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Fallout Wiki

The clerics are the religious leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel, having emerged at the dusk of the 23rd century. They rule with absolute authority, not unlike elders, though they have been criticized by veterans for over-zealousness.[1]


Elder cleric[]

The highest ranked cleric, effectively an elder in their own right.


The highest clerics of the Commonwealth were responsible for providing intel that led to a manhunt focusing on Siggi Wilzig.[2]


  1. Knight Titus: "This fucking place. There's always something to ruin your fuckin' day. This wasteland fucking sucks. The clerics, too. With their bullshit. Sending me on stupid missions for remnants that turn out to be a fucking toaster oven. You know what you could do with a fucking toaster oven? Do you have any idea?"
    (The Target)
  2. Quintus: "Our mission comes from the highest clerics in the Commonwealth. It is believed that a denizen of the Enclave has escaped."
    Squire: "The Enclave's real?"
    Quintus: "And that he has with him an object of profound potential to harm our nation or to save it. Each knight in this legion will search a section of the Wilds for this target. Brothers, we exist for moments such as these. Go forth with honor! And may the shape of the future be cut by your sword!"
    ("The End"