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Lucy's holotape is a holotape in Fallout 76.


The tape can be found during Tracking Unknowns, on the body of Lucy Harwick at the Dyer Chemical sewers.



Lucy: To anyone who will listen. My name is Lucy Harwick, and I'm here with many others just like me. We may look like those mindless things we call ghouls, but we're not. We're still people. REAL people with thoughts and feelings, and all those other things that make us all human!

Dan: Lucy, they're here!

Lucy: Shit. Everyone grab a weapon. We're not going down without a fight!

*People prepping* *shots firing*

Lucy: Duncan, I know that's you! You're making a mistake!

Duncan: You're one of them, Luce! There's no way I'm letting any of you walk out of here alive!

Kendyll: Lucy? Is that you? Duncan, you're crazy! We need to stop firing!

Duncan: Kendyll, stand down! Don't you point that gun at me.

Kendyll: Duncan, please, listen to them! We can't --

Lucy: Jesus, Duncan, you killed her?

Duncan: None of you ghouls are getting out of here alive, and nothing's going to stand in my way of finishing this job!

*shots firing* *people dying*

Duncan: There. It's done. You here that, Lettie? For you and the kids. Looks like I'll be joining you guys. Real soon... *dies*

