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Neverending missions is a holotape in Fallout 76.


The holotape is found in Raleigh Clay's bunker, on a wooden shelf in the living room.



Eddie Hayes: I feel like it's been non-stop missions for a while now. Gather supplies, head out, take a beating, set up a thing, take a few more beatings, come home, heal up... rinse and repeat. Most days, I'm not even sure how we're still alive.

We've been working on this detection system for so long now, I feel like we'll never see the end of it. Detectors, lures, uplinks. I think I'd rather die then head back to another relay tower at this rate. But Raleigh and Niraj say it's worth it, and I believe them. Those Scorched are nasty business... And if I had the means to let people know they're coming, and better yet, maybe take a Scorchbeast out along the way? Hell yeah, I'd say that's worth it.

