a powerarmor would crash it by the Filly latrines where a townsperson was using one.

The Head[]

While Maximus performs diagnostics on his power armor, some townspeople are seen in the distance minding their own business. He'd then pass by more townspeople entering and walking through the downtown area where he spoke to Jamila to repair a broken part of his power armor.

Just as Maximus reinstalls the repaired part, townspeople are seen walking around a Brotherhood of Steel Vertibird flies into the downtown area. There, the Vertibird drops off Thaddeus in the center of the town, where more townspeople roamed about, much to Maximus' chagrin.

The Trap[]

When the Ghoul is taken to be interrogated by the president of the Govermint, Sorrel Booker, by Sheriffs Troy and Rex. The Ghoul would confess that, including shooting up the Super Duper Mart, he shot up Filly and killed roughly nine or ten people there. Troy then commented that his father lived in Filly, and the Ghoul commented that he doesn't any longer, but remarks unless he's a "coward". Aiming the confiscated weapon, which he took from the Ghoul, at him; Troy proclaimed that his daddy isn't a coward.

The Beginning[]

Eventually, the Brotherhood of Steel usurp Filly, and it's confirmed by a Vertibird pilot who mentions that the locals "put up a fight", but so did the Brotherhood.


Filly townspeople appear in the Fallout TV series episodes "The Target", "The Head", and are mentioned in "The Trap" and "The Beginning".

Behind the scenes[]

The unnamed Filly townspeople are portrayed by various stunt performers and uncredited extras.

Stunt performers
Fallout TV series characters