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Fallout Wiki

The birthday party guests are characters in the Fallout TV series.


The party guests are a group of children and adults attending the birthday of Roy Spencer at the house of Bob and Mrs. Spencer on October 23, 2077.

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

At Roy's birthday party, the birthday party guests watch Cooper Howard perform a lasso trick for them all on his horse, Sugarfoot.

A little later, when Cooper was getting ready to leave, Roy's mom asked the party guests who wanted cake, and they all answered that they wanted a slice.

Afterward, the party guests sing Happy Birthday to Roy, and when it's done, Roy blows out the candles on his cake, and it's served to everyone. They then watch the TV where the weather newscaster talks about the weather in the coming week, but breaks character, noting his concern about whether they'll be a next week. This causes Mrs. Spencer to change the channel to the Grognak cartoon.

As the party guests enjoy their slices of cake, a bomb is dropped off in the distance, causing the glass windows in the living room to break and shatter. The panic-stricken party guests and their parents start fleeing the scene.


The party guests appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The End."

Behind the scenes[]

The unnamed party guests are portrayed by various uncredited background performers.

Fallout TV series characters