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Fallout Wiki

Nurse Powell is a character in the Fallout TV series.


Sometime in his life, Powell became a nurse and was assigned to work with Dr. Nose Edmundson.

Fallout TV series[]

The Trap[]

Nurse Powell stands by as Dr. Edmundson abstracts a tooth out of Maximus' left arm and is told by the doctor that he'll need an antibiotic. Once the Dr. was finished treating Maximus, he followed him away.

Afterward, Nurse Powell would be seen eating at a picnic table and later again while Vault 4 dweller heads to the center of the Vault. Nurse Powell informs Lucy about the Surface Dweller tradition, which, in his opinion, is too rambunctious for him, and walks away.


Not much is known about Nurse Powell's personality; however, in his opinion, the Surface Dweller tradition is a little rambunctious for his taste.

Notable quotes[]

  • "It's a Surface Dweller tradition. It can get a little rambunctious for my taste." โ€“ Talking to Lucy about where the Vault 4 Dwellers are heading


Nurse Powell appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The Trap".

Fallout TV series characters