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Fallout Wiki

Roy Spencer is a character in the Fallout TV series.


He was born on October 23, 2069. His eighth birthday was the day of the Great War.

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

At his birthday party, Roy watches as Cooper Howard performs a lasso trick sitting on top of his horse, Sugarfoot. He then has a picture taken with him on top of Sugarfoot; after that is done, Cooper gently places him on the ground.

When it comes time for Cooper to leave, he tells Roy's mother that he hopes that Roy has a wonderful rest of his birthday party. Roy and the other party guests then head to the TV, where a weather newscaster reports on the upcoming weather. However, the weather newscaster breaks character over his concern about whether or not there'll be a next week, so Mrs. Spencer changes the station to a Grognak cartoon.

As the children watch the cartoon on the TV while enjoying their slices of cake, a bomb is dropped in the far away distance, causing the glass wall windows to break and shatter. Immediately after this, Roy's parents take him and flee to the fallout shelter they built beneath their house.


Not much is known about Roy's personality, but he acted like a typical young boy for his age.


Roy Spencer appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The End."

Fallout TV series characters