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Fallout Wiki

The billboard junk camp is an unmarked location in the Forest region of Appalachia.[Non-game 1] It is situated along Route 88, southeast of Black Mountain Ordnance Works.

The camp itself is unmarked, though with the Boardwalk Paradise update, the western entrance to Organ Cave (marked on the map as Organ Cave West) was added to the camp.


This roadside camp is surrounded by wooden walls and lies underneath a large Nuka-Cola billboard. Upon entering through the main gate, there is an armor workbench and a weapons workbench to the left. Nearby is a radioactive pile of toxic barrels and a tall yellow silo. To the right is a junk pile that can be looted. There are several crops set up throughout the camp, including tato and mutfruit, as well as some soot flowers. Wood is also in plentiful supply here, mostly through assorted wood piles.

The western entrance to Organ Cave lies within this junkyard.


The billboard junk camp appears only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

When Organ Cave's west entrance was being added in development, at one point the billboard junk camp was being considered for a block on player CAMPs, which is standard for marked locations. However, the team knew that the area was a popular spot for player CAMPs and opened it back up before the release of the update. Level designer Matt Thomas said that, retrospectively, it seemed to have been the right move to not block off the area from builds.[Non-game 2]




  1. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide: The Forest (Zone B) - Secondary Locations
  2. knockout.chat:
    "At one point, we blocked that area from building, which is standard for POIs. We all knew this was a super popular spot though, so we opened it back up before release. Seeing this post tells me it was the right move!
    Enjoy the cave! It's short, but I had waaaaaay too much fun working on it."