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Tyler County Dirt Track is a location in the Forest region of Appalachia. It is a public workshop with claim and defend event quests.


Tyler County Dirt Track planned to host a "Halloween Night Thrills" demolition derby of ten events in one night, featuring "Hot" Rod Daniels. Admission would have been $34.20 for adults and $24.20 for children, though parking would have been free, and "Halloween Hayrides" would be provided for families.[1][2][3]


This location is a large dirt race track with spectator stands to the north and south. The center of the track has been turned into a workshop area with resource deposits, excavators, and inoperable cars.

At the top of the southern set of stands is a two-story announcers' booth which can be accessed via a staircase at the back of the stands. There are cameras pointed at the track and several desks in the large room at the top of the building. The room contains a locked safe and a first aid and there is a Mr. Handy model on top of one of the desks.

When in the area, player characters can claim this as their own settlement. The building area encompasses the whole dirt track complex and extends a little beyond the northern road. Resources are limited, with water (3), food (1), fertilizer (1), junk (1), silver (3), aluminum (1) and steel (1). There is an additional chemistry station in the small shed to the west, just outside the perimeter.

This location is typically inhabited by feral ghouls.

Notable loot[]

  • Potential workshop plan - On a desk in the announcers' booth, to the right of a radio.
  • Potential weapon mod - On the roof of the announcers' booth, near the corpse of a settler.
  • Mr. Handy model - On a desk in the announcers' booth, to the right of a broken terminal.


The Tyler County Dirt Track appears only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

The Tyler County Dirt Track is based on the real world location of the Tyler County Speedway, also known as the "Bullring," in Middlebourne, West Virginia.



  1. Poster at Tyler County Dirt Track
  2. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p. 298 "22. TYLER COUNTY DIRT TRACK
    Here you battle a random assortment of foes and waves of enemies once you stake your claim to the workshop at this old demolition derby dirt track, adjacent to the fairgrounds. If your team can keep both locations, you can enjoy a plethora of scavenged resources."
    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia)
  3. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.297: "21. TYLER COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS
    "All the fun of the fair" has been replaced by "all the salivating horror of the Scorched." This large area of rusting fairgrounds is a great place to find uncommon items and search for health as you secure the nearby Tyler County Dirt Track (Public Workshop). Don't overlook the mechanic's warehouse either—a must-visit if you're a fan of pumpkin displays."
    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia)