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Fallout Wiki

Martha is a ghoul in the Fallout TV series.


It's unknown when or how Martha was captured by the raiders with the intent of having her organs harvested or what life she lived before then as well.

Fallout TV series[]

The Ghouls[]

Martha appears locked freezer chanting that her name is "Martha", alongside other Ghouls, with the intention of having their organs harvested as Lucy was wheeled by Snip Snip.

Afterward, Lucy forces the two raiders Huey and Squirrel to release several ghouls and insists on releasing the rest. Still, the raiders reply that she doesn't understand what she's requesting. When the ghouls are freed, they are revealed to have turned feral and attack their captors. With the ghouls and two raiders dead, Lucy sees a ghoul walking toward her, constantly reminding herself that her name is Martha as if trying to retain the last bit of humanity. When Martha begins to growl, Lucy sees a 10mm pistol at her feet and knows what she must do. As Martha runs at her, Lucy pulls the trigger and puts Martha out of her misery - a parallel to Cooper's actions at the beginning of the episode.


Despite showing some desire to cling to her humanity by chanting her name to herself, she ultimately succumbs to becoming a feral ghoul.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Martha, my name is Martha. Martha, my name is Martha." – Martha talking to herself


Martha appears only in the Fallout TV series episodes "The Ghouls".


Fallout TV series characters