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Fallout Wiki

John Bunton's holotape is a holotape in Fallout 76.


The tape is found on a rock near a crashed truck west of Grafton.



John Bunton: Damn it, is this thing... Okay. Okay, it's recording. Ol' JB here. And you would not believe what I'm seein' right now! I'm sittin' here drivin' this truck, and what do I see ahead, but a sky full of... well there's these streaks of light like nothin' I ever seen. Boy howdy, it's majestic. Like shootin' stars in the early mornin' light, only I ain't never seen 'em in the mornin' like this. It's like a rocket streakin' through the blue sky, or like a... oh... oh shit. It's a nuclear... <Faint nuclear explosion in the distance> Aw shit, it exploded. I was starin' right at it, and I... I can't see! I... I'm going to... <Sound of a truck running off the road, metal screeching, and glass breaking> <Nuclear blast shockwave hitting> <Sound of something large pounding on the metal walls of the truck's trailer and ripping the door off the back>

