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The Beast of Grafton - Part 1 is a holotape in Fallout 76 and is part of the Tales from the West Virginia Hills series of holotapes.


  • Grafton - Inside the mayor's building, behind the counter on a shelf immediately to the left as one enters.
  • One copy accompanies the corresponding issue of Tales from the West Virginia Hills, along with one copy of Part 2. Issues of the magazine are randomly found throughout Appalachia, including a selection of potential spawn points.

Drama summary[]

The series narrator explains the setting: the rural hills of Grafton, where a strange creature is reportedly lurking. Late at night, teenage couple Robby Cochrall and Peggy Mansfield are out on a date, celebrating the latter's birthday. Robby is driving very fast, making Peggy anxious. When Peggy asks Robby where they are going, he does not tell her, calling it a surprise. Peggy notes that there is only an old hospital by the river and a newly-built drive-in, teasingly predicting that they are going to the latter as an excuse for Robby to show off his new car. Robby claims that he thought a drive would be romantic.

Suddenly, Peggy warns Robby to look out, but fails to stop him from colliding into something in the middle of the road. Peggy believes it was a boulder, but it is gone when Robby looks; however, Peggy is certain something large was there given the damage to the car. Just then, growling is heard. Robby believes it is just a wolf, but Peggy is uncertain. When they hear the noises getting closer, they decide to escape to the hospital. Peggy realizes that she injured her leg in the crash, so Robby supports her as they flee. The narrator ends the episode here.



(Intro music)

Narrator: Welcome back, dear listeners. It's time once again to set aside all that you think know, all you believe to be true. Time to open your mind to the strange, bizarre, and sometimes terrifying world that exists in the shadows and fringes of our own where myth, legend, and rumor are made real. Yes, it's time for more thrilling TALES FROM THE WEST VIRGINIA HILLS! Tonight's episode, the Beast of Grafton is brought to you by...

(upbeat music starts)

Narrator: Dandy Boy Apples, apples so good they never go bad! And remember: an apple a day, keeps the doctor away! That's Dandy Boy Apples: fresh, delicious, and dandy every time! Pick up a box today!

(upbeat music stops)

Narrator: Our tales beings in the rural hills near Grafton where locals have reported a strange creature lurking in the woods. Robby Cochrall and Peggy Mansfield were out on a date, celebrating Peggy's birthday. A full moon looms large as they drove.

(Tires screeching, engine noise)

Peggy: Robby, you're going too fast!

Robby: Don't worry, this nuclear roadster handles like a dream.

Peggy: Where are you taking me anyway?

Robby: I told ya it's a birthday surprise.

Peggy: Way out here in the woods? There's nothing this far out of Grafton, except that hospital by the river. Wait, I bet we're going to that new drive-in over in Clarksburg, right? Just so you can show off your slick new hot rod.

Robby: Ah, come on don't be like that Peggy. I just that thought driving would be romantic.

Peggy: Oh, Robby... Robby, look out!

(Brakes screeching) (metal thuds)

Robby: Peggy, are you okay? Peggy?

Peggy: Yeah, I'm okay.

Robby: What happened?

Peggy: There was a huge boulder in the middle of the road. I tried to warn you, but it was too late.

Robby: But look in the road, there's nothing there.

Peggy: How could that be? I-I saw it plain as day in the headlights. And just look at the front end: it's smashed right in. I mean... it didn't just get up and walk away!

(Distant growling)

Peggy: What was that?

Robby: Probably just a wolf.

Peggy: That didn't sound like a wolf to me!

(Loud footsteps in woods) (louder growling)

Peggy: There it is again!


Peggy: Whatever it is, it sounds like it's coming this way!

Robby: Look, those lights by the river! That would be the hospital, we can get help there. Come on.

(Car door closes) (Footsteps in grass)

Peggy: Ow! My foot! I think I hurt it in the accident! Look, I'm bleeding!

Robby: Everything's going to be okay. Here, lean against me. Ugh, there ya go. (panting)

(Footsteps in grass)

Narrator: Will our two love birds survive such a harrowing ordeal? Tune in next time for the thrilling conclusion of the Beast of Grafton.

(Outro music)

Behind the scenes[]

Actors for the drama include:

