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Fallout Wiki

For Maude is a holotape in the Fallout 76 update Wild Appalachia.


The tape is obtainable during Waste Management, inserted into a control terminal in the pump station of the Burrows.



Marcus: Hello, 'Maudy'. Hopefully you're still alive to hear this after my... modifications to the bot targeting parameters. If you are, you've probably noticed that all the exits topside are sealed shut and you are... *laughs*... so screwed! I get it, Maude. You thought you were safe. You thought you built a home for all the helpless saps down here and refused to give way to how the world works now. That's how I knew you'd pull some dumb shit like this.

Before you and your crew ran off into the tunnels like a bunch of rats, you asked me why I was doing all this. The reasoning's pretty simple: the mean guys always win, Maude. Things are no different now than before the bombs. Hell, it's the reason most of us landed down here in the first place! I just figured I may as well be the one to mean up before someone beat me to it. *Laughs* Sorry, I was just thinking how my daddy would be so proud that his boy followed his footsteps in 'waste management'. See you in hell, Maude.

