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Fallout Wiki

The chicken collector is a character in the Fallout TV series.[1]


This farmer lives in the area of the former Los Angeles and raises chicken for a living.[1]

Fallout TV series[]

The Target[]

The chicken collector beats up the Snake oil salesman, causing him to scream and wail in despair. Maximus hears this from a distance and decides to intervene upon seeing this interaction between them. When the collector threatens to kill the salesman, Maximus approaches them right as the collector has the salesman in his grasp. When Maximus grabs the collector by his head, he loosens his grip on the salesman, freeing him. The salesman then disparages the collector and jovially thanks his savior, taking his leave after that. However, after being released from Maximus' grip, the distraught collector reveals that the salesman had been fucking his chickens.

Watching the collector walk away, Maximus simply tells the collector to resume his business.[1]


Not much is known about the chicken collector; however, he deeply cares for the chickens he raises.[1]

Notable quotes[]

  • "The guy was fucking my chickens" â€“ The chicken collector to Maximus


The chicken collector appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The Target."[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The chicken collector's actor, Jake Garber, is also a makeup artist who worked as the head of the prosthetic department for the Fallout filming crew, including applying the makeup for the Ghoul.



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 2: "The Target"
Fallout TV series characters