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Brotherhood officers and petty officers are characters in the Fallout TV series.


Brotherhood of Steel officers of various ranks lead the non-power armored Brotherhood soldiers taking part in military actions.

Their uniform consists of red coats and blue scarves.

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

At the Brotherhood of Steel airbase, a Brotherhood officer watches as an aspirant raises the Brotherhood of Steel flag. Later, after the knights arrival at the Brotherhood of Steel airbase. Brotherhood officer Shortsight and another officer watch as a Brotherhood technician listens to an officer feed him information over the radio about a ltarget.

Afterward, Officer Shortsight and another officer approach Maximus and Dane in the warehouse where the T-60 power armors were stored and inform Dane, they've been summoned.

The day after Dane was chosen to become a Squire, Shortsight investigates the cause of Dane's leg injury and finds a razor inside their boot. The blame is pinned on Maximus, who is later led by Shortsight and another officer to be interrogated, and they pass by a couple of officers overseeing a couple of aspirants' training. Standing outside of the interrogation location, was another officer armed with a battle rifle.

After unhooding Maximus and placing it on a table beside Elder Cleric Quintus, Shortsight would leave.

When Maximus visits Dane in the medical tent, Brotherhood officers are seen working in another tent juxtaposed to the medical tent.

Many officers stand and listen to Elder Cleric Quintus' and Shortsight alerts Thaddeus to pass out the target and his companion papers. They then watch as the knights and their new squires fly off in their Vertibirds.

The Head[]

Eventually, Shortsight contacts Titus, and Maximus answers in his place and covers up the fact that the real Titus had died by an ambomination by stating his squire died by it. An officer technician from the Brotherhood of Steel base assisted Shortsight with his communications, and a few other officers worked in the background.

The Beginning[]

Multiple Brotherhood officers attend Maximus' hearing, where he delivered the fake head.

While the Brotherhood soldiers prepare for the invasion of the NCR base. Two officers rally the soldiers to move on to their Vertibirds.

Upon landing at the observatory, the Brotherhood officers fight alongside their Brotherhood army knights and soldiers. Breaching into the observatory, several knights, officers including Shortsight, and soldiers are accosted by the Ghoul. After the Ghoul kills one of the knights by exploiting its fatal flaw. Several knights were then killed after one knight unintentionally destroyed a power generator, creating a blackout and an opportunity for the Ghoul to kill several knights and officers.


Unnamed Brotherhood officers appear in the Fallout TV series episodes "The End," "The Head," and "The Beginning."

Behind the scenes[]

Actor Brendan Burke portrays Petty Officer Shortsight. Kenneth James Yuille is credited as the "commanding officer" for "The Beginning", though it is uncertain what character he plays. Other unnamed officers are portrayed by stunt performers and uncredited extras.


Stunt performers
Uncredited extras
Fallout TV series characters