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Cutler Bend is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287.


This boggy mess of rusting boats, tires and other debris forms a makeshift bridge across the Charles River. A group of salvagers, Brenda and Lee, attempted to retrieve the riches locked in the military transport truck buried under the makeshift bridge, but only succeeded in annoying the local mirelurks.[1] They abandoned the location, leaving the mirelurks and stingwings behind, along with the pickings.[2]


Several boats form a crude bridge across the river, with clusters of mirelurk eggs, mirelurks, and three or four mirelurk kings waiting in ambush. Some minor loot can be found inside the trailer on the east side of the river behind the Advanced-locked door. A boat on the north side of the bridge contains a Master-locked safe and an industrial trunk. A connected shack and treehouse on the west side of the river include a cooking station and more minor loot, but beware the mines. South of the shack and treehouse up an inland path is a cabin and restrooms with more loot including a second trunk and a few stingwings, while to the northwest across the river is a small island with another treehouse and some notable loot.

Underwater beneath the bridge is an Advanced-locked military truck containing several containers of ammunition and a radiation hotspot of +30 rad levels. The water outside the truck contains some radioactive barrels.

Notable loot[]

  • Note from Brenda to Lee - Attached by a combat knife to the outer post of the treehouse on the west side of the river.
  • Vault-Tec lunchbox - On the small island to the northwest on the east side of the river, on the floor of the treehouse. Climb the fallen log to gain access.

Related quests[]


Cutler Bend appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

Cutler Bend is in the same geographical location as Cutler Park, on the shores of the Charles River in Needham, Massachusetts.



  1. Note from Brenda to Lee
  2. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p. 357: "[5.12] CUTLER BEND
    A boggy mess of rusting boats, tires, and other debris forming a makeshift bridge across the Charles River. This has long been infested by Mirelurks, and the pickings are good for those with quick wits. The caravan on the east shore of the river is locked (Advanced). There’s a shack on the west shore of the river."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)