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The public works maintenenceIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar area is a section of the Institute in 2287.


Built before the Great War as part of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology, this underground sewer system connected to the Charles River is possibly the only remaining direct connection between the Institute and the surface of the Commonwealth. It contains an intake pipe which the Institute uses to provide cooling water for their reactor.[1][2] The Institute is aware of the security risk and, besides locking the underwater sewer grate, it maintains a network of turrets throughout the sewer system as well as a security checkpoint at an old C.I.T. section connected to the sewers.

Before the War, a robotics lab in this section of the C.I.T. was secretly used by a student going by the online handle "4n1m4L" to experiment on an assaultron stolen from another of the university's secure labs. Things went awry after the student tried to make the assaultron run on a production treadmill, after which it ran into a wall, destroying both it and the wall. The student made an attempt to gather the destroyed robot and return it to its proper place but was interrupted by someone else investigating the ruckus.[3]


An underwater pipe due south of Ticonderoga leads into a small flooded underground room, where a security door operated by an Advanced-locked terminal in the northeast corner reveals a small area containing a steamer trunk. Further progress beyond the keypad-locked underwater grate to the northeast is only possible during the Minutemen version of the quest The Nuclear Option.

Past the grate, the player character must traverse a water intake pipe to reach a linear tunnel system filled with feral ghouls, mole rats, and laser turrets. A room before the tunnels contains an armor workbench. Afterwards, one will reach an old C.I.T. facility section prominently guarded by an Institute security checkpoint, with an Expert-locked terminal required to unlock the door. Several synth maintenance workers and laser turrets are inside this area. Once past the security door, the room to the west will allow one to reenter the pipe and reach the Institute concourse. There is a chemistry station inside this room.

Alternatively, heading further east down the sewer tunnel will lead to a generator room connected to the robotics facility, bypassing the security checkpoint door. A fusion core is located in this room. An Expert-locked security door to the northwest can be used as a shortcut; otherwise, heading northeast will lead into 4n1m4L's test lab, which contains another chemistry station, a weapons workbench, a robotics terminal with a holotape on it, amd an Expert-locked terminal which grants access to some minor loot. A classroom northeast of the lab holds nine cymbal monkeys and a Novice-locked wall safe, as well as an overdue book. Heading northwest from the lab leads to a room with a power armor station, and heading further northwest will lead to the inside of the security checkpoint.

Notable loot[]


The location has no local map for the area past the keypad-locked grate. A full reproduced local map can be found in the gallery below.


The public works maintenence area appears only in Fallout 4.



  1. The Sole Survivor: "Preston tells me you found a way into the Institute."
    Sturges: "That's right. I was hoping I'd find something worthwhile after all the time I spent cracking the encryption. And I did. One of things in the data you stole was a plan of the whole Institute complex - including the older sections that used to be part of C.I.T. Turns out they're still using an old water pipe that runs out to the river. Brings in cooling water to their reactor. Its entrance is underwater and is blocked by a security grate. Also the whole pipe is labeled "high radiation danger". But there isn't any other way in that I can find, so it's this or nothing."
    (Sturges' dialogue)
  2. The Sole Survivor: "It's hard to believe they left another way in."
    Preston Garvey: "Even the Institute can't live entirely cut off from the rest of the world. He's been analyzing that data you brought back. Turns out it included maps of their whole underground complex. He found some old tunnel that's still open to the surface - cooling water for their reactor. I figure you can get in that way and secure the teleporter, then use it to bring in the rest of our troops. We fight our way to their reactor, fix it to blow, and get the hell out of there."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  3. 4n1m4L's test logs
Institute flag
Fo4 Institute Seal