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Goodbye my love is a holotape in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update. It is recorded by Cassidy Stolz.




My love... when you hear this... remember that I will always love you. And... remember the me in this recording, not the me I will become. We lost so many to this... disease... a-and I can feel myself slipping each day. I know my fate and I have come to terms with it. *Chuckle* Hey, remember how we met? New Orleans, my father's gala, one starry night. It started with the usual pleasantries, but blossomed into a heated debate on the legacy we leave behind. When we stopped, it was already morning. Despite your sight, you have a vision unlike any man I have ever met. I was... always drawn to your keen intellect and unique insight. *Sigh* My only regret looking back is that I never was much of a mother... but Audrey is our legacy. You must carry on to keep her from my fate. Promise me this. After all, I learned over our many wonderful years together, if Hugo Stolz wants something, he makes it happen.

Hey, do you remember the first night we met? At my father's gala? We- Oh, wait, I... just said that. *Sigh* Goodbye my love. Remember me fondly.
