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Go forth with honor! And may the shape of the future be cut by your sword!

Elder Cleric Quintus is a character in the Fallout TV series. He is the leader of a chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel that operates in New California in 2296, who would become Maximus' mentor for sharing a common goal for the Brotherhood. He is a supporting character in the Fallout TV series.


A veteran member of the Brotherhood of Steel, Quintus holds the rank of Elder Cleric and rules the western Brotherhood chapter with a firm hand. As an elder, he has seen enough misery and hardship to develop a keen insight into the nature of man and a cynical attitude to the wasteland. He is one of the few to believe in loyalty and strength of character, seeing violence as a tool to impose order on the wastes.[2]

By 2296, Quintus was carrying out orders sent by East Coast clerics under Elder Arthur Maxson, proudly stating in his speech to members from the West and East Coasts - that the future would be cut by their sword.[3] Elder Quintus displays a deep loyalty to the Brotherhood of Steel and its traditions; he sees himself as a leading figure in the organization's future. He states that violence is only a tool that the Brotherhood should use as a last resort; he also severely condemns any actions of violence against fellow members of the organization - even willing to execute those if they appear to be responsible. Above all, Quintus wants to see the Brotherhood restored to the position of rulers of the wasteland on the West Coast. With cold fusion, he believes that the Brotherhood can be reforged, with him at the head and people like Maximus, ready to take power where possible, as the sword.[4]

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

Quintus first appears during Maximus' interrogation. Quintus questions Maximus about his reasoning for joining the Brotherhood, to which Maximus responds by hurting the people who've hurt him. When Quintus informs him that his fellow aspirants have accused him of injuring Aspirant Dane, who was recently promoted to the rank of squire, Maximus denies doing it. When Quintus asks him why he would not do it since he has ambitions to advance in the Brotherhood, a knight looms over Maximus to pressure him to speak truthfully. Maximus admits he wanted it to happen but maintains he didn't maim Dane. Quintus states that violence against a fellow member of the Brotherhood is a sign of weakness and asks Maximus if he is weak. He is left amused when Maximus claims that he tries not to be. Quintus gives Maximus a chance to speak in his defense and is surprised when Maximus not only tells the truth but expresses his gratitude for everything the Brotherhood has given him and his desire to do anything to help them in their mission to improve the world. Before leaving, Quintus cleared Maximus of the charges and made Maximus Knight Titus' new squire. He then oversees his anointment.

Quintus is later seen giving a speech in front of the assembled Brotherhood forces. He informs them about the details of their mission, to find and capture the escaped Enclave scientist, who is in possession of an extremely powerful artifact. He instructs the knights to go forth with honor before sending them on their way.

The Beginning[]

Quintus appears in Filly during its occupation by the Brotherhood of Steel. Maximus hands over the supposed head of the target to him. Quintus has his men scan the head to discover it's a fake since it doesn't have the artifact. Quintus accuses Maximus of lying about the artifact as he lied about his culpability in Dane's maiming. The  Brotherhood knights restrain Maximus and point a gun to his head, with Quintus demanding confession. Maximus implores Quintus to spare his life, promising to lead the Brotherhood to the artifact's location if they do so. Dane then interjects, confesses that their injury was self-inflicted, and pleads for Quintus to listen to Maximus for the sake of the Brotherhood. Quintus commends such a rare display of loyalty and orders the knights to release Maximus, while it is notable that Maximus' admission and Dane's confession both came as a result of "theatre" staged and pressure applied by Quintus.

Quintus and Maximus later have a private talk, where Quintus asks Maximus about the circumstances of Titus' death. After finding out that Titus died running, Quintus disappointingly admits that the Brotherhood has "lost its way," before reminiscing about the time when they ruled the wasteland on the West Coast. He adds that power must be taken and not given, which is a lesson that he believes Maximus has learned and experienced well. He continues by saying that by leading the Brotherhood to the relic, the two of them will be able to take power that will allow them to start "a new Brotherhood," with Quintus as its leader and people like Maximus as its sword. He then reminds Maximus about his lifelong search for a home and offers him a chance to build one together, although regardless of what was said, Quintus assigned Maximus to first wave (vanguard) when battle commenced, where Dane was assigned as punishment for self-sabotage. After a clash with NCR remnants, the Brotherhood would capture and take possession of the relic and the Griffith Observatory.


Elder Cleric Quintus portrays himself as a holy sage and an inquisitor determined to root out character failings in the Brotherhood. He believes the Brotherhood of Steel has been diminished on the West Coast and claims to crave power to rectify that. He is ambitious and seeks to become the head of a new Brotherhood that will rule the wasteland. He appears to appreciate honesty, loyalty, and devotion to the Brotherhood.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Our mission comes from the highest clerics in the Commonwealth. It is believed that a denizen of the Enclave has escaped. And that he has with him an object… of profound potential… to harm our nation or to save it. Each knight in this legion will search a section of the Wilds for this target. Brothers… we exist for moments such as these. Go forth with honor! And may the shape of the future be cut by your sword!"
  • "Violence… is merely a tool. We use it to bring order to the Wasteland, but violence against a Brother of Steel is a sign of weakness."
  • "The Brotherhood has lost its way. We once ruled the Wasteland… And yet power is taken, not given. A lesson you seem to have learned. So, if what you say is true, and you can lead us to the relic, then together, you and I, we will take power. And with it… we will start a new Brotherhood. With me as its head, and the likes of you as its sword. Your entire life, you’ve been looking for a home. Build one with me."


Elder Cleric Quintus appears only in the Fallout TV series episodes "The End" and "The Beginning."



  1. Thaddeus: "I also bring new orders from the Elder Cleric. Uh, which I humbly relay. Mm. We're not the only ones in search of this remnant from the old world. The Elder Cleric says whoever gets the target will control the Wasteland. And, uh... we are to kill whomever stands in our way."
    ("The Head")
  2. Quintus: "We have given you a name. Food. Education. A place in the world. So, we expect you to give us the truth. Why did you join the Brotherhood?"
    Maximus: "To hurt the people who hurt me."
    Quintus: "I understand you're a friend of Aspirant Dane."
    Maximus: "Yes."
    Quintus: "You're aware of their injury?"
    Maximus: "Yes."
    Quintus: "Do you know who did it?"
    Maximus: "No."
    Quintus: "Your fellow aspirants say it was you."
    Maximus: "No, I... I-I wouldn't..."
    Quintus: "Why not? Your friend was promoted, you were not. You have ambitions, don't you?"
    Titus: "Speak."
    Maximus: "I didn't. I didn't do it. I did not. I... I wanted it to happen. Is that wrong?"
    Quintus: "Yes. Yes. Violence... is merely a tool. We use it to bring order to the Wasteland, but violence against a Brother of Steel is a sign of weakness. But are you? Weak?"
    Maximus: "I don't want to be. I..."
    Quintus: "You have anything else to say in your defense?"
    Maximus: "I just... I just... I-I want to thank you. For your guidance and... for giving me a home. I-I had no place in the world. So... if I can help the Brotherhood make it better... Eden or whatever... even if it means giving my own life... I'll do it. And I'd be grateful to the Brotherhood for giving my life meaning."
    Quintus: "Good boy. Then you will be Knight Titus' new squire."
    ("The End")
  3. Maximus: "Please... Please, I know where the head is!"
    Dane: "For the sake of the Brotherhood, please listen to him!"
    Quintus: "Such a display of loyalty. Don't see that much anymore. You think you're the first squire who coveted his Knight's armor? How did Titus die?"
    Maximus: "He died running."
    ("The Beginning")
  4. Quintus: "The Brotherhood has lost its way. We once ruled the Wasteland... And yet power is taken, not given. A lesson you seem to have learned. So, if what you say is true, and you can lead us to the relic, then together, you and I, we will take power. And with it... we will start a new Brotherhood. With me as its head, and the likes of you as its sword. Your entire life, you've been looking for a home. Build one with me."
    ("The Beginning")
Fallout TV series characters