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Cleric Felix is a character in the Fallout TV series. He is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel on the West Coast in 2296.


It's unknown how or why Felix joined the Brotherhood of Steel; however, he had proven himself worthy to be raised into the ranks by becoming a Cleric.

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

Felix first appears during a class where he educates aspirants, such as Maximus, about their purpose as members of the Brotherhood of Steel. That, of course, is to find and preserve pre-war technology. He asks Maximus to identify one such relic and strikes him as punishment for wrongly identifying it as a rotor instead of a circuit. His class is then interrupted by the arrival of the Prydwen, as aspirants run out to gaze upon the airship.

He is later seen conducting Maximus' anointment ceremony. There, he informs Maximus about his most sacred duties as a newly promoted squire, which include protecting the Brotherhood, its mission, and his new lord, Knight Titus.


Felix is shown to be a strict and didactic person toward the aspirants he teaches and isn't against acting physically against them either, as shown by his interaction with Maximus.

Notable quotes[]

  • "It is the duty of the Brotherhood of Steel to secure the Wasteland. One day as squires, you will help knights find and identify prewar tech."
  • "The ability to defend yourself is but one part of your training. We are the finders and the preservers. Unless you know what to find and preserve, you are more useful as a corpse."
  • "Aspirant Maximus. It is your most sacred duty to protect the Brotherhood. After which, it is your most sacred duty to protect the mission. After which, it is your most sacred duty to protect your lord Knight Titus. Do you accept?"


Cleric Felix appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The End".


Fallout TV series characters