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Fallout Wiki

The Filly vendors are a group of characters stationed on the outskirts of Filly in the Fallout TV series.[1]


These inhabitants of Filly sell their wares in the town's market.[1]

Fallout TV series[]

The Target[]

As Lucy enters the outskirts of Filly, she passes by various vendors who try to sell their individual food and wares to the townfolks. One of the vendors who was selling Fresh Iguana-on-a-stick Lucy asked the vendor for information concerning her father, but was brushed off.[1]


Filly vendors appear in the Fallout TV series episode "The Target".[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Four vendors with speaking lines in the episode are played by actors Martin Pfefferkorn, David Bluvband, Julian Rozzell Jr., and Bari Hyman. Others are portrayed by uncredited background performers.



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 2: "The Target"
Fallout TV series characters