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Brotherhood soldiers are characters in the Fallout TV series.


Soldiers of various ranks above the rank of aspirant are low-ranking active duty members of the Brotherhood of Steel armed forces taking part in military actions. Their uniform consists of grey/black combat suits with red undershirts or, in case of technicians, black vests over grey shirts.

Soldiers are led by Brotherhood officers in red overcoats. Vertibird pilots who wear grey flight suits and brown leather flight helmets also appear alongside them.

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

Some soldiers are seen standing in the crowd of Elder Cleric Quintus' speech about a target and his companion that are in possession of a dangerous device.

The Beginning[]

Eventually, multiple soldiers are seen in the Brotherhood of Steel usurped Filly, where Maximus delivers the fake head to Elder Cleric Quintus.

Some soldiers are later seen preparing for the upcoming NCR base invasion until their Brotherhood officer sends them off.

Upon arriving at the NCR base, multiple soldiers are seen fighting alongside their Brotherhood knights and officers against the NCR soldiers.

When they reach the base, they're confronted by the Ghoul, who kills off one of the knights, and another knight creates a blackout by shooting at a power generator. In the covert of darkness, the Ghoul kills off several knights and perhaps soldiers and officers too.

In the aftermath of the battle, several corpses of the Brotherhood soldiers are seen laid across the battleground.

Afterward, when Dane accompanied by several soldiers reach the room where Maximus is standing beside Lee Moldaver's body. Dane concludes that Maximus killed her and would thereafter be anointed as a knight, thereby leading a chant in Maximus' honor with their fellow soldiers, much to Maxmimus' chagrin.


Unnamed Brotherhood soldiers appear in the Fallout TV series episodes "The End," "The Head," and "The Beginning."

Behind the scenes[]

  • Other unnamed soldiers are portrayed by stunt performers and uncredited extras. A list can be found below.
  • It is currently unknown whether all soldiers wearing the grey/black uniform coat are squires, or whether only ones assigned to a knight use that title. During the Battle of Griffith Observatory in "The Beginning", they are referred to as just "soldiers" in the episode's audio description.


Stunt performers
Fallout TV series characters